12 Days of Christmas 2014

Aaahhh, the girls posted by Ceewan and HeavyNosebleed I surely only some Gravure idols... :hiks:
5 Days to Christmas
Enjoy today's offerings

5d  23.jpg
thanks for Mayu, I had her for my final day

4 Days to Christmas

another excellent Idol to enjoy

4d  28.jpg
Getting close to Christmas day, time to wrap up some presents for a few loved ones and friends. Times have been tough, this is the first year in awhile I have actually been able to afford to buy decent presents and even though nobody much cared it is still kinda nice. Giving is cool.
Thank you very much coolkevin for reminding me of that excellent pic of Mizuki Hoshina! Had it, but somehow forgot about it. :)

And thanks Ceewan for the other one of Mizuki! I didn't have this one! I'm glad you think giving is cool. So please give me the magazine name and number you got it from. :D

Boobs! I want boobs!!! :p :D
Hahaha I knew it, I knew it! :D I almost wanted to apologize to you in advance for again posting a girl with relatively small boobs, because I know what you like. :)
Ok, I wanted to save the following one for tomorrow, but I'm posting it early just for you. She's about Mizuki Hoshina size and I think you liked that. And you already liked her in this thread.
So here is another great view of Tomoe Yamanaka:

TomoeXmas (3).jpg
Hahaha I knew it, I knew it! :D I almost wanted to apologize to you in advance for again posting a girl with relatively small boobs, because I know what you like. :)
Ok, I wanted to save the following one for tomorrow, but I'm posting it early just for you. She's about Mizuki Hoshina size and I think you liked that. And you already liked her in this thread.
So here is another great view of Tomoe Yamanaka:
Thank you. :)
3 Days of Christmas
no true love, but so lovely packages to feast with (if only)

Enjoy today's goodies

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12 hours late on this one
2 Days to Christmas
Enjoy today's beauty

1 Day to Christmas
have a wonderful time
may all your dreams come true
enjoy all the time

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1d  115 AKB48.jpg 1d   a.png 1d   Merry-Christmas-In-Japanese-41.jpg
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who can resist a Japanese KFC

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Thank You all for making this thread work and all the posts with in it


メリークリスマス!!! (Merry christmas, everybody =))
I'll follow-up with lesbian JAV goddess, Ayaka Tomoda:


Enjoy the holiday season, everybody =)