JAV database


Akiba Citizen
Nov 2, 2010
@Mods: If this is the wrong forum for my thread I'm terribly sorry. Please move it to the right one. Thanks.
I read the forum rules and hope that I don't violate them. :scared:

For more than a year I'm thinking about developing something like AniDB (I guess some of you know that website) for JAV. One point would be a reliable and central source, the second one a chance to organize your JAV (DVDs, CDs as well as files). And you also can easily keep on track about your favourites AV idols or genre. :please:

I would appreciate your thoughts about it. :bow-pray: I know that it is nothing you can build in one night. Also you need a lot of people for such a project (programers, mods, users that update the data).

About my person:
I have experience in the development with Java and SQL - and also some knowledge about PHP. I only have some basics skill about HTML and CSS. And I'm a total loser when it comes to design issues (visual design, not code design). :hi:

My favourite AV idols are Rio Hamasaki, Yuu Kawakami, Neiro Suzuka, Rina Wakamiya, Rin Aoki and Saki Tsuji. :inlove:


I Know Better Than You
Mar 19, 2007
What, you don't like dmm.co.jp?


Akiba Citizen
Nov 2, 2010
What, you don't like dmm.co.jp?

Isn't it just a normal JAV webshop? And in difference to other JAV webshops the website is only available in Japanese, not even in English. :puzzled:

EDIT: I found the link to english version in the dmm Thread: http://en.dmm.co.jp/top/
I will have a look at it later. But regardless from that I think it isn't what I'm talking about. Maybe I should describe my idea in more detail.


Akiba Citizen
Nov 2, 2010
Sorry that I didn't write anything until now. I hope that I will have more time starting next week to explain my idea. :sigh:

By the way: You can add Erika Kirihara to that list. :nosebleed:


Akiba Citizen
Nov 2, 2010
Slowly it really hurts. I guess I will start the project in my next vacation. I totally lost track of my collection. I'm sure that I even have some AVs two times or more. :dotdotdot:
I will make some notes in the next two weeks and publish them here. I'm curious about your opinions and maybe you also have some ideas. :cheer:


Aug 13, 2010
err... i guess nice idea, if its in english :notagain:

one question, if it does work/start (the project , sorry bad english) is it like some kind of catalogues/list ? i mean, it "just" shows "information" like titles, covers, actress(es) , labels, and of course w/o any download link

and bout users, maybe it'll be like wiki where people has rights to edit or add new

but even adding might be a bit difficult to handle, i mean, to avoid having doubles


Akiba Citizen
Nov 2, 2010
Yes, of course in English. I thought about something similar to AniDB - if you're familiar with their site. Means there will also some Japanese, but only the original title and the original name of the performer, director and so on. I also want to show the translated title as well as the names of the involved peoples in Romanji.

But maybe it will be a program and not a website. I have not much experience with creating / programming websites. And my designer skills are really worse.

And, of course, user should be able to add or alter informations. Such projects live from the participation of the community. As the programer I only can provide the community with the program / website.

Yes, it will be something like a catalog. I know a few website (in most cases JAV webshops and JAV blogs) about JAV. But there are always a few things that I don't like or that are missing. So that's my motiviation for that project. I think it is not a good idea to provide download links, expecially for file hosters. The files are always offline so fast. It would end in an endless update of data records. In that aspect I would prefer a system like AniDB has: No links, but information about files (like quality, meta data, hashes and so on).

I guess the only way to avoid doublets / duplicates is the movie number from the studio (e.g. ADZ263, DV1280, SDMS934, SKY165, NHDTA124) and maybe the cover. If you don't have that you can't create a new data record.


Aug 13, 2010
i dont know/ never checked anidb before, but i know vndb, and judging by its name, i guess its similar, as "db" stands for database i guess

im currently a college student attending information technology major, but well, i myself has no previous experience making a "complete sofware", let alone "website" :study: lolz, poor me

so i guess, good luck then :exhausted:

well, i guess perhaps if u really start/work on it, theres not much need to make err.. how do we call it... "a beautiful website" as long as it's easy to use, and serves its purpose, and well.... something like "appropriate" for basic designing rules (such as button/placement consistency, having at least some kind of guidance of "where i am now and where can i go to" , etc, well i guess u have much more exp than me regarding practical things)

above all, dont mind me
good luck :study:


Akiba Citizen
Nov 2, 2010
Sorry for not replying earlier. But the 1st week of my vacation was canceled. :rainyday:

I'm already a software developer with some experience, but most of my experience I have with programs and only small experience with websites.

Another problem is that most free-of-charge webspace providers exclude porn in their general terms and conditions. So you can't use that webspace for such a project. And even if you pay for it, porn is allways excluded. :curse:

If that database is written as a program, you still have the problem of exchanging the data. One solution would be to send the files via PM message in this board. But that is not very convenient. And if there are more users later on it will be a bottleneck. Especially if additional people can't help organizing the incoming data - means you will have no mods. So that causes also some headaches. :sick:
But maybe it's a good way to start the project. :cheer:

Any requests / recommendations for that project? E.g.:
  • I want an well documented interface so I can use that database in my own program.
  • I want to be able to follow a certain performer, studio or series and get a notification everytime something changes.
  • ...


Akiba Citizen
Nov 2, 2010
Your idea made me think of this (Japanese languagu) JAV wiki site:

Yes, that's right. There are many sites and every one of them includes a little aspect of what I'm planing to do. And they all are also held some information about performers or movies. The informations are distributed over the internet. From an user perspective it would be nice, if there would be one central point where I can get all the informations. Of course that assumes that many users are taking part in such a project. It can't be done by one or even by ten. It should be easy to use and open to the community in two ways: Everyone can take part (most blogs and so on are one-man-shows) and there should be an interface, so that people who want to write their own programs / websites can use the data, too. And, eh, yes, it should be in English. A nice-to-have would be the internationalisation of the user interface (not the data).

What do you think about that?


Akiba Citizen
Nov 2, 2010
In the meantime I had two additional ideas:

Idea #1: Something like that marking of people which most of you surely already know from facebook. It would prevent that someone asks who is this or that on the cover.

Idea #2: Including links to online streaming sites like xvideos and userporn. Means you if you open the record of the movie, you also will see links to the online videos. But you also would be able to search for the movie / performer using the link from one of these sites.

By the way: I'm currently working on a first prototype. It will have not much functionality and so on, but it will somehow demonstrate what I want to do.


Aug 13, 2010
heya, dropped by :thief:

I dont quite understand your #1 idea , could you explain what does anything have to do with "facebook", "marking people", and "asking who is this...." ?

Talking bout online streaming, there's a site that i know that offers "full movie stream" (oh well, if your internet connection is fast and stable enough to stream the whole movie of course) -> hot-jav <- and also, of course the site's contain is not actually "complete" in a literal sense (there's just way too much titles, right? and it's a bit hard to find "old" titles). but it might be good enough to be a "reference"

and there's another site which u might have known, u can call it a "database" i guess since it has many titles and also host downloads, and nowadays it even has fetish finder plugin (actually its sorting based on fetish selection, u can select more than one kind of fetish) -> actionjav <-

by the way, u might call im a newcomer at jav thing, since that i knew it from maybe...one or two years ago, and i just remember something

how to put it in english :exhausted:
lets say/assume that most of jav downloads u can find nowadays are 2008 at the oldest.
then, ur goal is to create some kind of "wikia" database (not hosting downloads, just information) , so, do you intend to make a restriction of "oldest release date" ??

i.e, restricting that the "oldest" ones are from 2007, so basically titles from 2006 and before wont be accepted.


Akiba Citizen
Nov 2, 2010
Hello silverkhingz,

about idea #1: Often people ask who is this or that performer on the cover. I want to create the possibility not only to write down all performers that are taking action in a movie, but also do some kind of marking in the cover shot picture which one they are. Means you will be able to move your mouse cursor over the performer on the cover and the program will tell you who this one is. Of course only, if someone already marked her before. Otherwise I doesn't work as the program won't include any face, body or pussy recognition.

about idea #2: I said like xvideos and userporn. Of course there are many more streaming sites and the program will include all the ones the community prefers for there deaily dosis.

I also looked at the actionjav site. That site isn't bad and somehow near to my idea. My database will also contain categories as well as tags. So everyone should be able to find his favourites movies.

I don't plan to put any restriction on the data. In my opinion it's all about the community. If the majority wants that: Okay, let's build it in. But I don't think that anyone needs that. So you also will find older movies.

I hope I can release the prototype as soon as possible, so you can see what I mean - not only read it.


Aug 13, 2010
you should've just written "photo tagging feature of facebook" LOL

i read your sentence wrong :exhausted:

looking for it then :piripi:


Akiba Citizen
Nov 2, 2010
Hm, I started with the prototype, but unfortunately wasn't able to finish it in my vacation. Now I'm working again and don't have that much time. But I'm thinking that maybe I should program it as a website, even if the webserver runs locally on the computer of the user. I still haven't found any solution to the problem where to host the project. But that way it will be easier to migrate the project later. Means if I find a hoster that hosts my project and also supports Java and certain libraries (Servlet, JSP, ...). Even if it runs as a local webserver, I still have the problem if the data interchange between the main database (somewhere on my harddisk) and the database of the installation of each user. And with this architecture it isn't possible that moderators can handle the requests (create, update, etc.). Hm...


Akiba Citizen
Mar 5, 2007
Allright. As I found out it is alive. :please:
Regarding above links:
- English version of DMM is almost useless because it only contains the POV and monthly subscription videos.
- sougowiki is quite nice example, though not really well designed (as most japanese sites) and far from complete. Thanks for the link though.

My ideal database would have the following features :
1) - Basic database functionality:
- wiki-style info about titles, performers, studios, series, etc.
- bilingual (EN/JP)
- categories, tags
Examples: asianmediawiki, sougowiki

2) - Social network/community aspects:
- wishlist, want to see list, my collection, etc.
Example: mangaupdates.com
- comments, rating
- discovery function (finding users with similar preferences and their lists)
Example: lastfm

3) - Collection organizer:
- Probably desktop application to search through video files and get their details + import from CSV? Manually edited/confirmed output of the app would be imported to "My collection" in the web database

4) - Advanced features:
- face tagging/recognition
Example: facebook
- advanced filtering (eg. remove disliked performer, genre or tag from search results or prioritize them)


:warning2: Few problems and questions:
ad 1)
- Just romanize the japanese titles? Because for most of the videos there's nothing like official English title and the titles of warez releases are usually auto or Chinese translated crap.
- What to include? Probably only DVD/BR/VHS and major website content. Or photobooks and printed material as well?
- Data source. For historic releases let's say some shops can be scraped and edited. But for new releases? There's just too many to input them manually... And this is not a project that could employ full time editor...
- Editing: Who should be allowed to edit the data? Anyone or mods only?

ad 4)
- I think facebook has some facial recognition ability, so it can mark the same face on two similar photos, but I'm not sure. I use it quite rare. Anyway at least some algorithm to mark/frame the faces on the cover is needed.

- Motivation for users to add/edit data? Besides the undying love for some performer and general geekiness. :pandalaugh:
- Legal aspects. I wouldn't include filesharing links or any warez-related stuff (google + akiba can solve this in most of the cases and if the community grows enough private messages or related forum/BBS can help). But does anyone knows how it is with using the cover images, sample movies etc?


Akiba Citizen
Nov 2, 2010
Sorry that I didn't reply to this thread earlier. But at the end of the year it gets somehow stressful at the company. And in addition I caught a cold. :curse:
But not I have vacation and I will write something later this day. So stay tune. :cheer:

@grisa & silverkhingz: A huge 'thank you' for your interest. :goodmood: