uploadable status?


we all make mistakes
Jun 6, 2007
anyone know the status of uploadable.ch free links? for perhaps 8-10 weeks, they no longer work for me. yes, there's a pop-up that needs to be clicked. but once the links appear, they just don't work. i even registered. still no luck. do they work for you? is this a problem on my end? have they disabled free links intentionally or am i missing something... secret password? keystroke combo? disable adblocker? upgrade to windows 10? any thoughts?
Hello, Barba.

I've noticed Uploadable is no longer the "free ride" it used to be. That is, they have become sleazy. (At least the speeds are good, and there is no waiting between links... luckily.)

The reason for the sleaziness, aside from the pop-ups, is I have noticed sometimes Uploadable no longer works, and the key for me is to use different browsers. This filehoster can now be capricious, and it is frustrating.

I tried a recent link now on Chrome, and the countdown would not start after clicking on "Free Download."

Only when I tried a raw version of Firefox that I have installed (by "raw," I mean no "Adblock" or other protective add-on filters; I gave Adblock as as example, as I do not believe the problem with Uploadable is Adblock. A site that frowns upon Adblock will tell you to disable it) did the countdown begin. (After the multiple pop-ups.) I carried the process through to make certain the download began.

The countdown

I remember times in the recent past when after the countdown had run its course, the "Start download" box would not appear. Or sometimes after filling in the CAPTCHA, the process would freeze. I'd then try another browser. (I also have Opera and Internet Explorer installed, as well as Tor Browser, the latter I have learned to stop trying with filehosters. I also have K-Meleon, which is not good for the more demanding sites, but sometimes has its place.)

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Works for me but I did have to disable my adblocker to use it. With the adblocker disabled, if you're not quick you will get caught in a popup ad loop. So effing annoying :mad::mad::mad:

Here's a tip: keep your fingers ready on ctrl+w then right after you click on the "free download" button hit the ctrl+w keyboard shortcut to instantly close the popup window. Works like a charm.
thanks guys. i'll give it a try. no choice, really.

let's see... play musical browsers and be ready with the pop-up swatter.
the things we do for love...
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With NoScript the pop ups appear once, no loop, and the ads don't show in the pop ups.

But yeah, people should strongly consider using a different filehost.
Well ads aside, its the fastest free filehost at the moment aside from MEGA. Which btw why does no one ever use MEGA? It's the easiest, and the fastest, and supports large files sizes. No parts 1-10 BS.
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I love using MEGA but the more MEGA is used the faster it will get shut down, and the day when the previous Megaupload got shut down was a very sad day.

It seems uploadable has changed to bigfile, not much has changed, active uploadable links automatically were converted to bigfile links, but bigfiles free size limit is 400 mb instead of 500 mb, so any links in between are no longer free! Damnit!
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Sad day indeed. But regardless, all my uploads are to MEGA I'm not here to make people jump through hoops all day just to get their fap on.

uploadable's file size change is complete shit. They pretty much just killed all uploadable links :lempar:
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I have way too many ghost accounts since MEGA cracked down on their 50 gb limit per free account so unfortunately I will stick to sharing via free filejoker and torrent :lol:

The one good thing I can say about uploadable/bigfile is the speed since I dl at max bandwidth. Some of the other ones like uploaded, while its nice that their links stay up longer, dl at like 1/3 - 1/4 of my maximum bandwidth. 1+ hour part downloads AND a wait time? No thanks!
as i was the original bad-mouther of uploadable (which i had re-christened ‘unusable’ as of late), i should pass on this update, even if some of you surely know already. uploadable’s free links are working again without making you jump through hoops. when you click on a link now, you are redirected to a site called www.bigfile.to, and a page with your specific link. i’m always suspicious of redirects, but these are benign and official. as a free user, you have the usual waits, passwords, and download limitations. but over all, it seems comparable to what it was before all the madness.

illegitimi non carborundum
anyone use datafile before? Im trying to find a paypal reseller, but I am not sure which one is realiable
anyone use datafile before? Im trying to find a paypal reseller, but I am not sure which one is realiable

I've used Hotfilepremiumstore twice in the past. Pretty reliable. Can't remember how long exactly but they delivered within 1 day. They resell more than 50 other sites besides datafile too.