Should I learn Japanese until high fluency to tackle Japanese girls?


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2013
Is it necessary to learn Japanese until fluent? I'm currently on my intermediate level in learning Japanese in my local place. I know bit of Kanji, but do you guys think its just worth to learn Japanese to get a girl from Japan. I'm currently pursuing my studies at my local college doing computer science, and at the same time like learning Japanese in free time. Ive also signed up to be sitting for N5 JLPT this December.

Or do Japanese girls prefer to talk to foreigners that like to speak English. If anyone has any experience relating, I'll be grateful if you are willing to share yours.
From all my readings here, learning japanese will take you very far with Japanese girls irregardless of level but of course, the more you know the better. I've dated a bunch and not being able to communicate is an issue. It goes both ways so the more equal level it is the better. Also shows respect and appreciation for the culture.

As for learning japanese, what do you desire in your life? Japanese girl? If learning japanese just to get Japanese girls is all you want it for, then that is reason enough. Its staying motivated thats the problem. Most guys i talked to and know in my Japanese conversation class do it for the girls, probably because of all the Manga, anime, jav, porn and other japanese media that has got them seriously addicted (and screwed up lol). Any guy that doesn't say so is lying to some extent. Most things guys do (cars, money, exercise, etc) is for sex. Without it, you wouldn't exist nor would 1000s of other industries that rely on it.

So i think its ok to learn japanese just to get a girl .
Sometimes I try to chat or flirt with a Japanese girl online, we just say Konnichiwa, What are you doing?, etc. Sometimes there is no topic to talk about which is just kinda awkward. I don't know if that is related with my Japanese language skills, or my conversation skills.
Girls are girls, you just have to try and see what works. There is no magical way for talking to them and there is no way to make them like you. Read up on conversation skills and talk to people.

As for fluency, how smart are you? How much time do you have? How much resources do you have? What are your weaknesses? What about money? Life? Physical health?

All these things will get in the way and you have to realize there will be limitations and many things out of your control. You may not reach fluency or achieve your level of success no matter how much motivation you have. This goes for Japanese learning english. In the end, its your life, you decide whether you want to keep on studying Japanese or live within your means.
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Girls are girls, you just have to try and see what works. There is no magical way for talking to them and there is no way to make them like you. Read up on conversation skills and talk to people.

As for fluency, how smart are you? How much time do you have? How much resources do you have? What are your weaknesses? What about money? Life? Physical health?

All these things will get in the way and you have to realize there will be limitations and many things out of your control. You may not reach fluency or achieve your level of success no matter how much motivation you have. This goes for Japanese learning english. In the end, its your life, you decide whether you want to keep on studying Japanese or live within your means.

Japanese learning English? You mean Japanese people studying English?

I think my brain is okay, sometimes it thinks smart, sometimes just random thoughts. I do have much free time. My weakness is that I sometimes get intimidated if I see lots of Kanji, in news, article, or registration form. I can memorize the Kanji using Heisig method, if you know his book, but I'm just afraid that I might spend so much alone or hours studying it, that I forget to interact with people, especially the Japanese women, that I came contact with. My health is fine.

How is your Japanese skill MXS?
From my visit to Japan back in April I have found appreciation of their culture goes along way to getting friendly with the Women. My Japanese is very minimal, but I was able to start conversations off. I managed to make a lot of Japanese friends and got to know some very pretty women.
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My Japanese is stuck or at a plateau. Immersion isn't really helping as much as I wanted it to but It is helping. I still can't break away from using english and watching all these JapanVloggers on youtube all use english which is essential in learning the grammar. Trying to explain japanese grammar in japanese doesn't seem to work at all.

As for speaking, I try to start conversations in japanese but then they go speaking like crazy after a few seconds and I have to resort to using english assuming i can even understand what they are saying. I remember this one guy at a hotel really stuttered in trying to use english and I hate putting that kind of pressure on japanese when they are not really wanting to speak english. As for me, i'm starting to realize my language limitations for japanese.....
My Japanese is stuck or at a plateau. Immersion isn't really helping as much as I wanted it to but It is helping. I still can't break away from using english and watching all these JapanVloggers on youtube all use english which is essential in learning the grammar. Trying to explain japanese grammar in japanese doesn't seem to work at all.

As for speaking, I try to start conversations in japanese but then they go speaking like crazy after a few seconds and I have to resort to using english assuming i can even understand what they are saying. I remember this one guy at a hotel really stuttered in trying to use english and I hate putting that kind of pressure on japanese when they are not really wanting to speak english. As for me, i'm starting to realize my language limitations for japanese.....

Yo eddy, hows it going, its just a language, if the Japanese can speak the language with fluency, I'm sure other people can too, with certain effort and devotion.
I agree with shaned.

If you learn Japanese to try try and meet girls, that's like some middle-east fuck-whit on facebook sending marriage invitations to every girl in his contact list. Girls in Japan like guys who don't speak Japanese because they are more 'western'.
If you are planning on living, or are already living in Japan, the bigger cities are probably your best bet for finding a girl for whatever reason, be it dating, friendship, hook-ups, etc. Girls in the cities on average have better English and can meet you halfway with your Japanese. My time spent in more rural areas yielded fruitless results.

If clubs are your thing, then foreigners can have a bit easier time finding a partner strictly from the fact that they are foreign. Some girls go to clubs looking for foreign guys, and in many cases, Japanese skill can be icing on the cake (although some only want to hear English). One girl I was talking to found out I spoke a bit of Japanese, and she turned to her friend and said "Ikeru" or "I can go for that". A friend of mine who doesn't speak a lick of Japanese just goes up to girls, tries English, and surprisingly often gets decent results, despite it being hit and miss.

This isn't always the case of course, but foreigners typically have it easier in clubs, with Japanese skill opening more doors.

If clubs are not your thing, many cities have different groups of international get-togethers, where Japanese people who sign up to go to the barbeques, theme park outings, bar meet-ups, etc., are interested in meeting foreigners, and will often keep the conversation going once you start talking (if that is something you are worried about).

Of course, girls are girls no matter where you go. If you look half decent, don't dress like a slob, and are nice to talk to, you should be good to go.

Even though it's a late response, I hope this helps. It's only my experience from living in Japan (still here!).
what advice would you give asian foreigners for getting into these sexual places? were not really welcome i know, but many times, theres multiple snack, bar, club,cabaret, and sometimes its not so easy to differentiate. i live in nagano so its not like tokyo where its gaijin friendly. i am a bit hesitant to talk to the tout or just go right in to any sexual place. ive tried to use my beginner japanese but sooner or later, my english comes out. also, the dialect of regular japanese people is quite different from what im being taught in school, also they speak quite i just be upfront but i feel thats like shooting yourself in the foot as it gives them a reason to reject you immediately. if anything, i just want to improve my real life japanese skills in these settings, bars. i already go to a language cafe for english but i ALSO want to meet real japanese girls that aren't interested in foreigners or english. after all, the only way to get rid of the fear of doing something is to go out and do it. and they don't teach you this japanese in class. i don't think im bad looking, dress nicely and ive got a little bit of extra money to spend so i just need a little help with my language confidence and fear of the unknown. i have no problems going into these places where english is spoken. advice anyone? thanks.
what advice would you give asian foreigners for getting into these sexual places? were not really welcome i know, but many times, theres multiple snack, bar, club,cabaret, and sometimes its not so easy to differentiate. i live in nagano so its not like tokyo where its gaijin friendly. i am a bit hesitant to talk to the tout or just go right in to any sexual place. ive tried to use my beginner japanese but sooner or later, my english comes out. also, the dialect of regular japanese people is quite different from what im being taught in school, also they speak quite i just be upfront but i feel thats like shooting yourself in the foot as it gives them a reason to reject you immediately. if anything, i just want to improve my real life japanese skills in these settings, bars. i already go to a language cafe for english but i ALSO want to meet real japanese girls that aren't interested in foreigners or english. after all, the only way to get rid of the fear of doing something is to go out and do it. and they don't teach you this japanese in class. i don't think im bad looking, dress nicely and ive got a little bit of extra money to spend so i just need a little help with my language confidence and fear of the unknown. i have no problems going into these places where english is spoken. advice anyone? thanks.

Do you have any Japanese friends, co-workers, or acquaintances? Try getting into their social circles and meeting their friends (hopefully a few are girls) and go from there. That has helped me a decent amount, not just with meeting girls, but also getting better at speaking and understanding, especially with regional dialects. Also, that's you going to them, not the other way around, so it's safe to assume they are not fetishizing your foreignness.

Another option (I'm not sure how common they are in Nagano) is living in a sharehouse. Again, you are going to them, and the people who live there are usually pretty open because that's the premise of a sharehouse. It gets you a lot of speaking time with them, and if you don't understand what they are saying, they will more than likely accommodate you for a lack of Japanese skill since you live under the same roof. It would be dickish for them not to do so. This can be fun especially if you're in your 20s or 30s, as sharehouses are starting to boom across Japan.

As far as the sexual places you're talking about, yeah it's awkward, but just be upfront. Some places you can even call on the phone, and you can ask in Japanese: "are foreigners okay here?" It will save you time and embarrassment. I'd also recommend (maybe a little obvious) learning the lingo for possible situations you might get into at these kinds of places. Practice ahead of time what you're gonna say. I went to a soap in Tokyo (I know, not Nagano), and despite my limited language skill at the time, they were very accommodating (no English spoken). Places like that are of course hit and miss with foreigners, though.

If you get into a situation where you want to resort to English, just bite the bullet and try to force yourself into using Japanese, however shitty it might come off as (they may not even understand in English anyway). It's embarrassing, but they understand that you are a foreigner and are not fluent. You need to make mistakes to get better.

Again, I hope this helps, even though it's from a white male perspective. -.-
I know it can sometimes be rough for Asian foreigners.
thanks symphonia7. as far as the original topic goes, you should try for full fluency, but chances are courage, confidence, luck, looks, and intelligence are also needed to tackle japanese girls. the language barrier just adds another layer. in my experience, japanese people are nice if they like you. liking you is based on everything i mentioned. its determined in the first few seconds upon meeting. act normal, be polite, upfront, don't cause trouble and you should be fine. if they reject you, its probably good for everyone including yourself. you should take the lead and try to speak japanese as much as possible and try not to put pressure on the japanese to speak english but the problem is you can't help it. you can't say what your thinking. then its all about patience and willingness to help you but you need to be aware of when to stop talking or just leave. the sex places have the least amount of patience unless they like you from my experience. you don't need to say much, but you need to be able to listen and read well. once you understand how a place operates and pay for a service, its usually smooth sailing. you just gotta make sure you don't get ripped off.
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Well come on over! Give yourself a chance to use your Japanese that you've been studying! Try it out on some girls here. Sink or swim, I'm sure you'll enjoy your time over here. :]

I might go and study there around 2017. I hope luck is with me. Sink or swim? What does that mean?