Paying money for this title! IFD-03 izumu

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I am totally in the same boat, had a friend in Japan buy me 1 and 2, hundreds of dollars when it was all said and done but worth it. Then a little pissed that they were the ones out on the net. I would of gotten 3 and 5 if I had known. What is up with these guys, are they against making money or what. It's like they are going out of their way to not sell their stuff outside of Japan, is there something that I am missing, is there a reason that I am not aware of. I'm just getting more aware of the total JAV scene and I realize access is an issue but Izumu seem to be even worse than all the rest and its IFD 3,5,6,7 I covet most:):) Is there really an Izumu group or is that a bit of a joke?
I am totally in the same boat, had a friend in Japan buy me 1 and 2, hundreds of dollars when it was all said and done but worth it. Then a little pissed that they were the ones out on the net. I would of gotten 3 and 5 if I had known. What is up with these guys, are they against making money or what. It's like they are going out of their way to not sell their stuff outside of Japan, is there something that I am missing, is there a reason that I am not aware of. I'm just getting more aware of the total JAV scene and I realize access is an issue but Izumu seem to be even worse than all the rest and its IFD 3,5,6,7 I covet most:):) Is there really an Izumu group or is that a bit of a joke?

Izumu are a bit old-fashioned when it comes to foreign sales. We phoned them multiple times and even tried to meet them in person to get them to rethink their foreign sales gameplan (or total lack of it), but so far no good. We'll try again next year.

As I wrote earlier in this thread, try emailing them in very, very simple English with what you want. The more foreign demand = better chance of them rethinking their sales strategy.

I agree it can be frustrating, but just keep pushing.
Yeah, I have a Japanese contact who got me the actual hard copies before, at the time completely unaware of the JAV scene, it was all about Tall Women, and he could do it again but the reality is that price is the problem, and that I thought they would show up eventually somewhere and I didn't want to get burned again. I suppose if I win a poker tourney that will be my little gift to myself and eventually everyone waiting for them to show up somewhere and I'll paypal a few hundred over to my Japanese friend and he will get them for me. If I do I assure you that I will share them eventually:):)
[QUOTE="bigrags, post: 3002966, member: 1110021" If I do I assure you that I will share them eventually:):)[/QUOTE]

Don't do that please.

There's another studio similar to IZUMU that has clips for sale here:
The link's legit. It's right from their official Japanese site. also sells DVDs and ships internationally. IZUMU isn't on their studio page, but they do have other studios like it I think.
Here's the list:
[QUOTE="bigrags, post: 3002966, member: 1110021" If I do I assure you that I will share them eventually:):)

Don't do that please.

There's another studio similar to IZUMU that has clips for sale here:
The link's legit. It's right from their official Japanese site. also sells DVDs and ships internationally. IZUMU isn't on their studio page, but they do have other studios like it I think.
Here's the list:[/QUOTE]

You wouldn't want me to share them if I got them, strange, why?? Are there some companies that you wouldn't even want to be posted here for some reason. and yeah the key for me is the Lesbian Izumu, that is what is so rare and coveted. So yeah its pretty easy to find similar sites and companies with males being towered over and dominated by bigger woman. I'll check out your links, hopefully they have some lesbian stuff:) (update) They did have one video that appears to be very much like Izumu so thx for that heads up. BTW is JAMS a more widely available studio, seems so?
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I am totally in the same boat, had a friend in Japan buy me 1 and 2, hundreds of dollars when it was all said and done but worth it. Then a little pissed that they were the ones out on the net. I would of gotten 3 and 5 if I had known. What is up with these guys, are they against making money or what. It's like they are going out of their way to not sell their stuff outside of Japan, is there something that I am missing, is there a reason that I am not aware of. I'm just getting more aware of the total JAV scene and I realize access is an issue but Izumu seem to be even worse than all the rest and its IFD 3,5,6,7 I covet most:):) Is there really an Izumu group or is that a bit of a joke?

Sorry for the late reply, i haven't been on this site in awhile. Yea i i feel where your coming from, these films are very rare, but i found someone through this thread who could apparently buy the films for people but i decided not to buy any because of the price. I probably will buy some eventually but now probably wouldn't be a good time for me. It's nice to to know that there are others who are also into this kind of genre :)
Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that I actually found IFD-05 and -06 online. Just search for them on pornhub and they'll be there unless taken down. Cheers
Ok so for a little update, I got the alert in my email that Dan had found IFD 5&6 online and went immediately to PornHub and snagged them. But not to fear, 5&6 are fully in the wild now, available all over the net. The only missing ones of the first 7 are 3 & 7. But they have added 8 & 9 but they have really gone to the fat chicks on these. They might also be tall but its not the same for me. That said, I did a basic file search on my computer for IFD as I was looking to see if I had actually downloaded a file other than from the tubes, I had from a torrent site, but what amazed me was that I have IFD 8. Now it might be in the wild too for all I know right now though my initial research doesn't show it to be. I torrent mass quantities and have RSS feeds on big mega sites so it might have just shown up. Not sure, but that said, if you are reading this and want #8, particularly you Dan:), let me know by replying. We'll figure out how to get it to you, but like I said maybe its out there and I just didn't realize it.
IFD 8 is actually online as well, so i have it. Like you said, the only ones that seem to be missing are 3, and 7, but thanks for reaching out.
Yep Dan I figured it was out in the wild and I must have torrented it with a RSS lesbo feed I use. I don't have a clue on half the stuff that ends up on that disc until I look at it sometimes a month after its dowloaded. I was surprised there was even an 8 and now 9, I hadn't been to the site in a long time. It had been real static for like 2-3 years with the Lesbian stuff. Man Izumu is like the weirdest company with how they operate on an international level and how the number one searched term on any porn site is Lesbian and they treat those things like they are making Citizen Kane:):) Glad to see them getting in the wild, but I would actually buy those vids if they made it at all reasonable. I don't know why they don't use R18 or DMM or whatever, it seems they do for some stuff but hardly ever IFD and never 3, other than that little preview video I've never seen a hint of it. And with that preview I wanted to see that one immediately after I actually bought 1 & 2. Hope all is well and if even if your not American, Happy 4th:)
bigrags: they probably don't put their stuff on DMM because they probably aren't happy with the % they would receive per sale. For their type of titles which obviously don't sell as much as your average maker, every sale does make a difference.
Yeah I get that, but why wouldn't you have a clear english website so those who wanted such special material could pay the premium and order direct from you. Or maybe I don't know about something with the JAV industry and these companies can't do that independently. I had to literally have a friend who is Japanese and moved back to Japan order my fetish vids for me cause it was impossible to do it any other way. And that was all for the right to eventually pay about $100 a video with shipping etc. and then to see them come out into the wild a year later. But that didn't bother me so much and in the end what they are encouraging is more of that. One guy somehow gets the vid and then he ups it to a torrent site and forget about it. Now that might happen anyway but for something so special most people aren't going to sit around waiting if they have the means and a decent way to get it. I think they probably have at least 5,000 people and I may be underestimating this who would buy an IFD title within a week of its release outside of Japan. All I am saying is that Volume would make up for any percentage and if you don't want to share, just have a clear direct order process if that is doable in their system. I'd love to meet with their owners and offer to pay whatever full retail would be in Japan for the rights to sell their videos in America and Europe. You would make money on that deal, good money if you did it right and made deals with all the tube sites to provide short clips. Free porn has sold more porn than the corner dirty bookstore ever did. But then I would have to dog all the download sites so I'll guess I skip it:)
I don't know IZUMU all that well but if they're like the other micro makers I know, you're talking about a company that may consists of two older guys at most who simply don't have the time nor resources to extend their operation outside of Japan. There and elsewhere, the number of people who really like these kinds of movies are very small compared to those who prefer regular porn.

I doubt the number of people internationally who would buy a new release IZUMU title is 5,000. It's probably closer to 50 and that's being nice. 'Promising' to buy is one thing, but then you might as well consider each Facebook 'like' a band has to be a sale and we know how true that is. :)

I'd imagine that if they really were getting many emails a day from various foreign people wanting to buy, they'd then do something about it, but I really doubt it's the case.
Worse comes to worse, you can always use a special order site like that can ship you pretty much whatever JAV you want worldwide.

In terms of price, people often complain about how expensive these fetish JAV titles are, but you gotta release if they sell 100+ copies within the first few months of a release, that's an *INSANE* success and they may make a sliver of a profit.
Outside of the real big studios owned by 3-letter companies, most operate on skeleton crews in old office buildings just trying to get by while doing something they love.
I do have some experience with this as I had a fetish site from the start of the internet till relatively recently, basically till Tubing and Torrents turned it from a full time job to very little, and your points are well taken in today's environment. The problem with niche product is also that those that want niche product, are also the most likely to know the ways to get that product for free in today's world. Mainstream porn is consumed by mainstream people, and most mainstream people at least in a porn sense have no idea what we do here and on other sites and in the Torrent world. Most fear it because someone said you might get a virus if you go out here on the "dark" web and if you download something "illegally" they can trace you. VPN, Seed Boxes, Direct Download all the stuff that many of us here take for granted is completely foreign. They have no idea that for the cost of what they spend on a couple Girlsway downloads they could have the entire series in 1080p without leaving there house by the next morning. But if you are into Tall Dominant Lesbians, I mean really into them, and that was one thing my site focused on that so I know this market pretty good, then even if you are a tech idiot you are going to do whatever necessary to find every source possible and you will start with the Tubes, then move to the DL sites and Torrenting. Believe me most people, even mainstream porn consumers think all this stuff is the "dark" web. So they gladly pay their 20 bucks a month at Brazzers, or download full movies from some online DVD store. The other thing killing producers of niche product is with Clips4Sale, THE PRODUCER, isn't really needed anymore. Once the girl figured out she could set up the camera, in one day shoot 10 clips degrading dudes, and make her car payment and half her rent without taking her clothes off as long as she was hot or willing to do the "weird" stuff why would she work with a middle man. And this is true all the way into the mainstream arena where most of the big porn stars only do mainstream porn so they can make their real money on their own websites, custom vids, high end escorting, and for many as featured dancers which you will never be if you haven't at least licked a girls pussy on camera but you better have fucked on camera to really get in the big leagues of that. Which really has nothing to do with Izumu, except to say that my whole point has been that they are a micro niche company for sure but by the amount of product they produce I don't think they are a micro company. They have more than a couple old dudes get their jollies. I think mainly what some might be missing is that I am specifically talking about the IFD videos they produce. You can basically buy and find free most of the other stuff they produce quite easily, both legit and in our world. If your into Femdom with a male you can go to any Tube site right now and get much of their catalog. You can publicly torrent a 70 vid megapack of Femdom with male vids, and nearly every private tracker has various Izumu on it. But not IFD 3, never IFD 3:):) That's my holy grail and if I have a winning poker night soon I might just call my Japanese friend and get it. And then after a year if its still missing from the public I'll post it here first:):) And in this world of 7 billion people, closing in on 8, with over a million coming online around the world every day I think you could probably do 5k in sales on a such a unique product that has a relatively small but almost addictive need for that special product. To use a comparison in 1998 I put up my paysite devoted to Tall Woman, it had been a free site and I had built up a little following. I offered a 24.99 a month members area for exclusive content, when mind you most of the content was jpegs not mp4s and when I woke up the next morning, and I was truly micro I had nearly 200 subscribers, over half from outside the United States and I quit my job soon after. Those were great days, the early days of the internet, and you may be right now but I can tell you that there are far more than 5 thousand people into Tall Dominant women around this world, and a large subsection of them like it to be LezDom. And if you are one of those guys then a decent part of your life is hunting for content that hits that fetish exactly, because in mainstream and even most fetish porn it happens so rarely. the IFD vids, especially the early ones did that and if they kept making them at the rate they make ones about obese chicks sitting on dudes faces they would sell a shitload. Once again the most googled porn word, and most searched word on all Tube sites is LESBIAN for years running so in the end no matter how hard it is for me to get in States, which is a completely different issue, I can't figure out why they don't make more of it with the distinctive actresses they employ.

And if that was directed at me, is there an Izumu group or something, I think when I first got here that intrigued me right off, I was sure it would have IFD 3:):)
I'm going to be honest and say I couldn't digest all of your reply because you did not use paragraphs. ;)

Let me say this: if you think there's even 100 people abroad who would definitely buy IZUMU new releases, then contact IZUMU and see if you can buy their titles wholesale (which they can probably give you a discount on) and then become a reseller of them for foreign customers.
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yeah if i could get a hold of them there wouldn't be a problem. I'm already rich, don't need it, and I don't care about their catalog except for IFD. and isn't that the point, they don't have resellers, that in the end is what we are talking about. there a short paragraph:):)
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