This animated sequence of Cassini images shows
methane clouds moving above the large methane
sea on Saturn's moon Titan known as Ligeia Mare.
If you were in any doubt about the similarities between
Earth and Titan, this animation of several observations
snapped by NASA’s Cassini Saturn orbiter should
convince you otherwise.
As Cassini approached Saturn’s largest moon during
its July flyby the mission watched clouds develop
and dissipate over Titan’s large methane-rich
sea Ligeia Mare.
Over the course of two days, Cassini watched
the clouds blow over the sea at a speed of
7 to 10 miles per hour (3-4.5 meters per second)
For more details behind this fascinating observation
browse the JPL Cassini news release.
its July flyby the mission watched clouds develop
and dissipate over Titan’s large methane-rich
sea Ligeia Mare.
Over the course of two days, Cassini watched
the clouds blow over the sea at a speed of
7 to 10 miles per hour (3-4.5 meters per second)
For more details behind this fascinating observation
browse the JPL Cassini news release.
Sources: NASA/JPL