I definitely enjoy for the a more natural look when girls decide to enhance them selves. American pornstar just look weird when they decide to put those bowling balls on their chest. at best they can look good with a bra on, but once the bra comes off. it like ugh.

many american pornstar looks best with their bra on, when they took it off ...

I get that. But that leads to what @Supmop said about why actress leave to another studio. When a studio is just pushing one or a hand full actress. A new an debut and up and comer from that studio could find it more appealing and a good career move to go to another studio. As a result some studios could become feeder studio to others studios instead of actual competition.
I think that because most JAV studios are set in their way an really unwilling to try new things. Eventually all actress run their course in any one studio and they reach the point where they need to move on to another studio in order to stay relevant or on top. Depending on their situation. I also think that an actress can get a career reset and a boost when they which to a new studio. First their is the chance for a push with the new studio. They could also see it as a career reset. By this i mean that they can find new audiences and just movies with similar themes that they had already shoot with a previous studio. Which is something that can get old quickly and be a real career detractor.
yes, agree with that
and from what I see, many girls became more sucessful when they became freelance, they released many videos each months and with many different genres too, its more effective to gain attentions and fans