Tentacle compilation / collection (live action)

This site is either dying or people cant find it in search. I had hoped we would have this movie available and there is nothing. Any ideas?
This site is either dying or people cant find it in search. I had hoped we would have this movie available and there is nothing. Any ideas?

I was searching on the internet for this one everyday, found nothing at all, I think usually it would takes couple more weeks to upload it after the release?
If you want to make a difference you could request the title from here: http://javakiba.org/?page_id=2 and share with this forum. Many of us, including myself, have done similar in the past.
This community lives or dies by the actions of its members. You or any one else that wants to can become an uploader and ensure that we continue to get all the best stuff there is. It's not that hard and if you have any question I and many others will try and answer them for you.

That is a right way.In China,some people do DMM proxy shop job.You can buy the jav you like in very cheap price.They sale this jav to others or websites also. I am willing to spend a little money to buy jav only i like.How you think?
not new
but someone asked for a reup a few pages back

Touch of Tentacle Orgasm Celebrities -Sasa Handa

Parts 1 & 2




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I was searching on the internet for this one everyday, found nothing at all, I think usually it would takes couple more weeks to upload it after the release?

sometimes was out here in a day sometimes a few days from release day. Oh well hope someone posts it.
Hi, I would like to to upload it for yuou, but I've downloaded it a few times and I have an error: The archive is in unknown format or damaged.

nice but no premium here. cant buy premium on every download site. any chance on re uploading on free site?
For anyone interested in Bio-slime the actual released version is not called Bio-Slime anymore it got renamed "Contagion" at some point. Since the new name is shared with that viral pandemic movie with the all star cast googling it usually ends up pointing you to the latter. if you are truly curious can find at least part of it on TheAntjack's "female possession" blog can also find it on any number of the adult "tube" sites. The clip he posted is the first half of the movie (first 40 or so minutes out of the whole 90).
I've scored the second and third "Internal Parasitism" videos, but it'll be a while before they get shipped 'n' ripped.

I also have Gallop's "Treasure Hunter Tentacle Attack" (賞金ハンター触手攻め [PMSD-033]), but idea how to unlock/decode/whatsis the thing. Any advice?

Does anyone have a copy of "Treasure Hunter Tentacle Attack" (賞金ハンター触手攻め [PMSD-033])?
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