jav : a social inquiry


New Member
Feb 16, 2007

made this thread so that people may answer questions about cultural aspects that come up when comparing jav with western av's.

for starters, why are there censoring in these videos? it makes me think that they show these censored javs on cable tv and that the only way to show these kinds of videos on cable is to censor the genitels.

another thing i was wondering about was why the girls cum faces look so contorted or painful. kinda looks like they are not enjoyin the orgasms. or is this some sort of cultural thing where japanese men perfer this look so they actress do as requested.

lastly, the squirter titles are very misleading. do squirters in japanese mean pissing after cumming? cuz in western av's it means the actual lubricant that lines the vaginal walls that actually squirts out.

any thoughts or actual answers would be appreciated.


Super Moderator
Apr 2, 2007
why are there censoring in these videos? it makes me think that they show these censored javs on cable tv and that the only way to show these kinds of videos on cable is to censor the genitels.

wikipedia said:
Censorship Laws

The religious and social taboo against nudity has historically been weaker in Japan than in the West: "pillow books" detailing sexual acts were widely sold in the Edo era, and women and men routinely worked in the nude and bathed in public up to, and even after, the Meiji Restoration[citation needed]. While in Western society nudity has typically been a taboo, that idea entered Japan only after Meiji-era and how deep that idea is rooted is argued. Extreme public nudity, such as showing the genital area, would nevertheless be prosecuted in Japan (except in public baths). Oddly enough, Japan has only had one or two nudist beaches, and these were private.

In Japan, it is illegal for any commercial work to display the human vulva and phallus in an explicit manner. This law dates back to the Meiji period, and has never been amended[citation needed]. There are illegal photobooks on sale in Japan, called binibon because of their shrink-wrapping. However, it is not uncommon for pictorial magazines to depict nude women with their genitalia airbrushed over in black, and video pornography routinely depicts explicit sex scenes with the participants' genitalia obscured by mosaics. Until 1991, the entire pubic region, including hair, was deemed obscene and unpublishable. The publication of Kishin Shinoyama's Waterfruit book marked the first widely distributed publication to feature public hair. Many video production companies belong to ethical associations which provide guidance on what is acceptable and what not. Biderin is the oldest and the most strict. In 2007, the police have started to prosecute webmasters who allow uncensored pictures on their sites.

It is also illegal to bring pornographic material into Japan, and customs agents are known for checking videotapes in international mail and hand baggage. Extreme cases, like multiple offenders or attempts at commercial importation, could be punished by fines but most merely have their contraband confiscated. Applications of this law did not change in recent years, but more offenders are caught in recent years as checks became tighter to prevent the drug trade and terrorism.

There is also a thriving genre of underground pornography in Japan (called urabon) that ignores these censorship laws: it has become especially prevalent on the Internet, as there are no mechanisms in place to prevent its transmission from Japanese nationals to the outside world. Around 2000, Japan introduced laws to outlaw child pornography to bring their laws more in line with those of the U.S. and other western countries.

In short, it's becoz of the law imposed by the Japan government.


Swedish Meat
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Dec 7, 2006
Superimposed 'decency' to protect our fragile minds.


New Member
Feb 16, 2007
that censoring law brings a tear to my eye. that's just the type of protestant religious bullshit that i would expect here in the states. but thanks for the information, very enlightening. so then i'm assuming the uncensored versions are the ones that are sold outside of japan?


Super Moderator
Apr 2, 2007
so then i'm assuming the uncensored versions are the ones that are sold outside of japan?

Yes. As long as the uncensored videos are produced and released at outside of Japan, they won't be affected by that censorship law. For example, tokyo hot and AVentertainment.


Super Perv
Former Staff
Nov 16, 2006
.....to bring their laws more in line with those of the U.S. and other western countries.


I really need an angry smiley for this post....


Swedish Meat
Staff member
Super Moderator
Former Staff
Dec 7, 2006
We'll have them implemented soon enough.
Stick to caps in the meantime.


Super Perv
Former Staff
Nov 16, 2006
This was originally posted by Lucanaoe on a different board. I think it's a fine comment on JAV censorship. I certainly enjoyed reading it.

So I hope you don't mind this Lucanaoe, but I thought it would be good to have over here....

Theres several reasons why censoring exists, the first one is legal(although not the major reason of today). Japan passed laws censoring explicit art because westerners that entered the country hundreds of years ago found the highly sexual nature vulgar. So as to impress and become more westernized, and "civilized" japan passed censorship laws. Its an old law, and an often overlooked law, that hasnt been changed because the conservative japanese dont want it removed, but the japan majority dont want it any stricter. So technically, im assuming if you're white, UK or aussie, your over-conservative western ancestors are to blame for JAV censoring.
The major driving force behind censoring today is the japanese men. They, not you, are the money that powers the JAV machine. Industry always follows consumer demand and demand for a long time, although shifting, is towards censored. Japanese culture dictates ideal beauty is hairless labia majora with very little labia minora protruding, and a light skin tone of both. If you want to change it, shell out 100 billion Yen a year for just uncensored titles.
The close second is, also money. Jav actresses start out censored, in a couple years, then do uncensored when their popularity lowers(reason for this movie), to bring back the fans and their money, because lets face it, few of them have other "skills" to make a living on. This type of marketing may remind you of the Own-it-today DVD release of US movies, followed by a Directors cut or Special Edition a year later. The seasoned JAV actress is not ashamed in the least.
Another important reason for censorship among actresses today is to attract new talent. You need an understanding of female mentality, all women, even JAV idols have partial if not complete low-esteem about physical appearance, especially in japan. Japan is by far the most "shallow" or beauty obsessed country Ive ever been in. Most of your favorite ultra cute JAV Idols were persuaded by censoring.
Marital propiety is an older reason for censorship. Not major today, for obvious duh reasons.


Jan 20, 2008
Dunno what you have been exposed to, but the repressed censorship in Japan has led to the more extreme fetishes being more exposed. Most of which are not censored, therefore are more readily available than in the west(where they are regulated). Animal porn is (wierd in my eyes) but is not censored in the same way that genitalia / pubic area are in Japan.


New Member
Jun 20, 2008
One thing I'm curious about is why the exposure of butt hole is not deemed as illegal in Japan.


New Member
Mar 17, 2008
One thing I'm curious about is why the exposure of butt hole is not deemed as illegal in Japan.

That's funny, I was asking myself the exact same question LOL

Thanks to previous members for the information on censorship ;)