More than 3,000 detained in porn crackdown in China.


Señor Member
Oct 28, 2008
Anybody here from China sneaking a peek at porn...

Don't worry we won't tell. :secret:

More than 3,000 detained in porn crackdown

More than 3,000 detained in porn crackdown

Mon Dec 14, 1:02 pm ET

BEIJING (Reuters Life!) – Chinese police have detained some 3,470 people so far this year during a crackdown on online pornography and closed thousands of pornographic websites, state media said on Saturday.

In August, China formally backed down on a plan to pre-install Internet filter software on all new computers sold in the country after an international and domestic outcry.

But the government maintains tight controls over the internet, saying it has to do so to protect young people from bad influences. Activists say it is more to do with stifling criticism of the ruling Communist Party.

The official Xinhua news agency, citing the Ministry of Public Security, said "more than 1.25 million items of online lewd content and nearly 7,000 pornographic websites and columns" had been removed from the internet this year.

"The police also cracked more than 3,500 erotic cases," Xinhua said, without elaborating.

The aim of the campaign was to "purify (the) social environment and protect minors' mental health," the report said.

Despite the harsh words and action, pornography remains relatively easy to obtain in China, mainly in the form of pirated DVDs hawked on street corners.

(Reporting by Ben Blanchard; Editing by Bill Tarrant)


Oct 25, 2009
The police also cracked more than 3,500 erotic cases

Did anyone else think of the show "Silk Stalkings" after reading that bit?

Thanks for the story link Gir633. Very interesting stuff.


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
You'd think the government would allow people to look at pornography considering:
(a) the size of the population,
(b) the limitations already in place on how many children a family can have, and
(c) the comparatively more expensive alternatives to society (medical bills for venereal diseases, fees for abortion, the expense of maintaining an orphanage, etc).

If this was Japan, then while sad at least it would be rational news. ¬_¬


Nutcase on the loose
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2007
it just seems so extreme, but have they shut down AO there, or because animae acceptable.if everybody downloaded from erotic sites, then they would run out of prisons, I thought most DVDs was made in China, so it is alright to make Erotic DVDs but not watch it


Jun 18, 2009
Run out of prisons? Are you kidding? hahaha
IF it was possible to run out of prisons in China, I'm sure they'd just build more. If they didn't build more, I'm sure they'd just kill them or make them "disappear". People have been killed for less -_-v


New Member
Oct 7, 2007
I'm sure Chinese men are not that different from Canadian men.

Scientists at the University of Montreal launched a search for men who had never looked at pornography - but couldn't find any.

No pornography is not a viable alternative to pornography, sex however is. If promiscuity is considered amoral and undesirable, than (early) marriage and sexual relations within marriage need to be stimulated when censoring pornography.

Fighting the male sex drive is beyond an uphill battle.

If this was Japan, then while sad at least it would be rational news. ¬_¬
Are childbirth / sexual intercourse really directly linked to the consumption of pornography?

It would make more sense to censor anything British if low sexual interactions are key.


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
As per your own argument, the alternative to pornography is genuine sex. I don't think it's a stretch to say that "as pornography goes down, sex goes up; and as sex goes up, baby-making goes up."

The argument can be made that pornography encourages people to think about (and to engage in) sex more frequently; and therefore banning it will curb people's sexual appetites and thereby curb population growth. However, this runs 100% counter to your very own assertions ...

... which makes me wonder if you're not just playing Devil's Advocate? :p :)


New Member
Oct 7, 2007
I think if pornography goes down, frustration goes mostly up, sex not so much. The rise in frustration will result in more effort to gain sex, both positive and negative, however not all effort will result in success. For sex to go substantially up, I think, there needs to be a shift towards a more sex-positive attitude in females.


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
It doesn't matter that not all attempts are successful: an increase in successful sexual encounters is still an increase.

[hide]Before China's ban on porn: A, B, C, D, E, and F were men who were already having sex. G, H, I, and J were men who were not having sex. All ten of them watch porn.

After China's ban on porn: A, B, C, D, E, and F continue to have sex as before. G, H, I, and J would also like to join in now that their only sexual outlet -- pornography -- has been taken away from them. G and H are able to find sex partners. I and J are not.

Before: 6/10 men had sex
After: 8/10 men had sex

It's an increase, no matter how you slice it.[/hide]


New Member
Oct 7, 2007
An increase is indeed an increase.

I tried to find some actual numbers online but could not find any.
Jul 1, 2009

Logically, there has been more sexual acts in China over the course of human history than anywhere else on Earth... how else did all those people get there? :goodboy:

The government should ease up.


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
Maybe they all had sex before they got to China? :p

[/smartypants answer that doesn't hold up to even a high schooler's level of knowledge about Chinese history]

[hide]For real, though, it's not like there are 1+ billion Han Chinese (afaik), and even the so-called "Han Chinese" of the 21st century aren't as pure-blooded as were the Han Chinese from (say) the end of the Three Kingdoms period, back when they pretty much were all Han-blooded and hadn't intermingled yet with the Viets and others in SE Asia or been conquered by the East Asian Turks, the Mongols, the Manchus, and the other horsemen to the north.

China got to where it is today in large part because what you say is true, but also in large part because (right up until the turn of the last century) it was still expanding its borders.[/hide]

But yeah, you're totally right, so no need to sweat a counter-argument. I'm just being overly analytical. lol


Señor Member
Oct 28, 2008
Logically, there has been more sexual acts in China over the course of human history than anywhere else on Earth... how else did all those people get there? :goodboy:

The government should ease up.

By officially government approved non-pornographic/non-erotic acts of procreation. :evillaugh:


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
The Australian government is trying to impose internet filtering next year, does anyone have any easy way of bypassing such filters?


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
I hate to say it, but that goal is akin to saying that you want a telephone wire which is untappable by any government. Any phone line can be tapped, and (I dare say) any Internet pipeline can be filtered. And in both cases, the customer never knows that he's been wiretapped / denied access to illegal websites if the professionals do their jobs well.


New Member
Jul 23, 2008
Chinese police have detained some 3,470 people so far this year during a crackdown on online pornography and closed thousands of pornographic websites, state media said on Saturday.
In other words, does anyone need a kidney...liver...some nice brown eyes? Let the Harvest begin! :evillaugh:

The girls left abandoned in the night along desolate country roads because the family needs a boy to carry on the family name and mama keeps spittin' out girls...

I'll adopt fifty! :payup:

But the government maintains tight controls over the internet, saying it has to do so to protect young people from bad influences.
God forbid ya leave it up to the parents to control their own kids.


Porkar.... you can stay at my place on the sofa in my living room. I'm in the US and no filtering going on here.
Might wanna bring your own keyboard. Mines kinda .......stickie.:shake:

Fast Eddie

New Member
May 3, 2007
Ahh, the joys of totalitarian socialist governments.

It's for your own good, comrade! :hero:

It's coming here, just you wait! :runintears:


Former Staff
Apr 8, 2008
The Australian government is trying to impose internet filtering next year, does anyone have any easy way of bypassing such filters?

Crap.. They're going through with it? I'm gonna move there next year. WTF?!