where to download share


Oct 10, 2008
so far all rs links i found are dead. non rs links i found i could not figure out how to download. can anyone give me the link to download the Share application. thanks.
Not Found
The requested URL /Share_1.0_EX2_[Share-france.info].exe was not found on this server.

From the french server

Unfortunately, the link you have clicked is not available.Reasons for this may include:
- Invalid link
- The file has been deleted because it was violating our Terms of service.

at MU

I found I was able to get it from
I'm going to try this out. I hope I can figure it out.
Can anyone give the hash of a very small file that is almost guarenteed to be shared so can verify it is working as expected? I dont want to do this on a full ISO unless I'm sure I want it.