Newhalf section please?

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Active Member
Jul 1, 2012
I don't mean to sound like a prude, but I really have ZERO interest in shemale/newhalf stuff. Any chance of a specific sub heading for that fetish so that the rest of us (I would think the majority of us) don't have to see that stuff?
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If it isn't posted in the Fetish section then you should probably report the post as being in the wrong section. Otherwise, as much as I sympathize with your plight and support your cause, you are not likely to get any positive support from the staff. They have their hands full as it is without dividing the JAV Fetish section into departments based on the particular fetish (though that would be pretty handy, no doubt). Just my unsolicited opinion on the subject.
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i read the title and thought "yeah that sounds like a good idea" then i read your post and of course you are just another bigot.

i have to assume that you consider "sex" as "relations between a man and a woman" (see what i did there???)

its funny that when this comes up in other sections (and people are complaining about having to see 'boy' among their free content) people are like "fuck you asshole!" but when it comes to transgendered people then its comments like this.
i read the title and thought "yeah that sounds like a good idea" then i read your post and of course you are just another bigot.

i have to assume that you consider "sex" as "relations between a man and a woman" (see what i did there???)

its funny that when this comes up in other sections (and people are complaining about having to see 'boy' among their free content) people are like "fuck you asshole!" but when it comes to transgendered people then its comments like this.

I hate to let you down, but I'm not a bigot at all. I just don't care to see that stuff, especially when I can't read Japanese and often the cover is pixelated so you don't realize what you've downloaded till you start watching. I seriously doubt (from conversations I've had with the MANY gay/lesbian co-workers I've had) that they would purposely download straight porn rather than gay porn.
Until someone comes up with a DNA sequence other than XX or XY then I see no reason to mouth off about people being bigots. Gender, Sex, Orientation are entirely different things and it is perfectly fine for people to be disgusted with non m-f sex. Society is pathetic and fools here who spout off when someone gives their honest opinion is sad and disgusting. "Transgender" community has no more special right than anyone else. I love shemale sex. I HATE videos with black people. Oh nooooooo, maybe I should be thrown in jail for my specific sexual preferences.

"isityours" needs to get a new life.
XX and XY aren't DNA sequences. And disorders do exist in which a person can have XXX, XXY, XYY, or X_ chromosome sets. Most of them live to adulthood.

Sounds like you have some repressed anger issues that could use addressing, in any case.
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