[HD DJE-040] ゴックン秘密基地 星川麻紀

Is it possible that you are running a program like f.lux while transcoding the drm file to a drm free version that is fading out the colors?
Let's go ahead and presuppose all the possible options. I for one have NEVER even considered f.lux and yet you suggest it like it's the most common program or pre-installed; which is ridiculous. Fact is, low quality rips around here are just that, low quality, washed out, choppy, blocky, etc. People here take no real consideration into ripping quality. I exclusively use Media Player Classic. It has options to adjust the output Brightness, Contract, Hue, etc. If you forget to reset per video, it can make you think the video is bad. Unfortunately, rips here are crap lately. There is no reason a BR or DVD can't be 4-8 GB in size, but yet we get ridiculous MP4 that are 700 MB or something. Internet speed and basic hard drive space have no need for this any longer. This video is washed out, that simple - it's bad, it is NOT user error.
^ ^

Not you Vale. The douche directly below you with nothing intelligent, helpful, positive, thankful, nice, or relevant to say.
Is it possible that you are running a program like f.lux while transcoding the drm file to a drm free version that is fading out the colors?

No, it's deliberate. That's how I use saturation--a personal preference. You can always adjust saturation to your own preference in the player you're using.
Thanks again for the HD upgrade!

I have one question about this. How come the colors seem so dull, faded, and the SD version has much more vibrant colors?


1st pic is SD version
2nd pic is HD version

See my reply immediately above. The HD version has the same saturation as the SD version. When I play the movie I deliberately use much less saturation simply because I prefer it that way. It's more natural. You can adjust saturation in your player if you want more vivid colours.
I see this discussion took place yesterday. I missed it completely. I hope I have resolved the issue--there is no difference whatsoever in saturation between the SD and HD versions. The difference you see comes from my own choice of degree of saturation. It stays this way because that's how it's transcoded to DRM-free. It's not built into the transcoder; it's me manipulating saturation directly in the player.

If this becomes a major issue with people, I can offer non-futzed transcodings, I still have the original files.