how to organize your deleted jav collection


we all make mistakes
Jun 6, 2007
a lot of cyber-ink has been devoted to the organization of jav collections. how to store and efficiently retrieve videos. i collect and organize these threads. there is this one:
and this one:
and this one
and this one
and this one
and this one
and this one
and this one
and this one
and this one
and this one
and this one
and this one
and this one
and a special mention must be made of akiba senior member… i think, casshern2 whose database application has been a work in progress for years now. his postings on the subject and its relevance to jav organization are widespread. in fact, they are so numerous that i think that they deserve… no, forget that. they’re just fine where they are. and i encourage you all to look for them.

but none of these addresses the question of how to organize the videos that you’ve discarded, deleted, or just otherwise never want to see again. over time, this gets to be a big problem. you will see the cover of something you might want and then conjure up the inevitable thought, “didn’t i download this awhile back?” now i realize that some of you who are somewhat new to jav believe that once you’ve seen a japanese girl get fucked by an octopus, that you will remember everything about it for the rest of your life. but you are wrong. (try to stay young.) if you bless and keep it on your machine, you can use any of the hundreds of methods suggested in the above threads to find the film and re-affirm its place in your collection. but what if you don’t? what if you download it, watch it, and then decide, “nah, not for me; i mean, the octopus was all right but the girl just didn’t have the proper enthusiasm… into the recycle bin she goes”. then several years later, you once more chance upon a jav cover with a good-looking octopus and you think, “hmm… is this the same one that i saw before?” how do you determine the answer? you can’t look it up in your files. the code won’t help. it’s not there. you deleted it. what to do?

i run across problems like this constantly. (poor memory. i’d forget my own name if it wasn’t tattooed on my ass.) i judge videos by their covers. trouble is, half the time that gorgeous girl on the box turns out to be rather plain in the flesh. or the sexy cover costume is hardly worn. or the promised perversion isn’t performed to my satisfaction. they all get deleted. but then, years later i see the same alluring covers and get easily fooled into downloading them again. what a waste of time and resources.

but i came up with a solution. (i’m not saying it’s the best one. this is a jav discussion. discuss me into a better one.) you need a good file-searching tool (not that… that THING that comes with windows). i use “everything” from (small, clean, free). then i create a folder called “deleted javs”. and then every time i delete a jav, before i zap it into the recycle bin, i create a notepad file for it with its alpha-numeric code in the title followed by the word “deleted”. then i put it in the “deleted javs” folder. so when i see—oh, let’s say an interesting old tsubomi video—i can quickly look up not only whether i possess it, but also whether i’ve previously viewed and deleted it. i have over 50 tsubomi videos, but surely i’ve deleted well over 100 others. and those are just drops in the sperm bucket; for she has made over 2000 videos, with no end in sight! (she is one busy girl.) after awhile, many of them sort of blend together. so when i see something of hers that actually stands out, my first thought is “do i already have that one?”. then i get out my search app, put in the code, and voilà… i’ve got my answer. often that answer is “deleted”. [in the beginning, i put in brief explanations to myself after the word “deleted” (eg, “good cover, bad flick”). but i found that to be superfluous. now if it says “deleted”, that’s it. i move on.] the beauty of this is that it’s instantaneous. since i’ve made a file for each deleted video, i only need to search file names. if i had put the same info in the text of some file instead, my search would take much longer… seconds, minutes, hours depending.

anyway, that’s what i do. some people seem to have unlimited time and resources to devote to jav. they don’t need to do this. but for those with limits, it helps. the wasted time it takes to download and view even one unwanted duplicate far outweighs the small amount of time it takes to create the notepad files. it helps me. i’ve become rather fanatical about creating files for all the jav i delete. i even have a similar folder with the codes for all the videos i’ve streamed but don’t ever want to see again. it’s a habit. good habits are worth being fanatical about.
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