I really wanted to refrain from commenting on this topic since complaining will do nothing to prevent it in the future and some people actually like the fake look.
Yet, I couldn't help myself this time.
So, it appears that a nose-job is a given these days and in general I'm not against some well done surgery. However, recently I saw an eye-job that was so unattractive on an otherwise cute lady that I just had to ask others if I am just off base.
Take a close look before considering me an idiot.
早川瀬里奈 Hayakawa, Serina.
Her lower eyelids look even worse in the video.
She is for the most part attractive, but the bags under her eyes are so... ( our mothers told us if we have nothing nice to say... ). Anyway, she has had these bags under her eyes since 2007 so this isn't new work done, but I deleted this movie after 1 minute of skimming through it. My favorite genre and the plastic surgery on her eyes was so bad I couldn't enjoy it.
Her breasts look like baseballs were inserted too. Such a shame to ruin a woman's natural charm with such terrible cosmetic surgery.
Is it just me? Does anyone else find her lower eyelids to be extremely distracting?
Yet, I couldn't help myself this time.
So, it appears that a nose-job is a given these days and in general I'm not against some well done surgery. However, recently I saw an eye-job that was so unattractive on an otherwise cute lady that I just had to ask others if I am just off base.
Take a close look before considering me an idiot.

早川瀬里奈 Hayakawa, Serina.
Her lower eyelids look even worse in the video.
She is for the most part attractive, but the bags under her eyes are so... ( our mothers told us if we have nothing nice to say... ). Anyway, she has had these bags under her eyes since 2007 so this isn't new work done, but I deleted this movie after 1 minute of skimming through it. My favorite genre and the plastic surgery on her eyes was so bad I couldn't enjoy it.
Her breasts look like baseballs were inserted too. Such a shame to ruin a woman's natural charm with such terrible cosmetic surgery.
Is it just me? Does anyone else find her lower eyelids to be extremely distracting?