XO, Tenma RiN, and Tenma LO collections ==UPDATED 03/02/2008==


May 30, 2007
I come bearing gifts! :)

Tenma RiN 01 - 39

Tenma LO 01 - 49

XO Comics 1 - 20

Bookmark it cause it's updated often :)

Some of them are mirrors to Razielhell's posts simply because it took me like 6 tries to get it from gigasize, and I imagine lots of people might want it from rapidshare.

Either way, I appreciate all of his work, as well as the work of all the other who've scanned them.

Enjoy :)

PS- JR Junior r*** is under the LO folder
Oh my, this is great!!

Thanks for these. These two tanks are the only ones I collect, and have to get them all!
Lo 45 is up. RiN 35 will be later today or tomorrow

Also reposted JR - Junior r*** in Lo directory because it vanished for some reason :/

EDIT: Someone has been reporting my Lo D:

I'll re-up, but if you guys notice anything else missing, tell me
The Tenma LO collection seems to be #22-#45. I don't see any volumes from before #22.... :puzzled:
The Tenma LO collection seems to be #22-#45. I don't see any volumes from before #22.... :puzzled:

I just said that <_< I'm reuploading them, along with RiN 35 right now... Though be a bit patient, as my upload speed is kinda sucky T_T

It should all be back up by this time tomorrow. Apologies for not keeping an eye on it >_<
Updated by adding volumes 36 and 46 respectively, as well as the entire XO comic series up to number 19 :)

Links are up top.
Added 38 + 39 of RiN and 48 + 49 of LO along with 20 of XO

Sorry for the delay :)