Which manga brand focuses on…?


Apr 1, 2007
I'm not too familiar with all the mangas in this section. I see that Comic LO and Comic RIN focus on loli, but what do the other mangas specialize in?

I tried going to the respective homepages but I can't read japanese and some of the pics are generic. Are there any manga which focuses on incest, shota, public nudity or scat?

Thanks for any help!
I'd say that all of the pics you'll see on their sites are general because most of the cartoons that they publish are general in nature. I've never seen a monthly anthology specialize in incest, shota, public nudity nor scat. I've come across single books that had a theme of the fore-mentioned topics but not an anthology. They're not that popular I guess…
Though some may not like this comment I see that Comic Unreal has the most scat.

Shota however you would have to look for shotagari (straight shota) and shounen shikou which has 24 editions i think and it's boy on boy but you might see an occasional straight one

for scat it's in the specific artist here are a few. Tana, Machino Henmaru,
Jam Kingdom, and Niku Ringo is all i can think of right now.
Those I believe are correct way to spell them.

And for public nudity i had an artist i mind but cant think of the name.
Thanks for the info , enlisteekid. I'd love to know who the public nudity artist when you get to recall him
