Uta Kohaku's "Semen Collection 2" - Does it exist?


Nov 21, 2013
So, I stumbled upon this piece of "news" while looking for something entirely different about her, and I am curious: did this actually get filmed? Articles on this all make it sound like the title was tentative, so I'm guessing it was changed later (if there is such a JAV) because all I can find going by Semen Collection 2 is more of the same news posted everywhere.

I'd think that'd take a lot of preparation to film, first and foremost because if she's going to do "anything" with those bottles they at least need to thoroughly check the darn things for STDs and the like - and there's 100 of them. Otherwise she's potentially ruining her life for the sake of making one fetish video.

So anyway, I'd like to know if someone has any information regarding this possible movie of hers (the good ol' movie code would be the best!) that'd be great. And, incidentally... if this one is "2", is there supposed to be a first one? Search on that regard was almost as fruitless, so any help with that would be very appreciated as well.
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Akiba Citizen
Jun 14, 2012
It exist, was released 2/20/13 DVD code. neo017. It was torrented on here a few months back, I checked it out majority gets poured on her skin, not watching it ever again.
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