Whisper and its many forms

Is anyone else having a problem with the runtime constantly dropping? It usually takes over an hour (used to be 30 min) to do a sub. Sometimes it's so bad that I can't even upload a file, since it keeps losing connection. I'm using VADPro
If you're comparing VADPro with the other VADs, then yes, it's normal since it has different defaults which should provide a better result, at the price of taking longer.

If you're comparing to VADPro from some time ago, I don't use it often enough to tell if anything changed.

It's also possible you got a different GPU type since there's a few that can be assigned to you and they would have different performance.
Only way I know is to disconnect and then reconnect to a different session and pray. But every time I've used the colab(as a free user, paid may be different), I've only ever got a T4 so I don't know how likely it is that you get different ones.
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