

New Member
Mar 30, 2009
For many gamers, Wolfenstein 3D was the first great shooter they played. Now, Raven Software’s working on a new Wolfenstein title, the latest next-gen chapter for the series that started it all. But will this modern Wolfenstein really offer fans anything new besides nostalgic memories of the original? The question only begs more questions:

Is it fun?
Will Mecha-Hitler finally make his big comeback?
How many Nazis does it take to screw in a light bulb?
And just how much does a can of soda cost at Raven’s office?

We took our queries straight to the developer’s headquarters in Madison, Wisconsin. The answers: Yes, no, twelve, and zero. That’s right. The soda machines at Raven spit out drinks for free. With all that pop flowing like wine, it seems that immediate access to a steady flow of caffeine and sugar have helped the team come up with some exciting additions for a Wolfenstein comeback.
The game takes place after the events in Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Heinrich Himmler’s plans to create an army of undead slaves have failed. But the Germans are still looking for new ways to ruin the world with their occult powers and our hero, BJ Blazkowicz is sent to investigate.

Your first mission sends you to a train station in the city of Eisenstadt to investigate enemy activity and search for clues about a mysterious medallion you stole in the game’s opening cutscene. Blazkowicz is still a man of few words and lets his bullets do the talking as he methodically works his way through the station, taking out enemy soldiers and sabotaging their equipment along the way.

The visuals aren’t revolutionary, but they are impressive. Little details - like the propaganda posters that overlook floors smeared with the blood of your victims and effects like the drops of water that slide down the screen when you’re crawling through a sewer - make a big difference.
The action is solid and features everything you’d expect from a shooter set in World War II. You’ll cook grenades and lob them at enemies behind cover, snipe foes from a distance, mow down squads with a machine gun, and rifle-butt anyone dumb enough to invade your personal space.

But it doesn’t take long for Wolfenstein to remind us that this isn’t your run-of-the-mill WWII game. “It’s set in World War II, but it’s really a science-fiction game… Wolfenstein has this cool history of dark science and occult – and we really wanted to push that,” explains Eric Beissman, creative director at Raven Software. No kidding. Suddenly, there’s a loud explosion and all the enemies in the train station start floating in the air. It’s ragdoll comedy at its best. There’s no time to wonder why gravity decided to take the day off, so we start shooting down our helpless targets as they flop about.
As a fan of the series I feel confident saying that I'm sure the game will be fun but I do have my share of dissapointments with this title. First of all whats up with the graphics although many will argue that their not that bad or that there is more to a game I think we can all agree on the fact that a game like Wolfenstein deserved better. I've also read from numerous people who have previewed the game that the in game A.I. is a joke. Hopefully the final build will play if not look better, I'd hate for this to be a game that is just trying to make a quick buck off of the title it holds.
I loved this game when it came out.
Any screens of what this game might look like?h
:perfectplan: :secret:
I'm guessing this thread will reveal our(people how are famliar with tis game) age. :whisper::snicker::surprised:
I'm definitley looking at this one. I was too young to really enjoy the first. Absolutely loved RotCW. It's multiplayer was what drew me into pc gaming(ST: elite forces, Red faction and Quake3 as well). As for the Graphics, I don't think they look bad but I just don't know why they even bothered to use the Doom3 engine as appose to the tech5. yes I know it would have taken longer but I'd figure if you're gonna make a sequel to one of your top franchise's, you might as well go all out.