Humans are illogical and fearful beasts, and will seize upon any simplistic symbol which they can use to identify "BAD THINGS." I'm sure Buddhists are tired of people yelling 'Nazi!' any time they see the East Asian
svastika that got hijacked by crazy white people. Now pedobear is used as yet another 'convenient' symbol to 'identify' a BAD THING, because pedophilia is one of the few remaining things that is okay to hate without reservation (rather like Nazis). Again, as humans are illogical and fearful beasts, we just NEED to have SOMETHING ridiculous to go apeshit about. If its not some kind of "___-ism", its religion, race, political parties, immigration, mac vs pc, intelligent design vs evolution, or a non-white President.
This is why I despise people, and I really wish I'd had the green light to kill more of them when I was in a position to do so.

This is just one more way for a certain population in San Diego to marginalize and vilify yet another subculture that doesn't fit into their Right-And-Proper mold. Its a wonder those people ever leave their gated communities instead of turning them into medieval walled towns.