R Player v2 & .dcv files
I purchased WANZ-310 as a full HD download a long time ago as a .wmv file. Through an accident I lost the file so I went to download it again from my library. It downloaded as a .dcv file and I had to install R Player v2 to play it. On playback I found the .dcv file seems to have been corrupted. At regular intervals the video freezes for a second or so and then resumes play but it skips a second or so of the video. I am sure that this is not a problem with my machine as the freezes occur at exactly the same points in the video if I skip back. Also I should mention that the .wmv version played back perfectly when I had it.
Has anyone else had these kinds of problems with R Player v2, or .dcv files that were previously downloaded as .wmv files?
Can R18 do anything to fix the issue?