Not seeing it with your attachment.
Go to manufacturer's website and get the latest drivers. Or if drivers were recently upgraded and problem happened, then do a rollback to the previous drivers (which were working properly, I'd guess.)
To show what you mean, you need a photo of the screen. A screenshot will be different on every screen.
A test: Look at the picture of the screenshot. Do you see it in that also? (You can maybe put the picture on something else and understand why we cannot see it.)
>>There are a lot of ways a problem can happen. I don't want to ask a lot of questions to figure out a problem I cannot see. I cannot be helpful by guessing, and you probably will have it go away or get worse before I come back.<<
My suggestion is figure out what changed (if anything) and work back. It might not be your graphics card... It is like lots of people holding hands... many softwares, many hardware, many firmware and even the OS. If anyone lets go something breaks. Worst case: If you can live with it, keep updating everything you changed until it 'fixes itself'.
With a lot more information I could probably help, but without anything I hope I gave good advice.