Your favorite and similar blowjob/deepthroat series?

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Here's another thing I like, for sex scenes as well: the post nut thrust.

After a nut, cock stays inside the orifice it's in, just taking in the moment. Then it makes a thrust, just to squeeze out those last drops. A break. And then one more. And then maybe another for good measure. Actress typically responds with surprise/shock and winces - they thought it's over but it's going overtime. Usually coincides with the actor forcing the actress's head forward a little.

But for the life of me I can't remember a good instance of this scene.
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Do you have a Google sheet that categorizes all the films with their specific features? Would be a hell lot of fun. We could even use apps script to build a search engine UI on top of that that allows us to search visually, like our own javlibrary for BJs.

Maybe I will create something like this someday. Again, I've seen it in that other thread already. Though at the same time, it will mean that I will be spending even more time on JAV... Depends on how much free time I'll have and how many worthy titles we will be finding going forward :)

Here's another thing I like, for sex scenes as well: the post nut thrust.

After a nut, cock stays inside the orifice it's in, just taking in the moment. Then it makes a thrust, just to squeeze out those last drops. A break. And then one more. And then maybe another for good measure. Actress typically responds with surprise/shock and winces - they thought it's over but it's going overtime. Usually coincides with the actor forcing the actress's head forward a little.

But for the life of me I can't remember a good instance of this scene.

Another important addition right there. I'm sure I've seen it somewhere as well, even multiple times, but nothing specific comes to mind. I'm sure it happens often in forced oral. But I can appreciate it: the pleasure is so intense that even "submissive" guys want to savor the moment

I've updated the list again :)

Added all this as an additional list item after "Finishes". And I also moved these two items below the "penis play", and put the "cum play" item even lower, to reflect the natural progression of the act (the "Other" stays the last since it's just a "catch-all" section for everything left, for now). Of course, these thrusts are logically during the finish, so I decided to have two items, before and after the finish

P.S. I had a feeling I've seen something like that with Leila in one of her works for... Real Works. At first I thought it was the "Throat Cream-pie" one since it's rough, and I especially remembered the scene with a guy in a small room (whatever this place is; maybe it's like an emergency exit or stairs). But upon checking, I haven't seen any thrusts from him. So then I've checked the "Girls Who Love Sucking Cock" one, and there is such a scene there: a huge cock, visible thrusts (starts at around 1:12:30), lots of cum, looks real enough. I have now added this as an example (and the second scene there is a great example of a spit-precum-cum puddle, or should we start calling it "an SPC-puddle" for short?)

(Though these are more like mid-nut + post-nut thrusts since they're going on throughout)

Finally, this also reminded me of another type of finish I came to like: cum-in-mouth-then-spit-on-the-floor; though it's disrespectful towards the cum, in some cases it's really hot (I provide a prime example there, and it also reminded me of another attribute: wearing masks... and that the scene after that one in the same movie is an example of great dynamics between the girl and the guy

And also, I remembered that possibly the best (though hard to... come by, of course) kinds of finishes for me is not just "cum-in-mouth-then-spit-out-on-palm": it's also "...then-collect-and-swallow-it". I'm sure I've seen something like that in DROP or KAGP... I'll be looking for this to gather examples... (there is one I remembered while writing it out in the list, and I gave it there, but it's not perfect... though very hot as it is)

By the way, I live in a country where more and more "adult" sites are getting blocked gradually over time, so is a good mirror for MissAV (there are some others, and I should note that does not have the "Parts" function for movies with multiple parts/files, and it doesn't even show that these parts exist, while, among other mirrors, has this function. Also, these mirrors differ in functionality sometimes, some seem to be aimed at China, like, etc.)

P.P.S. Man, these updates are endless... but I'll be looking forward to what else you have that will stimulate some more JAV memories in my brain :)
Okay, just a reminder for myself about the endings I should be looking for in oral JAV, in addition to the more general points here:
  • Cum in mouth, spit out on the floor
  • Cum in mouth, spit out on hand, shake off onto the floor
  • Cum in mouth, spit out on hand, play with it, then collect and swallow it (first of all, I'll be checking DROP and KAGP titles)
P.S. As far as I remember, there were quite a few scenes with great dynamics, especially in this KAGP series (or at least really great females, i.e. when they seemed like really likeable people in general, not just in terms of their BJ and throating skills :) ). So, time to re-watch those and maybe find something new. Maybe I'll even re-watch all of my favorites in the opening post. After all, some of those I haven't seen for a long time

Also, this reminded me again (I might have written about this before but not in the updated list): there is one more specific enhancer to the "...spit out on palm" kind of finishes: if the girl then makes the cum puddle move by moving her hand. I've now added this case with an example as well
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Goddamn. Yes, spitting out cum also gets a huge reaction out of me, though maybe the type I like differs from yours a little. Riko Tachibana's def done that before in one of her defiant raep themed films. I get off on feistiness so much. They gotta know how to spit too - not the dribble down type, but like a middle aged ojisan who gets some velocity and distance on it. It's frequently followed up by an angry "I'll never forgive you" stare.
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Btw, here's what I been working on - my personal, off grid database of high res JAV covers that's crawled from Amazon. It's very much in its infancy as I look to add more content and features, also shore up the design. Don't mean to digress, but I'd love to build one focused on the different types of blowjobs with links to watch them conveniently on those sites you mentioned.

The beauty of this thing is that it's off grid but not offline so I can share it with everyone, but it doesn't cost a cent and isn't subject to any restrictions from different territories.

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They gotta know how to spit too - not the dribble down type, but like a middle aged ojisan who gets some velocity and distance on it. It's frequently followed up by an angry "I'll never forgive you" stare.
Thanks to the Internet, we now have a word to refer to it, i.e. it's a "hawk tuah", but an angry one

Btw, here's what I been working on - my personal, off grid database of high res JAV covers that's crawled from Amazon. It's very much in its infancy as I look to add more content and features, also shore up the design. Don't mean to digress, but I'd love to build one focused on the different types of blowjobs with links to watch them conveniently on those sites you mentioned.

The beauty of this thing is that it's off grid but not offline so I can share it with everyone, but it doesn't cost a cent and isn't subject to any restrictions from different territories.
I didn't even know Google offered such a service. Great service and a great idea! Even though I suggested that script in another thread, the first thing I would add is a download button to quickly download the cover. This could be a smaller round one, and the link to watch it could be a bigger and a rounded-rectangle one

Also, it's good to know that one does not need to have a Japanese VPN to see these images, i.e. you can't see the product pages, it seems, but if you have the image links, those are not affected by the region block
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Also, another tool that comes to mind automate the process a lot are crawlers scrapers. I have some experience with Octoparse, but there are also other ones, including simpler solutions that are "packed" as browser extensions. Basically, it just does all the routine stuff for you: open the page, copy all the image links, go to the next page, repeat...

And I guess I can update the aims of this thread once more since they all complement the original idea, I think (we can see this database as one more tool that makes enjoying oral JAV series, standalone movies and titles even more)

  • BJ- and deepthroat-centric series (this site has series search/listing, though AFAIR, it didn't have some of the series I searched for, i.e. those that exist and do not seem to have been taken off the market; also see below for some basic search strategies) with special focus on self-deepthroat (at least for me)
  • Standalone titles and actresses that deliver the best BJs and deepthroats (here, the MissAV recommendation system helps, but it's mostly sometimes luck*, even though you can use keyword search or search within the same genres, tags, labels, studios, directors or actresses)
  • Big cocks and balls, especially the long and thin ones, maybe also "arching", with big hanging balls (aka the "configuration"; finding new... specimen here is also based on luck, though the same basic approaches described above also work sometimes), as they are the best fitting to go deep down the throat and pump a lot of stuff down there (i.e., in technical terms, it's about the effectiveness of the tool and the storage capacity)
  • Male actors that show up in the first two above or fit the third above (there is at least one database for that, see search guidelines above in this post; MissAV and some other sites also list some male actors sometimes)
  • Separate scenes that combine all of this stuff, according to our preferences (for example, here is my criteria for a good to great to perfect oral JAV scene, i.e. the more criteria are met, the better, recently updated as well)
  • Plus, as bonus, I have shared some of the tools to enjoy JAV (or any porn) even more, i.e. to work with loopers (MissAV is the only JAV site I know that offers this in its basic form), backward replay and censoring, image sources (e.g. high-res covers from Amazon), tools to optimize image downloads (e.g. scripts, crawlers), JAV databases, streaming sites, and VPN (to access some Japan-only content)
  • And an even more tangential bonus: what are your "most niche" preferences in JAV, porn, or life in general in terms of girls' looks, things they do or do not do, etc.? Maybe you really like when the girl can put a condom on with her mouth, or maybe you like thick eyebrows (like I do)
We started with the first two, and gradually added the second two, and then the fifth one to the search (these, as well as the tool discussion, are all organic developments of the original search, I think: the more you watch porn, the more you understand what works for you and in general, and there are other people like you who make JAV and they notice this as well, and they capitalize on that, creating these series, titles and scenes, using the same actresses and actors or those who fit those criteria, and again, there are various tools that help find, collect, organize, watch, etc. all of this greatness)

* That is, if you think that you can find all great oral scenes by searching; see my note in the following post about AKDL-267

It reminds me of that Chuunibyou anime where they had a club that eventually combined dark magic, sleeping, and other things
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So, this whole discussion about Amazon and VPN made me try and make Proton VPN work, but it didn't. But while I was on their site, I noticed that you can download Proton VPN connection settings to use in third-party apps. So, I downloaded a configuration for a free Japanese server (in a .ovpn file), installed OpenVPN Connect and used this configuration there. This approach didn't work, but it made me look for completely different services, and I found Psiphon

(Which reminds me that there are also ways to make Tor make its exit node Japan specifically, but it's a hassle and is not recommended since it basically go against the very idea of the Tor network)

It's free (if you're OK with limited speeds) and also gives you the ability to choose Japanese servers. It doesn't even need installation: the .exe file works as it is. It took quite a bit of time to connect to Japan (instead of the best-performing server set by default), but it worked. Just being able to browse Amazon as if I'm in Japan is enough. Overall, yes, it takes time, but it's free, and I can download some high-res JAV covers from Amazon myself now, again...

(The problem I describe below has been solved, and I leave the process as it is, ending with the solution so that you could use it if you have the same problem)

However, if I first search for 「フェラ AV Amazon」on Google, then switch to images and choose a cover I like (see example in the spoiler below), the Amazon site still says that this page does not exist, same as if I was not using VPN connected to a Japanese server. Is it that Google cache is so not up to date and the page has been moved? What am I missing here? Search results are the same as if I'm not using VPN with a Japanese server, which defeats the whole idea (the assumption of some content on Amazon being Japan-only) I had in mind :)

Google gives this example among the top ones for Amazon image search for the query above, in Japanese, and the image link still works even, so I was able to upload it here. However, even when connected via a Japanese VPN, Amazon says that the page does not exist... Looks like it might be not even a VPN issue but a whole Amazon porn removal... conspiracy :)

P.S. On second thought, maybe I just need to log into Amazon? Though even without logging in I can see other JAV DVDs, albeit there aren't a lot... Wait... Now that I've put more attention into it, what I see without logging in are adult DVDs but they're mislabelled as just DVDs (example): if I specify to search within adult DVDs, Amazon says it found nothing... Okay, I created an account with Amazon Japan (interestingly, seems like you need to create separate accounts for all these different-country Amazons: I could not use my existing account from another country). Problem solved: I can now see adult JAV DVDs, and even the AIKA one loads now, so it was an authorization problem after all (which Amazon was unhelpful enough to word as if the page actually does not exist — and isn't just inaccessible without logging in). Also, I didn't even need to use Japanese VPN... 不思議なこと


On the upside, I have remembered another noteworthy feature of "properly lewd" oral scenes: the girl spreading her mouth with her fingers to let the cock/cum in (I actually remembered it earlier today or yesterday when reading the new posts here, but it was this classic Western-porn scene I remembered about a few minutes before writing this post that reminded me about this again)

Which a bit later reminded me of another fetish of mine: "air blowjobs". And JAV has some of these as well: see the beginning of this title, for example

And a bit later still, I've added a lot more of stuff to the list. It would be easier to just check it in whole than to write about every new item. There is a whole new section added, so... Just check it out
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I love JAV but there’s one thing I’ve yet to see in JAV and that’s a Heather Brook deepthroat. Somehow JAV known for professionalism and actual whores doing a job they actually enjoy, I’ve yet to find a film where:
  • Dick clearly in the neck, either very long dick or use the reverse position
  • No gag response, no puking
  • Nothing leaks out, everything contained and swallowed, totally clean dick pulled out
  • Proof that the guy is actually cumming like how Heather often shows the first pulse before taking the dick down
  • No forcing, girl does it by herself
  • Smile maintained the entire time, no tearing up no crying etc
Most deepthroat JAV can’t even do the first thing, it can be questionable whether deep throat is even happening due to the length of the dick being visibly very close to the length of the mouth cavity and using a normal upright BJ posture.
Whenever reverse posture is used where you can actually see the dick going into the girl’s neck, the girl is always visibly suffering or at least having a severe gag response, which is normal human physiology I guess but we watch professional porn for the abnormal people, so where are the Japanese girls with minimal gag response?

JAV understands very well that spitting or otherwise wasting cum is not sexy when it comes to gokkun films, yet it happens all the time in deepthroat? Their remedy seems to use a bowl to collect all the things that leak/spill out and have the actress drink that back in which is hot in its own way but I’d also like to see a no leak deepthroat.
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I totally agree that all these points are unlikely to have been met consistently (to have something close to a website like Brook's) or even at all. There are a handful of JAV actresses that are true pros (Kanou Hana, Sasaki Aki, Nanase Hina, Hazuki Reira, Ogawa Himari...) that could do that (and, for example, with Himari, especially in the Asfur movies, it really feels like her talent is wasted on those short dicks that are shorter than average even, not to mention real porn-worthy ones) but there is... no market for that maybe?

Maybe JAV is just twisted like that on being about either overly masochistic — or overly sadistic males? I have shared in another thread that I would gladly exchange a lot of the puke-inducing irrumatio for the high-quality self-deepthroating

JAV, same as Japan as a whole, is just too patriarchal still: to imagine a girl having her own website or a studio where she demonstrates something like that... I would love to see this... but I doubt it's common. I have seen some Japanese channels on Pornhub, and there might be amateur girls/couples doing this, but I have yet to find anything from Japan, be it professional, indie, amateur, that meets all the criteria you mentioned

Also, I just thought: if you make a Pornhub page or an OF in Japan, do you have to censor it? I would guess that yes, you do, and this whole censoring thing is a pain in the ass and a significant barrier, I think. (Though I don't remember now if the Japanese content I've seen on PH was censored)

Since I really liked your list, I wanted to address every point with my opinion:

  • Dick clearly in the neck, either very long dick or use the reverse position
Yes, seems like there aren't many really long cocks in JAV, but there are some, as we can see by Annie Nakamura's works, for example (though those, even if they are real, might be too thick for effective self-deepthroating)

  • No gag response, no puking
  • Nothing leaks out, everything contained and swallowed, totally clean dick pulled out
Again, this seems to be more of a demand/supply thing: I feel like there is at least 10x if not 50x prevalence of forced deepthroat content in JAV

  • Proof that the guy is actually cumming like how Heather often shows the first pulse before taking the dick down
Fake cum is really a shame, a disgrace of porn industry. People need to make money, so it's one of the obvious things to use to simplify the process... but it's just disrespectful to the audience. I had this thought now: hey, there are obviously fake cocks and balls (the RKI stuff, for example), so let's have it like that: easily separable. If you want Freaks of Cock stuff, you go there, but in all other porn, we have some kind of a guarantee (like Kick Ass does, to give a Western example again: no condoms etc.).

  • No forcing, girl does it by herself
  • Smile maintained the entire time, no tearing up no crying etc
The only thing I might be willing to be more flexible with here is that I don't really need her to smile if she doesn't want to. She can just show what a pro she is, with a deadpan. There might be even more arousal in that for me. Just no gagging, no tearing up etc. Like this clip I keep recalling about every half a year. Yes, even the biggest sausage doesn't look like a lot of a challenge, but it's the whole attitude that makes me tick here: the music, her "victory" sign, her carefree expression (though she's not smiling a lot)... so effing hot. She has multiple clips like that, and every one of them gives me that itch you know where

P.S. It made me think of another "enhancer" for porn in general and for oral in particular: the contrast between cute looks and slutty demeanor (all those peace signs etc. while taking a sausage down her throat... such potent filth)
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Riko Tachibana's def done that before in one of her defiant raep themed films. I get off on feistiness so much. They gotta know how to spit too - not the dribble down type, but like a middle aged ojisan who gets some velocity and distance on it. It's frequently followed up by an angry "I'll never forgive you" stare.
By the way, could you recommend specific titles with such spitting if you happen to remember any? I though about it for a bit, and I don't actually know anything even close to that, apart from the Reira scene I already mentioned (I re-checked now, and it's not even a spit, though everything else is there*: even though I'm not into forced stuff, as I mentioned, if the atmosphere is right, e.g. it's a bitchy slutty gyaru, I can get off on it as much as the next guy)

* The specific time is ~1:25:30 here. It's just a dribble, yes, but also she licks it off after it's been in her palm, so it's actually a hit for the "cum in mouth, spit out on hand, play with it, then collect and swallow it", though without the play part... due to the idea of the scene, obviously, so, more like, literally, "cum in mouth, spit out on hand, lick it off and swallow it"
Okay, so I felt like Sherlock Porns today: first I solved the case of the disappearing Amazon JAV, and now I've possibly uncovered some inner workings of a certain JAV maker — and found an interesting prefix/series I've missed with Flower I already mentioned: FSEI

(I jumped to conclusions a bit below because I haven't really watched it before writing all of that. The reality is that the operator is a woman (at least in this part of the series), and the first guy is just one of the guys. But everything else stands. And it's a female operator, one of the enhancers I've mentioned, so it's possibly even better than I thought it to be)

This feels nothing special in some points yet somewhat fresh in others: for example, I really liked the idea of first the operator having a go with the girl and then gathering all the guys to meet the girl in the beginning* but then "use" the guys one by one in different positions and with different angles. Basically, that's it: otherwise, it's just a decent oral series, maybe (for now, I have only skimmed through it, so it's all preliminary, but a pleasant find nonetheless since it proves that even if you think that you've looked through everything in a studio, label, etc. — think again)

* Though something very similar has been used multiple times: even in the Western series I've mentioned recently (via the scene with Bianca) or, say, Sperm Cocktail content, there was the same idea of the "main guy who is also the operator" having the first go and then "giving" the girl to the "mob"

P.S. A small update on the criteria: I've expanded the "spit play" and the "yet to see in JAV" part sections and placed the former after the "teasing" part, which is more logical. And another later one: updated the "spit play" a bit more, as well as "teasing", "penis play" and "don't care much about" parts. I also added some more ideas at the top for future improvement of the list
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Okay, so I felt like Sherlock Porns today: first I solved the case of the disappearing Amazon JAV, and now I've possibly uncovered some inner workings of a certain JAV maker — and found an interesting prefix/series I've missed with Flower I already mentioned: FSEI

(I jumped to conclusions a bit below because I haven't really watched it before writing all of that. The reality is that the operator is a woman (at least in this part of the series), and the first guy is just one of the guys. But everything else stands. And it's a female operator, one of the enhancers I've mentioned, so it's possibly even better than I thought it to be)

This feels nothing special in some points yet somewhat fresh in others: for example, I really liked the idea of first the operator having a go with the girl and then gathering all the guys to meet the girl in the beginning* but then "use" the guys one by one in different positions and with different angles. Basically, that's it: otherwise, it's just a decent oral series, maybe (for now, I have only skimmed through it, so it's all preliminary, but a pleasant find nonetheless since it proves that even if you think that you've looked through everything in a studio, label, etc. — think again)

* Though something very similar has been used multiple times: even in the Western series I've mentioned recently (via the scene with Bianca) or, say, Sperm Cocktail content, there was the same idea of the "main guy who is also the operator" having the first go and then "giving" the girl to the "mob"

P.S. A small update on the criteria: I've expanded the "spit play" and the "yet to see in JAV" part sections and placed the former after the "teasing" part, which is more logical. And another later one: updated the "spit play" a bit more, as well as "teasing", "penis play" and "don't care much about" parts. I also added some more ideas at the top for future improvement of the list
Thank you for providing this review and the JAV maker. I usually buy the videos separately by model on the merchant websites like FC2. But I didn’t think they had a longer format of all those videos put into one.

I’ll continue to support them still and buy new content that comes out from them from time to time. (:
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Thank you for providing this review and the JAV maker. I usually buy the videos separately by model on the merchant websites like FC2. But I didn’t think they had a longer format of all those videos put into one.

I’ll continue to support them still and buy new content that comes out from them from time to time. :)
Glad I was able to help without even meaning to :)

It was just an interesting discovery in itself. Another proof that if you just get enough data and experience, some breakthrough is more likely to happen (among other things, your brain will build the connections without you even knowing, so you'll be more prepared when you see the next hint, or even the same one again — because you'll have more information to work with in total)
So, with some advances in researching indie JAV and better understanding what I like about BJs, I guess it's time to go back to the actresses I had in my favorites since a long time ago. I'll start adding them one by one, beginning with those that I favorited first.

But even before that, I noticed that I also had some movies noted as favorites, so let's begin with some of those that I would still recommend now but have not yet covered here. And the first one is...



I've already noted it here since I got reminded about Hoshikawa Maki, and man... I still remember how I felt at that time, and I even wrote a review*, my only review on the site, about this very movie, leaving a note there about Yuuno Hoshi** and her ball-play, by the way (that this movie would have been even better if the BJs had been deeper and more varied)

Now I would say that I like most things about this movie: the actress, of course (her looks and her voice, and her playfulness most of all), the overall atmosphere, the variety of cum receptacles for her to use (which is another criterion for me but it's more about bukkake, not strictly oral — since if we include all these details into the general list, we would have to add, for example, the best foods for the cum-on-food fetish, in which case I would most likely say yakisoba-pan or hot dog***), and the blowjob scenes were great as well, with lots of talking and play

Overall, if you haven't seen it, I recommend it. I have now added it to honorable mentions in the first post of the thread, considering that, though it's mostly a cum-eating movie, the BJ part is noteworthy as well for the atmosphere, the play and the talking (including the dirty talk if you know Japanese even at about intermediate level like I do)

Also, since she's in the list of my favorite stars as well, I have now also added her there

* Which made me think that I should check out not only the favorites but also the other lists I have there (the to-watch one etc.) for some more potentially great stuff that I haven't seen yet
** So I guess that's the girl we'll start when we get back to my actress list (some special treatment that she deserves, though I don't remember watching her work that much — and with all the praise she gets around here, all the more reasons to remember her in action!)
*** And maybe I'll give some special attention to the cum-eating and cum-on-food I really like, though I have already noted those in the dedicated thread, so for now, I just noted these as a bonus note to this one

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So, with some advances in researching indie JAV and better understanding what I like about BJs, I guess it's time to go back to the actresses I had in my favorites since a long time ago. I'll start adding them one by one, beginning with those that I favorited first.

But even before that, I noticed that I also had some movies noted as favorites, so let's begin with some of those that I would still recommend now but have not yet covered here. And the first one is...



I've already noted it here since I got reminded about Hoshikawa Maki, and man... I still remember how I felt at that time, and I even wrote a review*, my only review on the site, about this very movie, leaving a note there about Yuuno Hoshi** and her ball-play, by the way (that this movie would have been even better if the BJs had been deeper and more varied)

Now I would say that I like most things about this movie: the actress, of course (her looks and her voice, and her playfulness most of all), the overall atmosphere, the variety of cum receptacles for her to use (which is another criterion for me but it's more about bukkake, not strictly oral — since if we include all these details into the general list, we would have to add, for example, the best foods for the cum-on-food fetish, in which case I would most likely say yakisoba-pan or hot dog***), and the blowjob scenes were great as well, with lots of talking and play

Overall, if you haven't seen it, I recommend it. I have now added it to honorable mentions in the first post of the thread, considering that, though it's mostly a cum-eating movie, the BJ part is noteworthy as well for the atmosphere, the play and the talking (including the dirty talk if you know Japanese even at about intermediate level like I do)

Also, since she's in the list of my favorite stars as well, I have now also added her there

* Which made me think that I should check out not only the favorites but also the other lists I have there (the to-watch one etc.) for some more potentially great stuff that I haven't seen yet
** So I guess that's the girl we'll start when we get back to my actress list (some special treatment that she deserves, though I don't remember watching her work that much — and with all the praise she gets around here, all the more reasons to remember her in action!)
*** And maybe I'll give some special attention to the cum-eating and cum-on-food I really like, though I have already noted those in the dedicated thread, so for now, I just noted these as a bonus note to this one

Speaking of ASW, many people including myself thought ASW went out of business, but what actually happened is that they started releasing their work on DUGA instead.

The reason I thought this is that most JAV films released on DMM/FANZA and that what I mostly see when I search for stuff. I can't believe they're still making films and most people have no idea.

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That's great to know, thank you for sharing this as well!

On a side note, I've already checked 5 more movies from my old list of favorites and 4 of them are already listed in the opening post, and the fifth one is UAAU-038, a cock-worship one from the series I mention here. I will take a look at it and see if it's noteworthy oral-wise

P.S. Guess what's the first title that caught my eye when I visited the page you linked? This one. To know that Kawana Aki is still filming is great news by itself, and to know that she's filming for Asfur (or S.P.C, don't know how to put it correctly) is double-great

P.P.S. Or is it just a compilation of her best scenes or even cum-shots with her (judging by the "collection" in the title and the screenshots here — by the way, I haven't checked the ASW code for a long time, but JAV Library still follows it, it seems)?.. In any case, they're doing something, and even have new content, even if without Aki (the last new work she's done is from 2023, and the two "new" titles she's in are the one I linked and the one before it)... Let's just hope they can get her one more time at least :)
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Okay, so, a small update for now: I've checked out not just UAAU-038 but a few other films in the series, but the BJs in all of them are just OK (overall this series is worthy of attention, especially if you like the premise, but not from the oral point of view)

The series has quite a bit of variety, e.g. the last title in it, UAAU-090, has a sub-title that reads "Incest tastes like sperm", and in the first scene, the actress not just gets cum in her mouth and spits it out onto her palm but then licks a bit of it off. Some of the titles add the mother's masturbation scene as the first one (they also have their name changed slightly)

Also, UAAU-032 reminded me of another enhancer: when the actor makes the cock "twitch" — which also reminded me of the very common "cock reveal" part of JAV, so I updated the list with these as well (so even the "actor" section is... growing now)

Still, overall, these enhancers don't have a lot to enhance — the "base oral action" in the series is of quite low intensity :)

P.S. I also moved the precum play before the spit play since I feel it should be done before the actress adds any more liquids onto the cock (i.e. pure precum play is arguably the best and only way)
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Another minor update to the criteria; not really related to BJs and even JAV but some general notes on my preferences. Possibly the most "niche" there is that I really like thick eyebrows (but maybe only blonde or light ones). And to be honest, it's not even in every scene: with Blake Blossom that I provide as an example, in some scenes, her eyebrows are just there, in some, they are too dark... but in this scene, for Hussie Pass, the eyebrows are a huge boost to her appeal for me. Maybe it's because, — some unexpected turn ahead, — she looks a lot like Adele here... or in general?.. Hm... Celebrity lookalikes...

(Or should I cal them "big" or "tall"? Thick eyebrows can theoretically be the same area but... literally thicker. Blake's eyebrows are more like tall... Hm... I'm really an amateur in brow-ology)

At least two: first eyebrow, second eyebrow

blake blossom's eyebrows at their best.jpg

So, I have a bonus question for this thread now (and I also added it to thread aims): do you have any very peculiar or even strange preferences like that when it comes to appearance, or action, be it in JAV, or porn, or life in general?
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