Aimi Yoshikawa ...retired?


Active Member
Aug 24, 2009
She seems to be dating another woman I don't know if the girl is another Jav star but shes been posting pics with her alot the translations dont make sense but shes says the word love several times theres hearts all over the place and they are kissing on the mouth and holding hands. I think its serious and I am happy for her. Hope this means she does more lesbian scenes its been a while since shes done them!


Active Member
Aug 24, 2009
Well looks like shes retiring. Can anyone translate her insta stories? She posted another video holding hands with who I think is her lesbian lover.


Dec 13, 2014


Akiba Citizen
Oct 25, 2009
She said she regretted becoming AV idol, but she had no choice because she didn't graduate from high school. She gave this advice to her followers: if you don't want to end up like me, study hard.


Akiba Citizen
Feb 24, 2014
She said she regretted becoming AV idol, but she had no choice because she didn't graduate from high school. She gave this advice to her followers: if you don't want to end up like me, study hard.
It's a stupid message from her. It's not like if you leave school, as a girl, you can only do porn to earn money. Like everywhere in modern countries, it closes you doors for many jobs, for sure, but there are many jobs were you don't need any degree. You will not earn as much as a popular AV actress, but you will not regret it after.


Dec 12, 2008
Don't be a whore...the majority of women all around the world are smart enough to figure that out.
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Dec 13, 2014
If she doesn't have any degree, she'll probably live off her body for the rest of her life, I don't think she has any special skills,Besides, it seems to waste all your money in nonsense


Akiba Citizen
Oct 25, 2009
Perhaps "regret" is a bit lost in translation. In the West, regret is for something you did, a bad decision or action in a moment of weak. After you have regret, you can next confess your sin, and receive forgiveness and maybe redemption.

In Chinese or Japanese, it can mean something more generic depending on context. (a) I regret stealing a candy, (b) I regret I watched TV instead of doing homework, (c) I regret I was so lazy, (d) I regret I have a lazy personality, (e) I regret I was attracted to easy money, (f) I regret I had big tits. It's all the way from blaming myself for a bad outcome to generic complaint about ... almost like complaining about fate, or weather.

In her case, I think it's like saying, "I wish I were a different person" or "I wish I had a better/stronger personality".

By all accounts, she has a very strong (un-Japanese) personality. She doesn't waste a second saying out loud what's on her mind, what she does like and does not. Playno1 claims that at the same time she is difficult to work with AND studios likes working with her. I think what he's saying is that she is a culture shock to work with (very rude and un-civilized, by Japanese standard) but once you get past that, she is very transparent and upfront. She is also famous for wanting more and more money, and she's very willing and eager for paying jobs, another reason studios are willing to work with her.

She did used the word 'regret', but I don't know if she did regret any one or series of specific decisions. And I have never seen or heard her complaining about any industry person. I think she always make her own decision (a previous report by playno1 said "once Aimi say no to something, it's a complete waste of time for anyone to try to change her mind") and she knows that. And she owns her decisions.

So I think of her 'regret' somewhat in the line "I wish I had smaller tits and a bigger brain)

Anyway she's quitting AV because she is going to switch to "full-time" hostessing at a hotel, essentially full-time prostitute. Consider that fact when you read her 'regret'. I think the melancholy feeling pops out not because regret is strongly correlated to retirement. Perhaps, she's leaving AV without hard feelings, maybe she blames herself for weight problem and understand industry is justified to pull back from a ballooning idol. No matter what, she's not retiring from AV to develop herself or any "legit" future plan, she's continuing even intensifying her sex career. (IIRC playno1 claims Aimi had never worked a day in her life (other than selling her body).

As hostess the fashion and dim work environment makes it easy to hide her fats. She also only need to satisfy a much small customer base.


Feb 20, 2015
About the "full time prostitute", you mean for real she will have sex with her clients as a hostess? I thought they only offered oil massages and blowjobs at most... Do you also think that if a millionaire comes one day offering $1 million dollars to become his sex toy will she accept the offer?


Akiba Citizen
Oct 25, 2009
Well commercial sex with penetration is illegal in Japan. Hand job is ok as kind of massage. Blowjob actually I am not sure...

Anyway if you have a rich Japanese man and connections it's commonplace to obtain sexual service from AV idols, even non-AV celebs. It's pretty much standard operating procedure in many countries. It's a sliding scale how much you need to pretend to be a would-be boyfriend vs. how much you can behave like a customer. I hear one typical case. The guy is a taxi driver in Hong Kong, definitely lower class. He eats the cheapest fastfood and work long hours for many many years to save up all his money and then even take out a loan against his home, and then for 6 months he got a celeb for his girlfriend, going to expensive restaurants and clubs in expensive cars, and in-out-in-out luxury hotels with his "girlfriend" and getting his+her photos on all the gossip rags. When his money is all spent, she got a new "boyfriend" and he went back to driving taxi 18 hours a day. He's living the rest of his life as a debt-slave paying off his loan, but he's happy. Ok it's not just pure sex, but 15 minutes of stardom and living like one. Anyway it's open secret many celebs are available to have an "affair" with any random guy with cash on hand, but only you need to put up your half of the "affair" story, i.e. expensive cars, expensive fashion (for the "boyfriend"!), expensive (esp. pointless gifts like fancy flower arrangement) gifts.

With many AV idols including Aimi I am sure it's very close to "customer" end of the sliding scale. But still you need some connection, you can't just walk into the hotel she's working at, plunk down a wad of yens (it won't be nearly as much as a million yens) and expect to fuck her. They need to trust you and figure out you won't cause trouble to her and to the hotel, e.g. say posting on Facebook. So in the end it's cash for sex, but there's still a little bit of selection going on. Foreign tourists need not apply.

My guess... it's getting more foreigner friendly. So if you take a 6 weeks course in verbal Japanese, go to the hotel she's at, hire some non-famous hostess a few times to learn the proper mannerism and let the hotel knows you, and then hire Aimi a few more times for just simple hostessing sessions (chatting and drinking) (it will be a challenge not to bore her, remember she's a temperous one), keep it up for several days (even weeks if you look foreign) then maybe finally she will give you a handjob or paizuri, for a price. And if you spend enough time and money at the hotel, I am pretty sure you will eventually get to fuck her, even without condom. (and I am guess even at this point, it wouldn't be US$1 million yet. close... maybe :D )
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Feb 20, 2015
I'm not sure if japanese thots are better than the western ones... in any case just from reading this, I might go as well and buy me a beautiful silicone or TPE sex doll. Hopefully in few decades they'll eventually walk and talk. Has anyone wondered if AI sex dolls could potentially replace a porn actress from any country?

I guess japanese women (just like any woman) only care for the money and status quo more than virtue in a man... that's why many men are becoming herbivores or going their own way wisely.


Akiba Citizen
Jun 14, 2012
I'm not sure if japanese thots are better than the western ones... in any case just from reading this, I might go as well and buy me a beautiful silicone or TPE sex doll. Hopefully in few decades they'll eventually walk and talk. Has anyone wondered if AI sex dolls could potentially replace a porn actress from any country?

I guess japanese women (just like any woman) only care for the money and status quo more than virtue in a man... that's why many men are becoming herbivores or going their own way wisely.

WTF are you talking about


Feb 20, 2015
About men dating any kind of idols. I thought japanese idols were a little bit easier to catch after they retired (like in Aimi's case).


New Member
Sep 18, 2013
Doing porn is a shit job. It's mentally stressful and physically as well. I have a friend who is a porn director in Japan, his current name is Hiromichi Hose, and he even had to take a break from work for a few weeks due to burnout. @erokantoku is his twitter

But as she said in her retirement message, she only graduated from junior high school, which is the bare minimum of education you are legally required to get in Japan so her career opportunities have been limited. She said she regrets doing porn probably because it's a dead end job and it's hard to go back to a regular job once you have the stigma of porn. Her message was basically "stay in school so you don't wind up like me."

Currently she is working here: It's a hostess club (kyabakura) in Tachikawa, which is a suburb of Tokyo. Her name there is "Ren." But doing hostess work in Japan is similarly dead end like porn, but it's yet another job that anyone can do without experience or education. If you want to meet her just go there. Cost is about $45/hr and generally what you do at these hostess clubs is just talk to the women. Of course they will flirt with you and lead you on to try and get you to stay as long as possible drink lots of expensive alcohol and spend lots of money. No sex though. Prostitution is basically legal in Japan (technically penetration isn't) so if you want to get sex there are a million other places you can go to.
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