Offending ads on the site


New Member
Aug 14, 2008
Is it possible to remove the homosexual ads which appear from time to time on the side of the screen? They really are inappropriate..

I've noticed them on a lot of other sites too, whats the deal with it?


Mar 28, 2008
yeah its really inappropriate but too bad its a random ads from blacklabelads and there are no option that will blocked or disallowed it


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
Is it possible to remove the homosexual ads which appear from time to time on the side of the screen? They really are inappropriate..

I've noticed them on a lot of other sites too, whats the deal with it?

The gays are taking over; soon it will be compulsory to be bi, at least.


Mar 29, 2007
What makes you think homosexual ads are offensive while hentai lolicon ads are not?:casual:


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
What makes you think homosexual ads are offensive while hentai lolicon ads are not?:casual:
Do you seriously want to know his response? or is this a rhetorical question meant to deflate his homophobia?

Because if it's the latter as I suspect it is, then all I'll say is this: while it is true that people should not express hatred towards someone or something without having at least one valid reason, whether that reason is believed to be valid or not valid is itself reliant upon the provision of valid reasons. In other words, asking someone to defend their personal tastes is recursive and without end. Therefore, you have only two alternatives in life: either persuade people that they should like everything and hate nothing (which is a blatant paradox) or else you must allow each individual to express their own likes and dislikes without always challenging them to defend their reasons.

What will you do if he says, "I dislike homosexual ads because homosexuality is immoral" ? Will you accept that as a valid reason? I suspect not: you will want to know why he believes homosexuality is immoral. "Homosexuality is immoral because people I trust have told me so." Would you consider this to be a valid reason? Probably not. But he would: and for your own beliefs in life, you too have only come to hold them because someone or something you trusted led you to them.

In closing, I'll beat you all to the punch by pointing out that, yes indeed, this entire reply is itself a hypocritical exercise in the very behavior I just admonished.

The gays are taking over; soon it will be compulsory to be bi, at least.
I don't know if you're sincere or just trolling for cheap laughs, but I'll bite by saying that you can no more make someone bisexual than you can make them a hermaphrodite or a mulatto; yet America today seems to be awfully low on coffee-colored futanaris, now doesn't it?


Jan 6, 2007
So, basically, you want to stop having your refined sense of morality/taste offended while you browse for free underage fap material. Good luck with that.


Mar 29, 2007
Do you seriously want to know his response? or is this a rhetorical question meant to deflate his homophobia?

Because if it's the latter as I suspect it is, then all I'll say is this: while it is true that people should not express hatred towards someone or something without having at least one valid reason, whether that reason is believed to be valid or not valid is itself reliant upon the provision of valid reasons. In other words, asking someone to defend their personal tastes is recursive and without end. Therefore, you have only two alternatives in life: either persuade people that they should like everything and hate nothing (which is a blatant paradox) or else you must allow each individual to express their own likes and dislikes without always challenging them to defend their reasons.

What will you do if he says, "I dislike homosexual ads because homosexuality is immoral" ? Will you accept that as a valid reason? I suspect not: you will want to know why he believes homosexuality is immoral. "Homosexuality is immoral because people I trust have told me so." Would you consider this to be a valid reason? Probably not. But he would: and for your own beliefs in life, you too have only come to hold them because someone or something you trusted led you to them.

In closing, I'll beat you all to the punch by pointing out that, yes indeed, this entire reply is itself a hypocritical exercise in the very behavior I just admonished.
Hahaha, I have time now so I'll bother to reply.

Actually I don't mean to deflate his homophobia even if he really hates homosexuality. Nor do I have any interest in the reason why he accepts lolicon ads, not homosexual ads. To be more precise I don't believe such thing as a valid reason for personal likes and dislikes. So I'm not expecting him to explain the reason. I'm only interested in how he will respond to my response. It is possible he doesn't have any bias against homo but simply believes AO is only for woman/girl lovers. In that case I would only point out his misunderstanding about this forum. If he really believes homosexuality is offensive and lolicon is not and would dare to give any reason for it, I would only point out his dogmatism just by ripping off the outward validity of his reason(ing). I doubt though if he'd say homosexuality is immoral in a forum where hundreds of girl lovers like me are hanging around. I'm interested in whatever reason he might give because I'm interested to know what kind of person can put up a thread like this in an immoral forum like this, not actually the reason itself.

By the way if someone has got trapped in a certain moral value like "homosexuality is immoral", you can't even claim he/she had a reason to. It would be like reasoning why one pedo has become as he is in the course of life. You can think of scores of reasons that are all plausible but can also be the ones he could have been otherwise. :attention:



New Member
Jan 27, 2008
Heh, そうみたいだね。 :)

But you drew some interesting conclusions about porn forums that I might not draw myself, so I think I'll reply because we may actually have a good discussion created out of this. o_o ^_^

In your reply, you mentioned that you would like to know how a person can sign up on an immoral forum like Akiba-Online and then complain about someone else's immoral fetish. I assume that what you mean is, "How can somebody join a community which has loli and then complain about yaoi?"

Instead of using homosexuality as our example (since homosexuality has as many, if not more, people who think it is morally acceptable than it does those who think it is immoral), let's pretend instead that the porn ads which this person saw were hardcore BDSM / softcore guro ads which showed women with bleeding cuts on their torsos. (For sake of argument, let's say that the woman in the ad was a world-famous porn star who had gone in front of the camera numerous times to say that she was willingly doing this because it turned her on and not because she'd been coerced to do it.) If there were ads like these, would you have a problem? I would. Even though I know that chompy has defended free expression of guro in the past (I remember certain avatars of his on HongFire), I still do not like guro and I would be offended by the guro ads and might even ask if there was a way for him to switch to another advertisement company (if, say, I could not find a way to block the ads for myself).

Would you then say to me, "If you don't like these ads and cannot find a way to block them on your own, then please leave" ? Maybe you would. And I might agree with you if your reasoning was "because Akiba-Online is a safe haven for all unpopular fetishes" or even if it was the less-broad "because Akiba-Online, among the fetishes it protects, protects guro as well, and if you can't accept that then A-O isn't the right fit for you."

But if your answer was simply "because you're not allowed to enjoy one immoral fetish without forfeiting your right to condemn all of the other immoral fetishes," then I just don't get it. o_o; Because what that boils down to is a belief that the moment a human being accepts one immoral behavior, he accepts all immoral behaviors. That he must choose between being a saint or a demon, between being a normal guy and Hannibal Lecter. And I just don't think that's the case at all. o_O Some examples:
  1. Some people believe that the only moral sex is missionary-position sex between man and woman.
  2. Most Westerners today believe that it is morally acceptable for a man and a woman to have vaginal or oral sex in various positions.
  3. Fewer Westerners believe that anal sex (with a woman receiving) is also morally acceptable.
  4. Even fewer Westerners believe that anal sex (with a man receiving) is morally acceptable.
  5. Some people believe homosexuality is fine, others do not.
  6. Some people believe that incest between 2nd-to-5th degree relatives is acceptable, others do not.
  7. Some people believe incest between 1st-degree relatives who were not aware they were 1st-degree relatives until after they fell in love is acceptable, others do not.
  8. Some people believe that incest between relatives regardless of degree-of-relation or whether they knew in advance or not is perfectly acceptable, others do not.
  9. Some people think it's immoral to have sex before marriage, others do not.
  10. Some people think that 18 years old is too old for a minimum legal age for sexual intercourse, others think it is just right, and others still think it is too young.
  11. Some people think that interracial sex is immoral, others do not.
  12. Some people think that sex with animals is immoral, others do not.
  13. Some people think that sex with inanimate objects is immoral, others do not.
  14. Some people think that masturbation is immoral, others do not.
And on and on it goes! O_O Obviously I'm stopping here because the list is too long and I want to move on and not because I couldn't keep listing off fetishes considered deviant by society-at-large.

The point I want to make with this list is this: you can't ask people to accept everything they find immoral just because they like one fetish which you or society finds immoral. That doesn't make sense. Not everyone on the planet is either a boring missionary-position man from the 1950s or else a crazy-ass swinger who has BDSM equipment, maid and nurse and miko costumes, breast implants, piercings, tattoos, one 30-year old wife, one 15-year-old boy lover, and a dog named Rover who takes it up the butt every once in a while. o_O; Certain people have certain fetishes. They have certain things they like and certain things they do not like. That's human nature!

And generally speaking, for any one fetish there are at least two different kinds of fetishists: the first kind feel guilty about their fetish, but the second kind do not. I think most people are in category #2, but maybe that's just because that's where I fall and I have a hard time understanding category #1 people. I'll give you a personal example: I genuinely do not think that an incestual relationship between two first-degree relatives who love one another (truly, truly love one another, asexually as well as sexually) is immoral. And I certainly don't accept the argument that they'll make mutant babies and for that reason their love should not be allowed -- because who says they want to make babies? Maybe they want to adopt? Maybe they want zero kids? Are you telling me that a man and a woman can't live as husband and wife even if the woman has a tubal ligotomy just because they happen to be 2nd cousins, 1st cousins, or siblings? I think that telling them "No, you can't" is what is truly immoral. >( So I mean, I really don't understand those people who say "I like incest porn/hentai but I feel guilty about it." Why!? o_O Why do you feel guilty about it? To me, that's like saying "I feel guilty about watching a black man fuck a white woman." WHY!? o_O;;;; HOW is that POSSIBLY immoral? o_O; I don't get it. For me, all of my fetishes are morally condoned by me. Then there are fetishes which I condone but do not share (like S/M or pegging), and then there are fetishes which I don't even condone and do indeed think are immoral (like pedo or real-r***).

So let's put myself in this guy's shoes, shall we?
  • Let's say I like incest hentai.
  • And let's say I dislike loli hentai, and I dislike it because it does offend me on my personal moral level. (Whether it's a drawing or not, it's still child sex.)
  • I certainly won't tell others to stfu about loli. A, I would not want them to tell me to stfu about lactation. The Golden Rule, man! :) And B, I don't think a loli fetish hurts anybody directly.
  • I would tell somebody to stfu about CP becaue I do believe that CP is both immoral -and- creates real victims.
So if I saw a loli ad on the site, would I say something? No. I'd keep my mouth shut. I don't like it, but I also realize "who gives a flying fuck what you like or don't like? A lot of people like loli and it's not hurting anybody so what's the big deal?" Same thing for gay ads. Same thing for scat ads. Things which gross me out or which I dislike but don't think victimize anybody, I'm fine with those staying up if it means that my ads and my content can stay up too. But if I ever saw a real CP ad? I'd leave, or I'd at least confirm that the ad had the staff's blessing before I left. I wouldn't try to tell them what to do, but nor would I just accept it, which is what you seem to be telling our original poster dude up top to do.

And maybe he feels the same way as me. Maybe he is more open-minded than you give him credit for and he is 100% okay with yaoi being posted on this site. Maybe he wouldn't even mind yaoi advertisements. (I doubt it, but let's just say MAYBE.) Maybe his complaint is purely ideological, because he truly believes (in his heart of hearts) that homosexual porn creates victims just like how I believe that CP or snuff porn or real-r*** porn creates victims. And so he felt the need to speak out and say, "Look, you can post yaoi for all I care, but real homo porn? D: Please don't post those ads."

Is he trying to be bossy? Not necessarily. He's just testing the waters to see if the staff approves of the ad (in which case he might politely and quietly leave) or if they too are offended (in which case he gets to stay -and- no longer has to worry about those ads).

Might chompy tell him, "No, I'm not taking down the gay ads. If you don't like that, then please leave" ? I doubt that too, but sure, he could say it like that, I guess.

And so if chompy did say that, then maybe this poster would politely leave and go find another board. I know that I would if I ever found out that Akiba-Online was standing behind genuine CP. (For the record, the Junior Idol stuff isn't CP in my book because afaik the girls and their parents willingly sign their daughters up for this and also there is 0% sex involved. If I'm wrong .......... *sigh*, let me know and I guess I'll have to leave. ^^;;;;;;;;; Sad for me but also true.)


New Member
Apr 12, 2007
the gay porn ads just seem inappropriate because this is not a gay forum. almost everything on this site concerns the female form. hence, not only are the advertisers basically wasting their money by advertising here, the ads just seem really out of place.

also, although i don't find gayness to be immoral, seeing gay porn would indeed make me uncomfortable. i support the idea of having the ads changed to something else.


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
So you're suggesting that "gay porn belongs on gay boards"? Then we'd have to say that loli belongs on loli boards. Tentacles belong on tentacle boards. Scat belongs on scat boards. Anal belongs on anal boards. Et cetera. Pretty soon Akiba-Online would have a population of just one (chompy) if you went about it like this. The better thing to do is to say, "We allow everything except for the following:" and then to list only those fetishes which you will not allow.

And since gay porn isn't on the list, that means that gay porn is allowed here.

If you think this is a loli board, I guess I would have to ask you, then, why none or few of HongFire's loli club leaders are here. Because I don't see Soran, Sphie, or any of the others here. Vice versa, why would people like me be allowed to stay here? You'd think someone would have made me feel unwelcome or picked a fight by now. But no: A-O is a very mature community where people leave well enough alone and nobody picks fights over fetishes they don't like. I let him like his fetish, he lets me like mine. I don't go into the loli threads with kyonyuu spam and they don't come into mine with their spam, either. Mutual respect. Which is sorely lacking on other hentai boards.

That's how I define Akiba-Online: it's the hentai board for people seeking adult behavior from other hentai lovers. None of this childish "my fetish is better than your fetish" bullcrap, nor any of the "your fetish sucks so I'm going to derail your thread by turning into into a flame war or turning it into a thread for my own fetish" trolling that went on at HF on a regular basis. (No idea if still does. Don't really care to re-investigate.)

Edit: I guess the best way to put it is, I have friends on Akiba-Online that I could never have dreamed of having on HongFire because HongFire is such a polarizing community whereas Akiba is a uniting community. I have friends who like futa, who like loli, who like all manner of things where I'm like "ehh." And they're "ehh" towards some of my things, too. But we have some common ground, and that's allowed us to become chat-buddies in Hentai Discussion. This would have never, EVER happened on HF because of HF's bullshit board politics and its stupid fetish clubs which turned into tools of ostracizing evil rather than tools of celebratory good.


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
What makes you think homosexual ads are offensive while hentai lolicon ads are not?:casual:

Probably because they offend him (as they also offend me).

As 'yetanotherusername' said: "the gay porn ads just seem inappropriate because this is not a gay forum. almost everything on this site concerns the female form. hence, not only are the advertisers basically wasting their money by advertising here, the ads just seem really out of place."

"Pretty soon Akiba-Online would have a population of just one (chompy)"

Sakunyuusha, how do you figure that? At least 2 of us would still be here.

"I don't know if you're sincere or just trolling for cheap laughs"

No, I am not 'trolling for cheap laughs' - I guess 'tongue-in-cheek' would be more accurate.
"but I'll bite by saying that you can no more make someone bisexual than you can make them a hermaphrodite or a mulatto"
It seems that they are forcing us to accept them. They hijacked the word 'gay' for starters because they couldn't handle being called 'fags' or 'poofters' (although they do call themselves those names). They invented the word "homophobia" which literally should mean 'fear of same' not 'fear of gays.'
The gay lobby has become so powerful in this country (Australia) that it seems the rest of the community has to bend over to every demand they make; fair enough that we are not allowed to discriminate against them regarding employment etc but why do we have to accept their outward shows of their preference.
I don't know if you are aware of it, but Sydney (the Capital of the Gay World) has a "Gay Mardi Gras" each year, the City of Port Philip, Melbourne, now has a "Gay Pride March" - I wonder what would be the chances of holding a Hetorosexual Mardi Gras , or Hetero Pride march; fuck all, I reckon.

"yet America today seems to be awfully low on coffee-colored futanaris, now doesn't it?[/I]"
I can't answer that one because I don't live in USA.

Perhaps instead of us arguing ad infinitum and never reaching a conclusion we should hold a poll and ask for the forum members to vote.


Mar 29, 2007
Perhaps instead of us arguing ad infinitum and never reaching a conclusion we should hold a poll and ask for the forum members to vote.
Vote for what? Whether or not we should ban homosexual ads and replace them with something else?

I don't think this is an issue that should be settled by the democracy of the AO members. It's all up to the forum owner Chompy since, I assume, financial affairs are involved. General members don't have the say on this issue whether homosexual ads offend them or not.

For the record I am not homosexual but the ads don't offend me a bit. :puzzled:


赤いオンドリ - 私はオタクです!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Sep 25, 2007
I wanted to write a longer post, but decided to skip more than 90% of it, this is the remainder, and it contains everything I wanted to write indeed...

How about being more tolerant against something we don´t like in first line, at least it should be easy to ignore them as most of us are interested in the site contents, not in the ads...


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
It seems that they are forcing us to accept them.
Despite having many gay friends who do not do this, this argument is one I actually agree with. It seems (or at least the public media makes it seem) as though the most vocal members of the gay community are attempting to force compliance, sometimes even obeisance, rather than creating bonds of mutual respect, understanding, and tolerance. Then again, to a certain extent one has to force certain people to change their mentalities when those mentalities are (a) hard-locked in and (b) deadly to the individual. For example, you kinda have to force the KKK's hand seeing as they're never going to agree to racial tolerance (otherwise they wouldn't be the KKK!) but at the same time letting the KKK practice their beliefs willy-nilly is going to get people hurt or killed.

They hijacked the word 'gay' for starters because they couldn't handle being called 'fags' or 'poofters' (although they do call themselves those names).
I don't think anyone knows for certain whether it was straight people who called gay people "gay" because of their personalities or whether it was gays themselves who took up the mantle. Regardless, this page has some interesting insight into the earlier (pre-20th Century) uses of the word "gay" in reference to men who, among other things, had sexual relationships with other men. (See "gay cat.")

They invented the word "homophobia" which literally should mean 'fear of same' not 'fear of gays.'
Again, some insight into the word family "homo-" in reference to homosexuality. Wikipedia suggests that a gay activist coined the term homophobia, but I don't see what's stopping the society from renaming it to homophilophobia or homosexuaphobia or some other term. In fact, Wiki also mentions that talks are under way amongst the world's psychiatrists to do precisely this (i.e. define the word on their own terms, not the GLBT community's).

The gay lobby has become so powerful in this country (Australia) that it seems the rest of the community has to bend over to every demand they make; fair enough that we are not allowed to discriminate against them regarding employment etc but why do we have to accept their outward shows of their preference.
This is the first part of your reply with which I grossly disagree. Lest we villify intolerance too much, let me point out that I agree that there are certain things with which any society must be intolerant -- for by definition the society with 100% tolerance is no society at all: it is anarchy. Society, by definition, attempts to define what is acceptable and what isn't. So while it may be tempting for some to just write your view off as "intolerant," I realize as you do that you're damn well aware it's technical "intolerance" but it's intolerance of that which is wrong! (or what you hold as wrong, anyway)

So having said that, let me now say, "Man, that's a really intolerant thing to say. :\" If you want gay men to kiss behind closed doors, then what stops the KKK from asking interracial couples from kissing behind closed doors too? If you want gay men to quit being so exuberant (picture Richard Simmons), then what keeps the KKK from asking Snoop Dogg to quit behaving so "ghetto" ? I use the race example because it's easy for most people to understand. Most people today are not racist -- at least not to the point of wishing harm upon somebody else because of his ethnic culture or ethnic genetics. So I guess what I'm saying is, if it's okay to protect all people's rights to lead free and happy lives regardless of race or ethnicity, then why shouldn't it be the same for sexuality?

Are we letting gay people have sex in public? No: but we're not letting straight people have sex in public either!! There's a universal ban on sex in public, and there's (beginning to be) a universal acceptance of public displays of affection -- kissing, holding hands, hugging -- between men and women regardless of the gender of their significant other.

Perhaps instead of us arguing ad infinitum and never reaching a conclusion we should hold a poll and ask for the forum members to vote.
As a fan of democratic processes online, I much liked this idea. However, redrooster raises a very valid point that, unless any of the "Nay" voters is prepared to recompense chompy for his lost revenue, the decision must be left with him. Good thought, though!


Nutcase on the loose
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2007
Hello Chompy

the ads are getting worse, is there any other way around than having the ads keep popping up and under, and if you hit the ad you get endless of other ads. :notagain:

I do not know how much it cost to run the site, or if it is possible to charge a small monthly/yearly fee, I guess that will drive most people away, or if it possible to mirror the site without ads if people pay for it:exhausted:


Mar 29, 2007
Hello Chompy

the ads are getting worse, is there any other way around than having the ads keep popping up and under, and if you hit the ad you get endless of other ads. :notagain:

I do not know how much it cost to run the site, or if it is possible to charge a small monthly/yearly fee, I guess that will drive most people away, or if it possible to mirror the site without ads if people pay for it:exhausted:
I've never had any pop-ups on this board. Maybe the problem is on your end. Use Firefox and enable the pop-up block function et voila!


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
The pop-ups are definitely real. I've seen zero as far as I can recall when pop-up blocking technology is enabled, but I have seen a slew of offensive and more importantly dangerous-looking ads when browsing on Linux with pop-up blocking technology disabled. I don't recommend doing that, btw. There are tons of ads all over and inside of the forum, and pop-ups too. And none of them look trustworthy at all, i.e. I'd sooner click on an unknown link in JAV Direct Downloads than click on one of those ads, THAT'S how untrustworthy they appear. >_>

Not complaining. Just defending kevin's sanity. lol He's telling the truth.


As for why he could still be seeing pop-ups that are getting worse? I think there's an obvious answer to that one and it's called compromised security. Pop-up blockers and other ad-blocking tools can do little for a machine which has already been bitten, y'know what I mean? I remember this shit used to happen on HongFire all the fucking time: people would always post in the Tech Help forum asking HongFire and his staff for suggestions to fix their computers which had gotten trojans from ads on HongFire's site. It's like ... "Goddamn it, porn industry! Why do you fucking do this to yourselves?" That's what I want to ask them. Because it doesn't make any fucking sense whatsoever to infect a dude with a virus who is trying to look into your product (HE HASN'T EVEN ILLEGALLY DOWNLOADED ANYTHING YET!!) whereas you leave all of the cyber-geeks alone so they can pirate gigabytes of your porn and never see a single bit of malware. It would make sense to me if the porn industry had phishing sites which infected people who 100% were guilty of trying to illegally download porn (e.g. they signed up for an account and even had to type in a fake captcha with the words "I can't wait to download all of this yummy porn on!" which could be used to then incriminate them in court), but even then that would still be illegal vigilante justice. But to infect people via ads is just bogus and dumb: people will refuse to put up your ads if the ads cost them more revenue in the long run (i.e. people abandon the site for another site, which means no more ad-click revenue) than your ads benefit them in the short run.


Mar 1, 2009
Hello Chompy

the ads are getting worse, is there any other way around than having the ads keep popping up and under, and if you hit the ad you get endless of other ads. :notagain:

I do not know how much it cost to run the site, or if it is possible to charge a small monthly/yearly fee, I guess that will drive most people away, or if it possible to mirror the site without ads if people pay for it:exhausted:

If you are using Firefox you can install the NoScript addon which will block a lot of the advertising sites displaying stuff on your computer. :bingo: