Where to find ero-figures


New Member
May 20, 2009
I'll be staying in Tokyo until the 2nd of September.

As an Otaku there are tons of stuff that would had interest me, but most are Region locked, in Japanese or both! So I decided to settle down with some ero-figures that I feel I can't find similar in my country.
I find it however very difficult to find them! Some otaku stores in Akihabara might have a couple in a sea of them, usually behind glass with a ridiculous price.

Can you give me any suggestions?
Are there any dedicated stores, or stores with dedicated sections on that?
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Ok.. so... Nobody answered.
I've roamed around and found a few stores my self. The Ero-figure sections where tiny and the prices insane, so I tried to find stores with used ones. I've got a good number of normal figures (some from UFO catchers) for me and my friends back at home, before settling on a single affordable Ero-figure.

My cheap normal ones. (the ones from Dragon ball and Konosuba goes to friends and siblings)

My expensive ero-figure. (boxed & unopened for 6880 yen)

I didn't even know the Hentai it was based on until I've researched it... It's supposed to be Misa-nee from Zettai Junpaku Mahou Shoujo by Raita.

(images from some random E-bayer)

However now I'm torn...
Given the prices I've been seeing online for this one, I feel like I've hit the jackpot given how little I've paid for it. They rarely ask for less than 110 euros.

Should I opened the box and keep the figure for my self, or sell it somewhere?
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