You're probably right, and Kawaii VR hasn't cut back on their releases, it's just that the last few I didn't like, and I haven't watched them. It's been quite some time since I've bought a VR of theirs.
Ha ha, you're really pissed off with ZAMPA lately.... He is a very uneven director. He has filmed very immersive VRs, and others that are the opposite. He has also “spoiled” some of them for me lately... But in many cases you don't know if they are his decisions, or the studio's... Now everybody is into clothes, costumes and oil...
So far I've not noticed any drop in quality besides one detail (more about that later). I suspect it's just pure economics
I have noticed a drop in quality in Unfinished VR. That they shot so many movies with the girl only from the front, is an example. That would have been unthinkable one or two years ago with Unfinished. No director who considers himself a professional shoots a VR and only shows the girl from the front. That's a botched job that even trash studios don't do.
They have also started using a “template” like KMP. Many of their latest movies are identical, with the same camera angles and positions. Even using different directors. Not that I mind, because their “template” is my favorite kind of VR movie: pretty girl in bed, naked and face-to-face scenes. No complains. But I'm afraid if they don't sell everything they need, end up lowering quality and using third rate girls, like KMP, and they end up becoming the second KMP.
There are fewer and fewer studios left that make quality, immersive VR, let's hope Unfinished doesn't leave the group. Please, not...
So about that think that I've noticed which actually bothered me was how often they cut off the audio and instruct the girl what to do/say.
I have noticed it sometimes when it is very noticeable, but I haven't noticed it happening that many times. Maybe it's because I translate most of their movies, and I'm more aware of the subtitles than the audio.
It's also possible that it's because the girls are newbies, for most of them it's their first VR, and maybe they have to keep telling them what to do.

(not sure how I feel about this)
It looks like a tongue with two ends... I'm curious to see it in 3D...