California Police Issue Real Warning About Satirical Internet Creation Pedobear


snow queen
Sep 25, 2008
nyan land
In case you’ve been living in an Internet-free cave, Pedobear is a character made popular by the 4chan image forums that is frequently displayed or referenced when someone is being a little too weird about children on the Internet and basically amounts to one big Internet in-joke, in no way supportive of pedophilia. Despite this, California’s San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Department issued a “public safety information bulletin” describing the dangers of Pedobear.


The Californian sheriff’s office didn’t get the memo that the people who make mention of Pedobear are Internet nerds, not actual pedophiles (surely if real pedophiles identified themselves with such a symbol, it would be a godsend to law enforcement.) They released a pamphlet (unintentionally) humorously entitled “A Seemingly Innocent Menace: An Introduction to ‘PEDO BEAR.’” A news station even reported on the “menace” in the segment in the video above.

The pamphlet describes the bear as a common symbol pedophiles have created to unite under to easily identify themselves within the pedophile community. Of course, most of the people who sport the symbol or even dress up in costume as the character are simply people who are fond of Internet jokes, something of which the sheriff’s department is apparently aware, but decided to ignore and produce a serious pamphlet regarding the “issue” anyway. As funny as the police warning may be, it’s scary that people who simply enjoy Internet humor could be branded as pedophiles by the police or by people in their community due to one overzealous sheriff’s department and the tone-deaf news outlets that have picked up their warning.

via valleywag
omg!, america is getting more & more paranoid it seems as the years go by.

i understand 'wanting to protect the kiddies'... but this is just ridiculous!!.

this country takes it too seriously :scared:.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Pedobear a mascot for 2chan at first?

Also, I hate people who judge things with single-minded views :guaah:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Pedobear a mascot for 2chan at first?
Not entirely. The "bear" design did come from 2ch, but did not originally have such a strong association with pedophilia. It was 4chan that created the Pedobear meme, which in turn has been re-adopted by 2ch as the Pedobear we know him as today.
basically amounts to one big Internet in-joke, in no way supportive of pedophilia.

Who ever wrote this is incredibly naive. That's like saying 'I only downloaded those Anna Oonishi videos because she was cute. It had nothing to do with her wearing a thong in sexually provocative potions' or that AO has a 70 page lolicon picture thread just so that artists can express themselves.
Who ever wrote this is incredibly naive. That's like saying 'I only downloaded those Anna Oonishi videos because she was cute. It had nothing to do with her wearing a thong in sexually provocative potions' or that AO has a 70 page lolicon picture thread just so that artists can express themselves.
I don't think you understand Pedobear.
finally, something that i can lolled real hard :joker:
Americans... :vomit:

Whoever made this should be spanked for 3 days with a raw fish!
*LOL* I have a Pedobear t-shirt.
Oh, for fuck's sake! So now I can't wear my Pedobear t-shirt anymore! (Just not worth the hassle...)
Fucking asshole sheriff's office cunts!

I'm gonna have to make a new t-shirt now showing... well, I'm not gonna say what, I don't want to have all those fucking lame t-shirt companies (snorgtees, wrongtees, et al) steal my idea, like they steal every fucking idea they have on their websites! :thief:

And yes, I second (third?) that FairyDoll does not quite get Pedobear.
Riiiight....., so, I should only be alarmed if the individual is dressed in a Pedobear costume...

Now that the democrats are in power, I think they should hand over hats with donkey ears like disney with their mickey hat.
This Thread needs more Kuma. :snicker:
that's what you get when you elect a naked governor from terminator movie :evil: