why do women moan during sex?


Apr 27, 2008
Hello, serious question here. I am ignorant of this thing: is moaning by a woman during sex some kind of automatic, uncontolled, instinctive response to her partner's role in love making, or is it something completely voluntary?

Secondly does male or female feel better during sex?
It's impossible to say whether males or females feel better during sex. You can't be both so you can't judge. However...as woman can get multiple orgasms that last more then just a few seconds I guess they might feel even better than the dude.

About the moaning...what you see in porn is totally overacted. Sure thing is they do moan from time to time but the dude does that too.
Orgasms for male is actually the feeling when the sperm is going to come out isit? So the female has that type of feeling for much longer time? Is that what you mean?
I think it depends on the individual.

Zero bedroom experience, so take what I say with a grain of salt, but ...

I do not believe that most women vociferously moan as a natural reflex. I think that a few women might, but that for most women this is something they learn from somewhere outside themselves, be it books or films or whatever. I think the nasal moan (i.e. say "mmmmmmnh" as if you're talking in your sleep and it sounds just like a pleasure-moan) is much more common in real life than the one you often see in porn videos which is the expiration moan (i.e. say "OOOHっ! OOOHっ!" like a female porn star moaning). The nasal moan requires a lot less air to generate, and that makes it a better candidate during sex than the expiratory one. I mean, since sex can be a pretty exhaustive exercise, I'd think the woman's body would subconsciously shift her into whichever gear is most economic for her. Less oxygen to the voicebox and more oxygen to the thighs!
Can someone tell me what is the feeling of female orgasm? Or is there anything other thing that can give you that kind of feeling...?
  /moʊn/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [mohn]
1. a prolonged, low, inarticulate sound uttered from or as if from physical or mental suffering.
2. any similar sound: the moan of the wind.
3. complaint or lamentation.

If you're going by a dictionary's definition, women moan during sex due to physical pain. However, all my ex-girlfriends moaned when I went down on them and they quite enjoyed themselves. Thus common sense indicates, women moan with pleasure because the sex is good, if she doesn't then you're not doing your job.
I've had the type that scream and the heavy breathers. I much prefer something between. When my wife and I have sex she heavily breathes but when she about to have an orgasm she moans lightly while breathing, seems a little involuntary!
perhaps they just are bored...(hehe...)...
Most of the girls I've had sex with moan to tell you that you're doing it right. They don't want to feel vulgar by having to tell you that your pushing your d*ck in them in a correct way.

Admittedly, I like it when they do the heavy breathing and moaning into my ear... :) hentai! But maybe asian women (atleast the two I've had sex with) don't like to talk dirty cause they don't want to give the impression that they are sluts. Now I like girls talking dirty, but they've gotten the impression that you are a cheap girl if you do... so the moan instead... hmm, maybe they've been watching too much western porn?
They don't want to feel vulgar by having to tell you that your pushing your d*ck in them in a correct way.

Women really don't like to talk during sex. You can talk to them and they like that, but don't expect them to reply in words. If she has to start talking, you're doing something wrong. :punch:

Men and women use different parts of the brain for speech production, so I'm guessing talking during sex messes up a woman's mojo more than a man's. :dunno:

A lot of the moaning in porn is forced, of course.
For me, moaning is when they are doing it right. Sometimes I'll get louder or even scream a little, but that's reserved for the best situations. lol
Maybe they moan because you are fucking boring, :pandalaugh:
I heard some guys count things or think about non sex related stuff to train their mind so they dont cum too soon. Maybe women are doing it to put us off or as you say something to do when he ain't doing it right to entertain themselves lol

in my experience, i hear a lot about guys wanting to last longer by thinking other stuff that is non related to sex(actually a friend tried to think about his mum/dad banging on the door while they were having sex:pandalaugh:) to extend their time having sex.

But i think otherwise. Reason being is that instead of thinking about something else, u should think about the sex itself, and increase your body awareness and should relax and try to enjoy it. One of the simplest way is just breathing during sex. Rather that sex performance you be more aware of the pleasure in sex.

there are in fact more things that you can do to increase your time in sex if you are just more aware of thing in YOUR DAILY life rather than just sex. For example, you can just focus more on your pleasure during masturbation or even the subtle pleasure you experience when a gorgeous woman gets on the bus. You have to get use to the feeling and not look away from the pleasure, otherwise you lose the whole point of having sex.

opss i think i got a bit side track there on the topic, lol. If you need more detail just let me know and i will try to explain in more detail. I dont want to take up the whole post on things that are not even asked in the topic.

Any way hope this helps:ok:
I always assumed it was because women don't have as many natural indicators of arousal. It's pretty easy to tell when a guy is hard but it's a bit more difficult to tell how "wet" a woman is.