Immersive 3D Content and Enthusiasts (oh boy...)


Senior Member...I think
Mar 22, 2008
The other thread ( is about lack of tech, so I figured I'd move my musings about i3D (VR) somewhere specific.

Immersive 3D (prematurely called VR by content creators) has the potential to be an exciting way to experience JAV. From my experience, it can put you “in the scene”. When the 3D effect is done right and the immersive view is proportional (sadly it sometimes isn’t) it can make it seem like you are interacting with the scene by being in the scene. What do I mean by this? For those who know (and don’t know), you can look around a 180 degree 3D scene. You can look to your left, your right, up, down, and see everything in 3D seemingly surrounding you. That is the immersive nature of this type of content.

Imagine a tried and true standard scene from a favorite genre. A wife with the young buck having a bit of fun while the husband is in the next room in plain sight to the viewer through a door or hallway opening. Lying down, eating breakfast, reading the paper on the couch, whatever the case may be. All the while the wife with the step-son, perhaps, uneasy and nervous, looking now and then to make sure hubby doesn’t notice what’s happening on the other side of the wall. An immersive 3D presentation of such a scene would have your POV with the wife before you (you’re the step-son!) and you could literally look to your right when she looks to her left and see the husband in the other room. Imagine! You see from your POV what usually happens in scenes like that, then you hear the husband snore or makes noise or call out from the other room, the wife stops to answer, perhaps, and you look to make sure he isn’t coming. Sure, it is all staged and he’ll never get up but that would put you inside a scene you probably like watching. It would seem like you’re in the room and there’s a room you can see into next to you. Yes…all of this while the ever present mosaic is…ever present. But that’s why you feel like you’re in the scene. Watching the scene traditionally has mosaic.

I’m not saying immersive 3D (VR) is the best thing ever. Like someone pointed out, it’s a gimmick and it may not last in the long run. But right now it is still young and I’m hopeful things will only get better with it. The major disadvantage with it, really, is that people see it as something they can’t do. Like when 3D movies/titles came out. You needed a whole new Blu-ray player, monitor or TV that could play 3D content as it was intended for crying out loud. I never got into 3D because of that. But you can use your phone right now, which all of you have, with some inexpensive VR goggles like Google Cardboard type goggles or the ones that are starting to pop up at retailers everywhere (or Gear VR for you Samsung phone owners) to take a peek into this other world. It really is neat to experience.

I’m horrible at convincing people of things, so I’m not trying to convince anyone that what I’m saying will stand true for others who experience it. It is my experience. And I’m not trying to convince you to go out and buy anything to try this. But for those who have been interested or were or now are, maybe a slight investment in entertainment? There is plenty of Western content out there that is actually superior to anything JAV-related at the moment, but that’s to be expected since it hasn’t garnered enough of a following in Japan. My hope is that more content will immerge in JAV. So far Office K’s has jumped in and produced a number of scenes, along with other minor labels.

While this thread might be largely ignored (many reads, no replies) or be met with ridicule or pointed commentary on the cons of the VR experience, and that’s certainly your right to post as much, all opinions are welcome, I’m hopeful for a few things:

- Others who have experience with immersive 3D (VR) will share their likes/dislikes.
- Others who know of any other JAV content might share where that is.
- Others who have or want to try or share some JAV content will inquire about it here.

I was called an “early adopter” recently, which I guess is true. For any longtime Akiba members, if you recall, I once championed and provided 60fps content back in the day. I was an early adopter with that as well. You can find 60fps all over the place now. Not that I’m saying I had anything to do with it, but can I pick ‘em or can I pick ‘em. KIDDING!
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I already lay out my skepticism of VR for porn. But reading your post, and checking some info, I just realized it's not possible to film a real scene in 3D. To make a 3D film you need two cameras (two lens) pointing in one direction. If you want to look side-way (during VR), the two cameras must be re-positioned, but you can't position the two cameras for all the potential directions that the viewer may choose when s/he use the VR goggle. So 3D VR for filming a real scene is impossible (except by some fancy futuristic pseudo-3D technology, yeah I can kinda imagine how it could be done). For omnidirectional photography and videography, Ricoh Theta S is cheap and seems quite excellent product. But no 3D.

But of course 3D VR for virtuality is emerging (Call of Duty VR will be HUGE).
*sigh ding, you just can't stop chipping away at this, can you? o_O Please answer this question once and for all (and I'm sure you won't). Do you have a Gear VR headset? Do you have an Oculus Rift setup? Do you have Google Cardboard? Do you have anything like any of those? Have you experienced any adult content in a 3D presentation using any of the aforementioned items? You post replies that don't seem to be based on your experience at all. For that I no longer value your opinion. I welcome it, though (how can I not, you're going to provide it anyway). I have a Gear VR. I have a lot of Western content and gathering JAV content. All of them are in 3D, and look 3D no matter which direction I look. How do they do it? Here's the fun part. Who cares? I don't. For those that do, well...that's for them to stew over. Doesn't keep me up at night wondering if I'm being cheated in some way by the content producers. I like and enjoy what I see.
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heheh... sorry was trying to resist... but I do care a lot about technology and I'm really curious about the how and the what. But you are right, if the customer can't tell, and says he experienced 3D, well that's legit, and to further investigate the tech, I should look to somewhere else than a porn forum.

Back to your Bat Channel.

About the pissing VR, it needs a water (or liquid) spraying attachment. Oh... maybe finally... a VR porn tech that could convince me... a (affordable) robotic arm attachment that would whip the masochistic customer's ass.
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Well, I can't contribute in any meaningful way, but let me just say that I'll definitely not have VR, not anytime soon. And honestly, I don't think I need it. I've got a pretty good imagination and I can easily immerse myself in whatever I'm watching if what I'm watching is right for me, whether it's POV or not. And sure, experiencing a scene with VR might change my point of view... :P But the thing is, and I'm not embarrassed to say this, I'm a guy who gets easily scared when playing horror games due to being so immersed in the game to the point where I don't even play any horror games, especially not ones where you can't fight back and you are just basically "prey". So yeah, I think I can do without it! :)
Hey, I hear ya, my friend. I’m good with watching scary movies but I draw the line at watching anything like that in a headset. I’ve seen reaction videos. Even as curious as I sometimes get, no thanks.

I was curious about VR just because I found that I could use my phone (had an HTC One) and didn’t have to buy anything expensive. It was fun to use, and I really enjoyed watching JAV titles on the big screen. You’d have to see it for yourself, but yes, with some apps it literally looks like you’re sitting in a movie theater watching your favorite Fitch, or Oppai, or Knights Visual title on the big screen. Obviously only for that experience in mind, you could literally turn to see all of the other empty seats around you and even the projector behind you. And like someone else had pointed out, who would do that? But that’s not the point. It is meant to give you the experience of sitting in a theater, which to me it does.

Then I got my Samsung Note 5 and it was too big for the headsets I got from eBay. Luckily I found a Gear VR for half price that was tailored for my phone (and some others) and I was back in business. Then I saw something about 3D VR. I tried it, liked it, now I can’t get enough of it. Sure, I still sit in that theater and watch a scene from this title or that. And I’ll most likely go back to that almost exclusively, but for now the immersive 3D thing is holding my attention.

If you’re in the US and know of any Five Below stores near you, I’ve seen VR headsets there. $5 to try it out might not hurt so much. Heck, even just to see if something like that is of any interest. I took the plunge and started with $15 dollar headsets on eBay. Three of them! Wish I had to only spend $5 to get me into it, though. Haha!
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Fortunately, I don't live in the US. I don't know how much it would cost here to get into VR, or even if it's available around here yet (maybe in the capital?). Also, I have a phone from 2007, so I would have to pass anyway. :D

But honestly, to me VR seems like a luxury thing that might be cool but not essential at all to have a good time playing video games or watching porn, so I'll probably never get it unless it becomes ridiculously cheap.
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The studios are learning a bit more about how close you can get to the camera (s) in order to create a believable watchable effect. Sometimes the idols come in, literally, for a kiss. Looks horrible. But when they are at the right distance it is really nice. And some don't weave the videos correctly which destroys the 3D effect. Like I said, they're learning.

I feel so alone! No one to trade stories with or content with. This early adoption stuff is odd. I find great enjoyment out of this stuff but it is currently so far from mainstream. The Western material keeps churning and is pretty nice. is still pumping things out almost daily. I'm amassing quite a library. I have to say, as nice as the Western things are, nothing beats the soft voices and bodies of JAV idols seemingly right there with you.

The studios are learning a bit more about how close you can get to the camera (s) in order to create a believable watchable effect. Sometimes the idols come in, literally, for a kiss. Looks horrible. But when they are at the right distance it is really nice. And some don't weave the videos correctly which destroys the 3D effect. Like I said, they're learning.

I feel so alone! No one to trade stories with or content with. This early adoption stuff is odd. I find great enjoyment out of this stuff but it is currently so far from mainstream. The Western material keeps churning and is pretty nice. is still pumping things out almost daily. I'm amassing quite a library. I have to say, as nice as the Western things are, nothing beats the soft voices and bodies of JAV idols seemingly right there with you.


I wouldn't mind picking up a couple of the Marie Konishi videos on but I was hoping they had a sample to watch from their site first. I don't know Japanese though so getting around on the site isn't easy. It doesn't seem like any of the individual videos have samples, do you know if the site itself has a generic sample at least?

Or have there been any JAV VR posted at all yet?
I wouldn't mind picking up a couple of the Marie Konishi videos on but I was hoping they had a sample to watch from their site first. I don't know Japanese though so getting around on the site isn't easy. It doesn't seem like any of the individual videos have samples, do you know if the site itself has a generic sample at least?

Or have there been any JAV VR posted at all yet?
Haven't found anything from hbox yet. I was able to create an account (they use a point system to purchase, it seems) and the screenshots I saw look like not-so-good quality videos. Not to say they are just crappy screenshots and the real movies look nice in your player.

I have a bunch of content from, but haven't posted because there hasn't been much interest.
Well, I’ve asked the Brass (thank you @CoolKevin!) where I might post up some content here on the forums. That’s not an easy answer (which is why I asked). There is so far not enough interest or sharable content available to justify a dedicated sub-form for Immersive 3D content (VR) as of yet. That’s not to say we won’t see something like that in the future. The staff, time permitting, will evaluate things. For any that read this, and I thank those who do, if you wouldn’t mind lending your desires, if any, to this subject.

First I’ll say this:
I have a bunch of content from that I can share. But, I apologize in advance for not wanting to take the time to post all of it up properly (per form rules) if there is only a very small number of people that might want it. I know, I know, that sounds selfish. I just don’t have a whole lot of time these days for my favorite hobby, and I have many, many such files.

Then I’ll say this:
Sound off here if you have any type of VR gear and would like to see things like I’ve posted samples for in this thread and other threads.

Who knows, hopefully my schedule will calm down before long and I can post all kinds of things, but for now I have to be selective, unfortunately. I still try to answer requests now and then. I was able to recently because I was itching for it. What can I say, I like making people happy. Which is why I talk about Immersive 3D so much. I like it. And I think others would, too, given the chance.

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Would you happen to have any of the lolicon stuff that perv such as myself might enjoy?
But seriously, let me know which one(s) you'd like to try and if I have them, and probably do, I'll post them up.
But seriously, let me know which one(s) you'd like to try and if I have them, and probably do, I'll post them up.
I've never tried VR, not really sure where to start.
Guess I'll just start with a familiar face...

Do you have any of the ones with Uta Sachino?

or Asami Tsuchiya?