JavLuv JAV Browser


JavLuv author, lesbian connoisseur
Jun 1, 2013
JavLuv for Windows is a handy browser for finding and displaying all your JAV movies. Using the DVD-ID embedded in your folders or filenames, it downloads metadata from online databases and writes them to local .nfo files. You can browse and search for movies by keywords, categories, actress names, folders, etc and sort by various criteria.

Installing JavLuv couldn't be easier. Just download the Setup executable, install it, and you're done. Then, scan your movies, and the rest is automatic. You can even have JavLuv organize and rename all your movies into nearly whatever sort of organizational structure and naming scheme using movie metadata.

JavLuv Browser View

JavLuv Detail View

JavLuv Features
  • Browse collections in a traditional thumbnail / details view, and launch movies
  • Automatically scan movies, scrape metadata from a few well-known websites, and download covers if needed
  • Stores metadata in Kodi/Javinizer compatible .nfo files next to the movie
  • Sort and browse movies by title, ID, actress, newest / oldest release date, or user rating.
  • Search / filter collection by title, names, keywords, IDs, studio, label, or folders using a search bar
  • Automatic renaming and organizing of collection into nearly any folder and file structure
  • Built-in utility to concatenate movies losslessly
  • User-definable filters for genre tags, actress, studio, label, and director.
  • And more...

The latest updates are available on GitHub:
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tim . i trust you so i can download your file and have fun with it .
but i have problem because i dont have filejoker premuim .
can you post it in https://github.com or some other website plz ?
Hmm, it's supposed to be available without Filejoker premium. Try use the "slow download" option at the bottom of the page after you click on the link.
Hmm, it's supposed to be available without Filejoker premium. Try use the "slow download" option at the bottom of the page after you click on the link.
oh . sorry . thank you so much
its create nfo file in movies folder.
but how can you show your picture ?
nothing here .


  • Untitled.jpg
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its create nfo file in movies folder.
but how can you show your picture ?
nothing here .

So, a typical movie folder of mine looks something like this:


There's a cover image, preview image, and movie file. Some or all of them have the DVD-ID as part of the name.

To add movies to your library, first make sure that option is checked. Then press the Scan Movies button and select the folder you want to import.


You'll either see metadata downloading, or you'll get an error report telling you what went wrong (some movies can't be found online, for example).

If successful, you should then see the movie added to the library, like this:

Note the number of movies listed in the corner.

If you're seeing an .nfo file generated but it's not being added to the library (even if that option is checked), then something rather odd is going on. Let me know if you follow these instructions and it's still not working.
at first i just reopen the program then this is the image i have captured .

about 5 movies have error and i think its because their id code is wrong .

but most of them showed up now but with few of them have pictures .

its fsdss-164 of yoshi nene that showed up.

but other options is working . and many option i cant find in other program out there.


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Okay, that's a decent start.

So, JavLuv need to be able to figured out which image is the cover. The original intention was that if there was only a single image in the folder, it should assume that the image is the cover, no matter what it's named. Looking at the code, I don't think it's doing that. Running some tests now to see. If so, I'll fix that and release a new version in a little bit.

Alternatively, If the image has "cover" or "title" or the DVD-ID in the filename, then it should definitely recognize it. If you look in options, you'll see that you can add additional keywords to look for when scanning for cover names. So if you use a different term, you can add that yourself.
Okay, if there's no keyword or ID match, JavLuv will now just use whatever image it finds as the cover image. That was the original intention, but I wasn't doing that.


The fastest way to fix your collection is to "Delete Local Cache", then "Scan Movies". You won't have to re-download existing metadata. Alternatively, select all files, then right-click and "Rescan Files"
than you so much
Hi, i tried to use it and I have some questions.
Does it only use the Cover and Preview if it find it in the same folder as the DVD-ID ?
Would it be possible to search automatically online for the cover based on the ID?
Thanks for the application :)
Hi, i tried to use it and I have some questions.
Does it only use the Cover and Preview if it find it in the same folder as the DVD-ID ?
Would it be possible to search automatically online for the cover based on the ID?
Thanks for the application :)
Correct, it will only use the cover if it finds that in the same folder as the movie, and assumes there is one movie in each folder. It tries to correctly guess which is a cover and which is a preview / thumbnail based on the name, but it doesn't actually use the thumbnail / preview image at the moment.

I suppose I could also download a cover image if it doesn't already exist. Would you find that a useful feature? I never thought about it myself since I always downloaded and saved a cover image myself along with the movie.
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Correct, it will only use the cover if it finds that in the same folder as the movie, and assumes there is one movie in each folder. It tries to correctly guess which is a cover and which is a preview / thumbnail based on the name, but it doesn't actually use the thumbnail / preview image at the moment.

I suppose I could also download a cover image if it doesn't already exist. Would you find that a useful feature? I never thought about it myself since I always downloaded and saved a cover image myself along with the movie.
i think if this program can download images then its better .
i never download images of the movies . i just look at it and past their id-codes in torrents website .
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ah ok i see. I usually only get the movie or scenes i like.
I liked the idea of your application and googled the whole night for alternatives and options and set up my databse with stashapp, scrappers and docker now.

I think downloading the cover image and maybe a thumbnail is quite usefull. I saw many people liked that. So in Stashapp i used a scrapper from javdb and javlibrary to get the acctress names, studio and some tags as well as the cover photo, which is then added to the ui. But i have to manually click these things so its time consuming for someone who is a long time viewer haha

What is missing there is ( i think, since i am quite new to that ) an auto-fill of these data like acctress name, studio and cover image.
I think if the DVD ID is a perfect match with what the scrapper is finding then it should not be hard to implement it. If you could do that then your application could have an edge over stashapp

we can discuss if you like but i am not a dev and have very limited knowledge about these stuff. Just just basic python stuff for work ^^'
If things would work nice and sweet then I could write up a tutorial and make a video for future users for you
Well, the "Scan Movies" function does automatically fill in all that metadata for you. You just need to make sure "Add to Library" is checked, and then you'll be able to see the results when added to the collection. It can fill in hundreds or even thousands of movie data in a fairly short time.

JavLuv does make the assumption that each movie is in its own folder. If there are multiple movies in a folder, it assumes those are multiple parts of the same movie. In my own collection, movies are organized like:

Movie Name (folder)
ABC-123 cover.jpg
ABC-123 preview.jpg

JavLuv then creates an .nfo file containing metadata the same as the name of the movie (or the common root name if multiple parts).

Do you keep all your movies in a single folder, or in individual folders? If they're all in a single folder, JavLuv will probably not work unless I make some changes.

As I mentioned, I don't think it would be too difficult to add a feature that automatically downloads a cover image from the websites I scrape for metadata (JavLibrary.com, JavDatabase.com, and Jav.land). I'll look into doing that for a future release.
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ah ok seems like i didnt understood that each movie has to be in its own folder.
I have a folder with all movies thrown in, thats what messed it up probably.
I guess its possible to give every video a folder with its own name with a script but i will pass on that today ^^'
thanks for explaining!
Yeah, I think I should probably try to eliminate that requirement, as it seems a little too restrictive. I initially just wrote JavLuv for my own use, so I made some assumptions like that about how the movies are organized.

I'll focus on two new features for the next release:
* Support for scanning movies stored in a single folder
* Automatic download of cover image along with metadata scraping.

This will make things a lot easier for people who just have a bunch of movies (and nothing else) stored in a single folder.