Wrong info on titles


Nutcase on the loose
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2007
many posts have wrong titles

you should look at rule 15
(Rule 15) not providing a description or preview with a content post

wrong info is the really the same as misinformation

here I am quoting Blu-Ray and HD etc, when it is only an mp4 1.50GB and 75 minutes, when 75 minutes in blu-ray should be about 20+GB, if it was taken from blu-ray say so, but do not put HD or Blu-Ray on the titles, infractions can be given and will be

and I know this post is not going to be on the new board


Nutcase on the loose
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2007
yes that was when backed up the first time, that failed, and we had to do it again, so we still had this

:) I hope to get smileys soon