I can do that with V1 of the player, but when I try and do that with V2 it just stays on the main player or changes the file playing in the single-player. I can't figure out a way to get a second V2 player to open. I have four screens and usually use them all. This really sucks! I can't find a control panel on the player that lets you adjust this either. R18 made some improvements with the V2, like not having to type in your account info on every movie all the time, but this is a huge screw up in my opinion. And there is no longer the option of using V1 on any files, they've switched them all, even the older ones to this new DCV format which you can't play on the V1 of the Rplayer. And you can't play the old files on the V2. This is a total screw over of customers. We give them tons of money for clear content without the damned advertisements and crap all over the picture and this is how they treat us. It sucks!