Oh; I can recycle this thread - nice!
After a few years on the current infrastructure - we need to move again.
The increased pricing and resources we need (more than 1TB of storage, 100GB Database, ~20TB traffic) are forcing us to move providers.
I will try to have as little downtime as possible.
- I will first move the database-cluster to the new systems. The old Frontend will then use the new Databases a few milliseconds away from the old ones- the forum might feel a bit sluggish.
Expected Downtime: ~3h
- After that, I will move the data in the live-system
(in theory, you should not have any impact on the forum).
- then I will upgrade to the newest software version
we will probably lose some plugins; but there are some serious security issues we have to address urgently; I will try my best to get a replacement for all available plugins...
Expected downtime: ~4h
Expected Start: Whenever I do have some free time. Starting this Wednesday (due to the security issues)
Also, I will activate IPv6 - at least for the European frontend, I got some addresses from a different provider.
The Asian ones do not provide them, and i didn't find one, that don't care that much about DMCA and have Ipv6
a tor-Node could also be on the roadmap; if you want to have one.
Updates will be in this thread; or in the info, when the board is offline.