Where are the fun titles?


New Member
Jul 1, 2008
I'm sick of all the nasty r***, monster sex, or drama crap these days. Does anyone know some fun ones to watch? By fun, I mean something like Darling. It was pretty funny as well but still had great sex scenes.
Maybe you'd like Akiba Girls. I've also heard Sora no Iro Mizu no Iro and Sexfriends recommended in similar situations, but I haven't seen them.
you can try:

Gattsu - Women at work (The Guts) - THE ガッツ
F3 - Frantic, Frustrated & Female 嘆きの健康優良児
Sentakuya Shin-chan 洗濯屋しんちゃん
Slight Fever Syndrome - Binetsu Shoukougun 微熱症候群
you should check out the hentai reviews over at animetric or hentaineko. that should help

Astb - i cannot believe you haven't seen Sora Mizu yet especially given all the hype, anyway i wouldn't recomment for the story. just the sex scenes
Funny titles from the 90s (some of them are not very explicit):

Karakuri Ninja Girl
Buttobi CPU
My My Mai
Shin Angel
Can Can Bunny
Agga Rutter
Tales Trilogy