Recent content by Moxy

  1. Moxy

    JavLuv JAV Browser

    @TmpGuy Hey. Just wanna say thank you for the new version, its working great so far and the new scraper code and speed of it is far far better and hardly getting any misses now so thank you again for your continued work, I appreciate it tons.
  2. Moxy

    JavLuv JAV Browser

    No worries Tmpguy. As ive said many times, Im just glad for JavLuv.
  3. Moxy

    JavLuv JAV Browser

    @TmpGuy I was wondering. Is it possible to create a Portable version of JavLuv. All I can see thats stopping that is the storing of the Settings file in Appdata/Local/JavLuv rather than locally to a folder and that way, we could have a different version on a different drive like one with backups...
  4. Moxy

    JavLuv JAV Browser

    @TmpGuy Tested the new scraper with 22 new movies and all released within the last year. Im on 900mbps/900mbps and roughly get 112MB a second each way but its taken like 12 minutes to scrape 4. I use a VPN but ive tried it both ways. Even though its taking ages, It seems to be scraping the...
  5. Moxy

    JavLuv JAV Browser

    No. He hasnt posted a new version or update im afraid, I expect the new anti-scraper is harder to circumvent that he first thought. Javluv has auto update also if you have it enabed and also you can bookmark the github page and just reference version number from there.
  6. Moxy

    JavLuv JAV Browser

    If Im understanding you right, you want the full cover as in front and back to show? I dont think thats possible, Im sure TMPGuy added in a feature that auto crops the cover which most of us want. I could be wrong but im pretty sure thats how it works. If you dont want some movies added to the...
  7. Moxy

    JavLuv JAV Browser

    Call one Say AUG-001 and just call the other AUG-001 [Subs] or whatever as long as its a different name after the Movie ID. I use a few like [60FPS] [SUBS] [RM]. Make sure they are in the same folder or the second one scanned wont be acknowledged but flagged in the error log after scanning...
  8. Moxy

    JavLuv JAV Browser

    I have I think about 90+TB across multiple drives and not all on at once. Now dont quote me on this but if you just rescan one file, all the files on non online drives with be-delisted, not gone, just delisted until the drive is back online. And I agree that a indicator would be very helpful...
  9. Moxy

    Trying my best to help

    Trying my best to help
  10. Moxy

    JavLuv JAV Browser

    If Im getting this right. You are scanning your files in JavLuv and you are getting a lot of blank covers for Video IDs it doesn't recognise or no scraper for? and then you wish to delete them from JavLuv? If this is the case. Do you want to keep the Videos? If not then go back to the main...
  11. Moxy

    JavLuv JAV Browser

    Yeah it does. I usually manually add them via or as many variations as possible. If a blank dupe occurs then Ive found it best to merge the 2 and then a alternate of the reversed name is created rather than deleting the blank actress and adding the reversed name manually as ofc you...
  12. Moxy

    JavLuv JAV Browser

    Its a pain atm but I haven't found a way yet to get around the JavLibrary issue and Javlibrary now is giving me headache just loading it in my browser due to be running a VPN and Adblockers. If javlibrary even scrapes the data then the names will be reversed and a blank actress is created. Its...
  13. Moxy

    JavLuv JAV Browser

    Another small update of the JavLibrary issue. Be careful also of your actress data, Id back up just incase. Ive had several that have created new actresses for movies and ive been baffled to why but its simply putting the scraped data the Javlibrary way of reversed as in: Akari Asagiri to...
  14. Moxy

    JavLuv JAV Browser

    It seems to be a little more obscure titles it misses although Ive manually checked the scrapers and the info is present. As you said, must be a counter measure to avoid scraping maybe.
  15. Moxy

    JavLuv JAV Browser

    Are you getting A message after scanning saying "This file exists somewhere else in Your collection"? Im also sure theres a setting you can toggle to make covers or .nfo for movies it finds no Info on. TmpGuy will help you better ofc Here it is under settings. If you are a new user then a...