Which forum style do you use?

Blue or Dark?

  • Blue

    Votes: 21 53.8%
  • Dark

    Votes: 18 46.2%

  • Total voters


Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 7, 2006
I'm just curious which theme ('Blue' or 'Dark') you use. If you use another theme, please vote which you prefer out of 'Blue' and 'Dark'.

I prefer the dark theme, it's easier on the eyes.
To be honest there are so many features, options, and areas that I don't know what to do or where I am. But then why should this forum be any different than the real world. I guess half the fun in both places is figuring stuff out.

I'm using the blue theme, (which I take to be the default?). I would assume that the whole blue dark option is a "scripting" feature. I don't enable javascript when I visit here. It may handicap some of my options but ....there it is.
I think determining how much stress the eyes will receive lies in wether there is enough adequate lighting in the room. so be wise and don't neglect your eyes men. they didn't come with a spare ( well technically you could get a transplant but..yuck)Anyway I prefer the spring theme because it's the style i remember first. The dark theme can cause a drastic psychological impact on my mood so i steer clear of that one.
I like blue... All my towel are blue, LOL~
The default color is blue, so I never change...
I like the 'Spring' theme. It makes me happy. I'm a colorful person. But, I was told a few months back that there is something buggy with that theme (I don't remember specifically what it was). So I use the blue theme.

Is the 'Spring' theme still buggy?

_____ edit _____

Well, I gave 'Spring' a retry. One strange quirk was that where it says "Welcome rubiks6." near the upper right of the page, my member name is not a link to my profile page.

_____ edit again _____

Click on the attachment to see what my profile page look like in the 'Spring' theme. Now that's just wack. That's not my profile. That's not my avatar. I swear I did not create this image, it is just a screen capture. ... really weird.

Yeah, I'd say 'Spring' is a bit buggy. (Haha - that's a pun.)

How so? I use dark but have no troubles with smilies...

View attachment 197147

White on black... the smaller smileys have an uneven white border and the rep points also look odd with the same white edge, nothing serious, but...

BTW, when I joined, I was using a greenish theme, but then it wouldn't let me use some of the board's features (dunno remember which ones, but I remember having to switch to blue)
White on black... the smaller smileys have an uneven white border and the rep points also look odd with the same white edge, nothing serious, but...


Oh I see. Never even noticed...
Black is always elegant and pleasant to watch.
The letters in white or silver highlights much
better with this background color.