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  • Thank you very much for uploading Tamaki Mai's DMOW-101 and DOHI-021 in 1080p *-*

    There's hope once again ^_^

    Best Regards.
    hi there, say do you also have a free link for [PPPD-415] 超高級巨乳レンタル彼女 JULIA ?
    Would be much appreciated
    those are free links
    hi,Yipman,Can you continue to update the JUX series?tks
    Oh yes, because the watermarks and the the audio lag for this label is just ... a sacrilege.
    Hi, Yipman, Finally I found a way to access FileJoker. I will register a premium account via your link if FileJoker can work with IDM (Internet Download Manager) or other download accelerator. Can FileJoker work with IDM or other download accelerator? Thanks.
    NKKD001 胸糞注意 昔から気弱だった僕に人生初の彼女が出来たのですが先日たまたま地元のDQN武丸先輩にそのコトがバレてしまって今度オメーのカノジョ紹介しろやと脅されて仕方無くマジメな彼女をDQNの部屋に連れて行った時の話しです
    to filejoker premium pls.

    Hi Yipman, I have actived the premium 5 minutes ago by above link. Can I request the HD version of some old JAVs? For example, can you get the HD version of JUC-942 and JUC-759? If you can, please post them, if u can not get HD version, then I request LZPL-002 and DKFY-065.
    By the way, I really want to get the FHD version of ZIZG-012, if u can not post here, can you send the link to my email address? my email is cccccccccccc168@gmail.com. Thank you very much!
    I see you have new rules for requests. Though I'm not a filejoker user, I really hope to see some more Tamaki Mai(玉城マイ) releases from you in the future. Not only Tamaki JAV(we're missing over a dozen DVDs now), but all JAV was crap since you gone. Glad to see you're back. Regards.
    hi mate,glad 2 b back.yeah,,had to put some rules or else i'll be having a list of requests until next year. a guy can only do so much
    master,i know my request is shameless,but as a fan of arimoto sayo, i really want her new movie cmv-080.unfortunately,filejoker is blocked in our country,so i can't buy a premium of that,i wonder if u can upload it to uploadable.thanks,thanks.
    Hello Yipman
    DJE-059 (熟シャッ!! 熟女を溺愛するカタチ 谷原希美) HD version
    please upload them to filejoker
    Thank you for always
    Hi Yipman.

    The safelinks for NHDTA-740 - 745 don't work. It gives "server not found". Can you please supply other (safe)link to the filejoker links?

    just replied to your post
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