Country: Japan
Released Date: 2008
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: English
Genre: Adult | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 510M
Plot: In the near future, Ueno is a man who has been raised with his parents' cyborg maid Maria. His parents pass away while he is a teenager, leaving Maria to care for Ueno. As an adult, Ueno's attachment to Maria leads him to attempt to program her for sex. This attempted consummation of their relationship fails, and when Ueno is an old man, Maria's power supply comes to an end, leaving Ueno alone. During the investigation of a series of r***s, a detective comes upon Ueno, leading to the discovery of a shocking secret behind his relationship with Maria...
thx + rep to original uploader sonic123 who does a great job!
see this as a mirror for the users out there!