which actress/movie is this


oi! :D
Apr 12, 2016
I think the actress is half asian, i am not sure tho.
but the men there are asians and its probably made there aswell.

also in the bottom right corner there is something written i japanese i guess.
I hope you can read it, might help aswell.

Unbenannt_1.jpg Unbenannt_2.jpg Unbenannt_3.jpg

I am trying to find her for a years, would be amazing if you have any clues.
i am not 100% sure but i think what is written there is "ムラムラってくる素人
idk if it helps
The writing shows t's a video from the Muramura label, so it's definitely uncensored Japanese porn. Problem is they made lots of movies, a lot of them in hotel rooms like this so that doesn't narrow it down too much.

If you're bored you can look through their hundreds of videos at www.muramura.tv.
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thanks for telling me, yeah i will check every single one of them and if I find something i will post it here.

I tryed image sharpening on photshop and extracting the letters with ocr but I dont get the full text or decent result.
Maybe theres more info on it. If you have another idea let me know.
just checked all their videos there where like 1100, so only 100+ pages there but couldnt find it :(
I am thankfull for any other ideas or clues!
I found the video! Electromog was right, it is indeed from muramura. It's this one:


You can watch the whole thing on pornhub if you click here. And yeah, she doesn't look as attractive as on those screenshots, so I was doubtful at first, but if you go to 1:00:14 on the video and compare it to the second screenshot, you'll see that it's definitely the same girl. In the title of the pornhub video she is simply called Nadia, I don't know how accurate that is.
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Looks like she only uses Nadia or Madeleine as porn names, no last name given on any of the covers.
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thanks alot guys! would never imagine to find her xD
holy shit you are amazing!!!

too bad she only did one hc the rest i found where solo.
but still shes pretty hot imo :D
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