Where / Why Yipman Gone?

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New Member
Feb 24, 2015
Anyone know why yipman not post new jav movie again?
I use her release for my jav collection, and I have one premium account uploadable.ch with her ref link.

It's very sad, because only yipman who release 1080p hd jav movie on the internet.
Her or He ?

perhaps a break
Yipman is a Man.

And its not his obligation to give you your AV fix. He has an actual job.

Not to mention there are problems in the JAV uploading world currently going on right now and will persist for many months. Get use to shitty SD rips.
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He was active on maxjav as well, and that site is now down as of recently. Their preferred host was Datafile.
What are you talking about?

Yipman was never active on Maxjav. The dude who runs the blog just takes yipmans uploads and posts them on there.

And Maxjav isnt even down.
Well, then, Yipman's uploads were active on maxjav, shinigamie. I guess that's what I'm talking about.

AH! Well, maybe that site is being blocked where I am because when I go to maxjav.com like I always have it redirects to Google. But now when a Google maxjav and choose the cached version it comes up with posts from today (must have been cached just today). Hmmm...interesting.
yui93: who knows why he stopped. i would guess it's probably the same reason many great posters over the years have retired. and you can blame Akiba-Online for a large part of it.

The reason? SH!T quality and ripoff artists, mainly from China and Taiwan. More recently, Vietnam and other southeast Asian nations.

Since 2007 when I first started following this board and others like it (most of them long gone), there's been a continual DOWNGRADE in the quality of sharing.

And NO, contrary to that shingamadingaling dude's self-righteous reply to your question, you DON'T have to "get used to shitty SD rips." As if he is entitled to speak for someone else. Boards are populated with chumps like him.

If you want quality rips, here's what you can do: Do what Akiba-Online has never had the balls to do: YOU HAVE IT IN YOUR POWER to Narc on reposters of dioguitar and his scumbag crew's watermarked cr@p.

>>Right now, the major a$$-sucking dog to dioguitar on Akiba-Online is "daleisjav." Surf this site every day, copy the links to all the "shitty SD" rips he reposts, and forward those to the Japanese Copyright agency, ippa.jp, as well as to the individual manufacturers, like DMM, which owns a large percentage of the labels.

If Akiba-Online started banning long ago (as I requested many times) the scumbag reposters who were bringing down the quality of this site and JAV sharing in general, and who were contributing toward driving away legendary posters, this situation wouldn't exist. Alright, so they've played their hand. Now it's time for others to play theirs.

If it's a choice between putting one penny in that scumbag dioguitar's pocket and the pissant reposters of his filth, or having NO JAV except for what I purchase on my own, then I will happily choose the latter. Saves on hard drive space anyway. You get what you really want that way.

You can believe that loser dioguitar is going to start feeling the heat. And I believe they execute "business" criminals like him in public in China. That will be a news headline I can't wait to read.


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Banning for posting watermarked titles is not the thing to do. It is the members here that decide what they are willing to download. If you want a board to fail take away their choices . I can't stand watermarked content. How do I keep pennies out of their pockets? Easy. I ignore them.

Back on topic Yipman has taken holiday before, perhaps he didn't bother letting us know because really he doesn't have to.
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this the wrong thread for a rant on watermarks, not that I am against it, I hate them too

but what I tend to do is put on the thread in big bold red LETTERS WARNING WATERMARK
Banning for posting watermarked titles is not the thing to do. It is the members here that decide what they are willing to download. If you want a board to fail take away their choices . I can't stand watermarked content. How do I keep pennies out of their pockets? Easy. I ignore them.
Back on topic Yipman has taken holiday before, perhaps he didn't bother letting us know because really he doesn't have to.
No disrespect intended, but your argument is similar to the mindset of automakers and SUVs. Passenger cars had gotten more and more sophisticated by the late 1980s. US automakers couldn't compete & make a profit against the double wishbone suspensions, excellent unibody construction & outstanding multivalve engines with high fuel efficiency of the Japanese compact and midsize sedans at the time. So what did they do? Took a 15 year-old design and long-in-the-tooth technology (body-on-frame & leaf-spring suspension & push-rod engines) and sold them as a loss leader. "Sold them" is a misnomer. They jammed them down the throats of the American public. Millions of them. Horrible vehicles, lousy gas mileage, socially irresponsible, dangerous to other drivers, etc., the list of bad attributes goes on.
It wasn't a matter of choice in the marketplace. Obliterate them with marketing propaganda & the majority of consumers are stupid as sheep and can be easily led, even to their own demise. It's the same case here. Proposing that A-O keep or tolerate purveyors of crud because it gives users more choice is a fallacy. As you can see now, it has cannibalized all the quality. By not taking a stand and thinking that giving a choice between the lesser of two evils is the way to go, you backed yourself into a corner. There's only one evil now. Everybody loses.
As for your second point, the flip side of that is a hunch that the poster isn't really on holiday or a break. Maybe he just made a deal with the devil. I would hope not, but all signs and observations seem to point to "Yes."
You do realize you are getting all of this for free right? Yipman posts free links.

You are ranting because you cant get your monthly free fix.
You speak of automakers shafting consumers, yet…you, yourself admit “I consume”. Haha! Kidding.

Your point regarding the auto industry is valid but completely invalid here. What I meant about choices was pretty clear. Whoever those watermarked perps are, they seem to be the only ones getting relatively new SD/sub-SD titles to the scene (to believe everyone out there is willing to download HD material is irresponsible). The major drawback was that they watermarked them. The choice you seem to prefer is to have no content at all if you ban the guy and the likes of him. At that point the only choice members would have would be to go without, leave this board and frequent another one where these titles are not banned, or wait in hopes that someone else will happen to provide a version that is better quality AND has no watermarks. Fat chance. Are you going to buy/acquire legit titles and provide them to the community without watermarks for them? If I do a search for iconsume activity will I find an original post you’ve provided at some point? Probably another fat chance. Basically unless you or someone else steps up and gets access to newer JAV and can provide them without watermarks, dioguitar and his cronies are the only choice out there and that’s all there is to it. That is by no fault of the ones downloading and sure as heck isn’t this board’s fault (good grief!)

On Topic: Yipman has never provided a watermarked version of anything. He used to provide WMV files stripped of DRM. Then something changed, maybe he couldn’t anymore, so he now provides MKV files, maybe using a type of screen recorder? Don’t know, but the quality is slightly less than before. One thing I know is that he surely didn’t sell out and ask some other site to help him with the DRM. THAT would be making a deal with the devil. Kudos to him for keeping it to himself. My guess is he is on holiday. I certainly hope the guy is okay and nothing bad has happened.

shinigamie, his rants are legendary. Those are his only contributions to this board. Nothing but complaints and quick to show you how he is right and the rest of us are wrong. But, he’s good for some entertainment.
to your points, casshern2, cancer does not start out as a full-blown disease. however, if it's not addressed before the cells start replicating and devouring healthy cells....too late.

on this board, no i haven't shared. because of the reasons cited. though i've been a legit purchaser of DVDs since 2010 and, more recently, HD downloads. also, fortunately, there's a J-video store near me from which i rent JAV titles. i have shared and un-DRM'd many (though not to the extent of the subject of this thread or others like him who were here previously or on other boards) over the past few years. but it's not a race to see who can post the most. in terms of sharing, i've never been in it for the money, only as a hobbyist & enthusiast. in a working community of users, if everyone contributes, even a little; to whatever level they're able, everyone wins. and it gives users a good reason to keep coming back & participating.

i'm not on the admin side of this board so i'll cease offering my POV re: its management, except to finally add that, by not addressing the issue early on, A-O let itself be put behind the 8-ball in terms of its JAV DLs section. with only one source, once he gets busted, or once the manufacturers close the loopholes his crew exploits to steal their property (you can be sure he doesn't spend a yuan), or if they come up with a stronger DRM scheme, or when the Trans-Pacific Partnership gives participating nations the means to deal a fatal blow to his piracy, and there's nothing for dioguitar's sycophants to scurry after and repost, then WHO are your customers? or are you okay w/being the home page for "shitty SD rips" in the meantime? if so, i guess all i can say is "enjoy the ride."

and have a fifth on the fourth.
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Yipman went to hone his martial-arts skills, and left this website for an unknown period of time as a result
You butthole surfers only know how to complain. Your only contributions= more pointless posts to help gain more traffic for this site
not only how are they his posts, but why advertise a span site here
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I read all post here.
Finally no one know why yipman not post HD JAV again.

Thanks for reply, I really hope yip man come back again as soon as possible.
Nothing is better than him, quality JAV sharing has been so bad since he went. No HD video + Fully watermark + terrible quality.
You all certainly aware of it!
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The Encryption mode of DMM has changed,can't decipher the movie now,I think it's the reason.
I think Casshern2 wrote that before:
On Topic: Yipman has never provided a watermarked version of anything. He used to provide WMV files stripped of DRM. Then something changed, maybe he couldn’t anymore, so he now provides MKV files, maybe using a type of screen recorder? Don’t know, but the quality is slightly less than before. One thing I know is that he surely didn’t sell out and ask some other site to help him with the DRM. THAT would be making a deal with the devil. Kudos to him for keeping it to himself. My guess is he is on holiday. I certainly hope the guy is okay and nothing bad has happened.
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