Recent content by C00Lzero

  1. C00Lzero

    Please post all forum bugs here

    Not again! We need to find a new provider if this keeps going on :(
  2. C00Lzero

    Please post all forum bugs here

    Server 2 seems to be stable for the last 24 hours. I will monitor it and return the 1st eu-node back to production… Not sure how to handle this a better way. Some times the network of the provider does very strange things. :/
  3. C00Lzero

    Please post all forum bugs here

    Im going to puke on these servers … The 2nd one worked flawelessly. I removed the one, who has errors - now the 2nd starts throwing errors … Going to look into this
  4. C00Lzero

    Please post all forum bugs here

    Hi. Im going to check this out. At the moment we do have an issue with one of the European frontend systems. It’s the same that got the same issues the last time. Perhaps we have to ditch it.
  5. C00Lzero

    Planned offline-time as well as server-move

    Sorry for the unplanned maintenance; I urgently had to patch the firewall (and in this case also change the SSD...) Systems are back online, going to check. The last script i hacked it working - but nevertheless it produced about 1k Error-Messages per day. If there is a new plugin, i'm going...
  6. C00Lzero

    Please post all forum bugs here

    Sorry for the upload issues. the backup went wrong and pushed all VMs into the grave with IO-errors :/ seems like a proxmox issue with failing backups. Let's see if we need to change this in the future.
  7. C00Lzero

    Planned offline-time as well as server-move

    yes. We still have issues with the EU frontends :( they drop the Connection every few minutes to hours... I've removed the most unstable-one from the DNS Status: Moved to new Hardware; Upgrade of Software in Progress 1/?: moved all Data to the new Server [done] 2/?: Database-Backup [done]...
  8. C00Lzero

    Planned offline-time as well as server-move

    more or less back to the old design (the dark theme is back, too. You need to change to it - on the page scroll down to the bottom and click on "UI.X Akiba") There are still lots of problems. Missing Plugins: force-words; Thread-Thumbnails some plugin is also causing errors when the system...
  9. C00Lzero

    Planned offline-time as well as server-move

    as you notice ... we are back on the default xenforo-theme. i'm sorry, that this didn't work out like i wanted. Status: Moved to new Hardware; Upgrade of Software in Progress 1/?: moved all Data to the new Server [done] 2/?: Database-Backup [done] 3/?: Database-VM-Backup [done] 4/?: Upgrade...
  10. C00Lzero

    Planned offline-time as well as server-move

    I think there was a problem with the backup of the database-server. I didn't really thought about chaning my backup-strategy; so every sunday it will do a full backup including a freeze of the system. Timing should match. I'm changing this (as for your info; cluster node 3 is normally used for...
  11. C00Lzero

    Planned offline-time as well as server-move

    the new database-cluster is working now. Commencing data-transfer.
  12. C00Lzero

    Planned offline-time as well as server-move

    Well... I need to buy another server; the 3rd database-node is f***ing slow :( until then (probably a few hours) the system is back online on 2/3 of a cluster. As already mentioned above: expect a little bit slower system than what you are expected due to latency. edit somehow we hit a MySQL...
  13. C00Lzero

    Planned offline-time as well as server-move

    Oh; I can recycle this thread - nice! After a few years on the current infrastructure - we need to move again. The increased pricing and resources we need (more than 1TB of storage, 100GB Database, ~20TB traffic) are forcing us to move providers. I will try to have as little downtime as...
  14. C00Lzero

    Please post all forum bugs here

    fucked up the certificate replacement :( all working now. sorry!
  15. C00Lzero

    Please post all forum bugs here

    EU systems are back without any package loss... It's not so easy to find hoster, that will accept everything that is here, AND are stable.