No more children, please!

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Agreed 100%.
Everyone should be free to do whatever he/she desires, as long as nobody gets forced against will or harmed, disregard of age or other factors.
Freedom and peace for all.

Also on a side note to tease the white knights:
My sister is 15 and she sucks n' fucks the boys in her school like a whore and she likes it.

People can't assume everyone under 18 has no genitalia...:thief:

The trouble is a LOT of people DO and even worse think that telling the kids NOT to do it will somehow stop them. Also that teaching them about SAFE sex will somehow encourage them to HAVE sex when its shown to be NOT the case. But as usual in anything to do with sex and under 18's no one cares about the FACTS just what they think should be done and that SOMETHING no matter HOW much it impacts perfectly normal people is done.
The Age of Consent seems to be 18 in a lot of countries which, frankly, is ridiculous!
I always find posts such as the above to be bred of guilt, paranoia, and entirely self serving and motive/agenda driven:

"I'm good but you're bad."

Troll thread is Troll thread obvious. Five pages and counting?:pandalaugh:
Troll thread is Troll thread obvious. Five pages and counting?:pandalaugh:

Well....discussion threads do help pass the time of day.
Well....discussion threads do help pass the time of day.

Totally. What the hell were we talking about again? :puzzled:

Just kidding, we were talking about France, right? :joker:
I always find posts such as the above to be bred of guilt, paranoia, and entirely self serving and motive/agenda driven:

"I'm good but you're bad."


Whose post were you referring to?
Yabaijin is a fucking nerd man.......if you dont like looking at what you call "children" or young girls, then get the f*** out of here man. your boycotting isn't going to go very far.....why do you come to akiba in the first place?
I agree.
While the images are legal, they're pretty risky to have and are most likely frowned upon by the majority of people in the world.

However, a huge amount of user love the stuff so.... there's pros and cons.:puzzled:
Asian women almost evenly pubic hair,i watch clip,film of Japan,china,korea,and philipins etc..., right?
There is NO Childporn on this site. If you took family video of your daughter at a beach resort including swimwear, should you be arrested? If you shared these to promote a modeling career in a country where people bathe in public?
OK, just stick with your 18 yr. old bondage, scat and bukakke films and call us perverts.
There is NO Childporn on this site. If you took family video of your daughter at a beach resort including swimwear, should you be arrested? If you shared these to promote a modeling career in a country where people bathe in public?
OK, just stick with your 18 yr. old bondage, scat and bukakke films and call us perverts.

It's not bathe in public, fucktard, it's public bathing. You don't see families going for a skinny dip in the park fountain, it's all behind closed doors which have (in most cases) separate area for men and women.
It's not bathe in public, fucktard, it's public bathing. You don't see families going for a skinny dip in the park fountain, it's all behind closed doors which have (in most cases) separate area for men and women.

Shut the fuck up till you learn to properly add something to a thread, you stupid NAMBLA member.
SecretPal makes perfect sense.

Hypothetically, taking a video of your daughter at the beach in her swimsuit and then promoting her career with that video in a country where people bathe in public.

Bathe in public, like in a public bath house which isn't always gender divided as you stated in MOST cases but not all, and even though it's behind closed walls it's still open to the public.
So, in a nudity neutral/accepting country should you be arrested for showing a non nude video.

Makes sense to me...

Maybe you should adhere to your own advice in your last sentence....

It's not NAMBLA silly, he's talking about a young female and so it would be "you stupid NAMGLA member".

NAMGLA: North American Man Girl Love Association

I love that your hatred is so genuine. May peace be with you...

The good Aqua of the East
Dammit, I smell a flamewar brewing. Shouldn't this thread just be closed?

This isn't even the right area of the board to conduct this discussion. If the OP wanted to make an open call to shut down the JI section, he should've done it in the chatterbox, random, or feedback areas. I'm sure he would've received a lot of poignant, friendly responses. :evil:

Regarding the comment "If you shared these to promote a modeling career in a country where people bathe in public?", I don't know if its fair to assume he was referring to Japanese public baths (or whatever the correct term is). Frankly, the statement could use some revision. The way I read it, though, was as an extension of his previous comment concerning "beachwear". He may have just been referring to public swimming areas (hotel pools, and the like) or waterparks.

Since the part of his post thats in question is pretty ambiguous, he should get a chance to elaborate before being clubbed.

At any rate, when has a discussion about this topic ever lead anywhere good? Please! Just close the thread before the inevitable happens.
I always prefer not to close threads unless they are way beyond rescue.

This topic is relevant to the site, so I thinkn discussion should remain open. Hopefully minus the hostility...

Technically Junior Idols are not child porn in Japan. However, different countries have different laws. Possessing junior idol material in the US is a legal gray area. You can be arrested and charged under child pornography laws for possessing junior idol material. Whether you are convicted depends on your state and a jury. I would not risk junior idol material if I was an American or European.
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