Planned offline-time as well as server-move

I still keep getting these PM's, latest one yesterday. It reports posts which are posted 1 day before with active links. Someone has to do something about this you can't allow auto-bot to remove active posts.

actually all links from us direct should be in the do-not-check-list...
but. i did find the error here :/

Checker said:
Link Status Message - Invalid URL (Could not detect attachment ID from URL

they just try to cast everything that ist after attachments/ to an int
> so a cast from prtn-08-0-jpg.2286496, which will (of course) fail, due to characters not being an integer :/
I've now fixed this... Sorry about all this shit. Also i'm not sure why there is a soft-delete implemented o_O

@chompy: please talk to the devs;
I will mail you the "fix" i've done.
Also: Is there a way to disable the soft-delete? That could go really wrong; especially if there is an really old post as the first one, which will then trigger a soft-delete of the whole thread :/

and a new error for links that look like this:
Link Status Message - Invalid URL (Could not detect attachment ID from URL"]2627779)
which is right... but somehow broken, because the real link would be:
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it's getting out of hand <.<

i've disabled the addon :/

can we please just disable the delete and the pm?
Checking the link is fine - but until it's not working 100%, we actually don't want to do something special.
Geo-DNS is enabled.
I hope this will speed up the page-load for at least for a few of us.

More or less it's like this:
  • Asia and Oceania will be routed to the asia servers
  • EU/Africa/North America/Antarctica will be routed to the europen ones.
  • Everything will be provided an ip via round-robbin.

Since there could still be errors: Please report - also if the connection is extremely slow.
Unfortunately we don't have the money to setup 2 or 3 locations with a large database in the middle to provide a fast solution for everyone. Also DMCA & such things ...

Totally forgotten... it will take some time till the new DNS-Servers are available to your provider. So please only start reporting in about a day ^^''

already propagated to most of the test-pages.
Site-Load-Speed looks good from asia, us and eu.
Asia has (I don't now why) a bad "First Byte Time" (grade F); EU and US it still grade C or B.
Everything else looks good, except i could configure HSTS
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Oh; I can recycle this thread - nice!

After a few years on the current infrastructure - we need to move again.
The increased pricing and resources we need (more than 1TB of storage, 100GB Database, ~20TB traffic) are forcing us to move providers.

I will try to have as little downtime as possible.
  • I will first move the database-cluster to the new systems. The old Frontend will then use the new Databases a few milliseconds away from the old ones- the forum might feel a bit sluggish.
    Expected Downtime: ~3h
  • After that, I will move the data in the live-system
    (in theory, you should not have any impact on the forum).
  • then I will upgrade to the newest software version
    we will probably lose some plugins; but there are some serious security issues we have to address urgently; I will try my best to get a replacement for all available plugins...
    Expected downtime: ~4h
Expected Start: Whenever I do have some free time. Starting this Wednesday (due to the security issues)

Also, I will activate IPv6 - at least for the European frontend, I got some addresses from a different provider.
The Asian ones do not provide them, and i didn't find one, that don't care that much about DMCA and have Ipv6 :(

a tor-Node could also be on the roadmap; if you want to have one.

Updates will be in this thread; or in the info, when the board is offline.
Well... I need to buy another server;
the 3rd database-node is f***ing slow :(

until then (probably a few hours) the system is back online on 2/3 of a cluster.

As already mentioned above: expect a little bit slower system than what you are expected due to latency.

somehow we hit a MySQL Limit - which we shouldn't ... trying to monitor

we hit the connection limit... somehow connections always create an additional sleep-query ...

loads of queries - now we are back to default.
Also, the thread is open for comments again. Didn't get that it was closed. Please report bugs. But remember: everything feels sluggish.

Cache should build up in the next few minutes - it should get a bit better with the viewing experience.

fixing typo
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the new database-cluster is working now.

Commencing data-transfer.
I think there was a problem with the backup of the database-server.
I didn't really thought about chaning my backup-strategy; so every sunday it will do a full backup including a freeze of the system. Timing should match.
I'm changing this (as for your info; cluster node 3 is normally used for backup, never the main node (which will all insert-queries and 90% read-queries)

Issue is still there (at least for me), I tried with FF and Chrome. Search bar goes so slow for some reason. Just reporting, i hope it helps something.

Edit: Searching on threads from Search link is slow too, but not Searching Everything.

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  • Like
Reactions: CoolKevin
as you notice ... we are back on the default xenforo-theme.
i'm sorry, that this didn't work out like i wanted.

Moved to new Hardware; Upgrade of Software in Progress
1/?: moved all Data to the new Server [done]
2/?: Database-Backup [done]
3/?: Database-VM-Backup [done]
4/?: Upgrade Files and Database for new Xenforo Version. [done]
5/?: Trying to figure out, what breaks the forum - it's a plugin! [done]
6/?: rebuilding critical caches [done]
7/?: open the forum back online [done]
8/?: rebuilding search-index [done]

9/?: fixing our theme [ progress ... At the moment usable]
10/?: fixing missing add-ons

Until the caches are back online - search is heavly non-functioning.


Search should work now.
@reversevil I will look into this; I got a few very slow searches, which I can use for reproduction.
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more or less back to the old design (the dark theme is back, too. You need to change to it - on the page scroll down to the bottom and click on "UI.X Akiba")
There are still lots of problems.

Missing Plugins:

some plugin is also causing errors when the system tries to unfur URLs

as always - please report all errors you occure.

I did write this and 2seconds later both EU frontends went down -.-
i need to have a faster and more automated DNS-failover :(
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When we change to dark theme, header is still blue, is it possible to make it all dark .

Search engine is now working from search bar very fast.

Edit: When i closed the browser and came back, notifications did not show up it gave this error:
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We still have issues with the EU frontends :(
they drop the Connection every few minutes to hours...
I've removed the most unstable-one from the DNS

Moved to new Hardware; Upgrade of Software in Progress
1/?: moved all Data to the new Server [done]
2/?: Database-Backup [done]
3/?: Database-VM-Backup [done]
4/?: Upgrade Files and Database for new Xenforo Version. [done]
5/?: Trying to figure out, what breaks the forum - it's a plugin! [done]
6/?: rebuilding critical caches [done]
7/?: open the forum back online [done]
8/?: rebuilding search-index [done]
9/?: fixing our light theme [done]
10/?: fixing missing add-ons [done]

11/?: Fixing EU-frontend-servers [ progress / still some hickups]
12/?: Adding IPv6 for eu [done]
13/?: Upgrading Add-Ons: Converation-Essentials [done]
14/?: fixing our dark theme [done]

15/?: test force-filejoker-links [ progress ...]
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Error is what it says. I've seen it before searching for 2 letter words, "and" was probably added in the new version as too common or you didn't search that one before.

Just surround the code with " and it'll search for it properly. So "AND-001"
Is there a chance that we will get post thumbnails, this is the most important thing that is missing currently. Thank you!
Sorry for the unplanned maintenance;
I urgently had to patch the firewall (and in this case also change the SSD...)

Systems are back online,

Is there a chance that we will get post thumbnails, this is the most important thing that is missing currently. Thank you!
going to check.
The last script i hacked it working - but nevertheless it produced about 1k Error-Messages per day.
If there is a new plugin, i'm going to install it.
see ->

more or less an alternative:
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