What is this movie?
:qustion:Just a couple of days I thought "Hmm now I know why there's no new movie out there".
It popped to my mind when I saw what was going on with corona there.
Can someone upload this to a non premium site?
EDIT: I see the torrent of the movie is still working.
I hope there's subtitle somewhere for this movie.Anyone knows about something like that?
I wish ggl would have an automated translation for japanese voice in its services.
I've seen that people upscale movies to make them look better.
I wonder...
Is it the same as the TV upscale tech that the chipset does?
If so, then why not have a tv chip that does it automatically?
Found some torrents of single movies.
Now I understand why they stopped the series.
Seen 3 mediocure movies till now.
Saw some more movies. Not going to see the rest.
Bad series.
Bummer that it's only now I have found about this site and the upscaling thing.
If all of that was a couple years ago, I would have a place to put these movies :D:(