"502 Bad Gateway"

Very happy to see that there is someone who really knows all this stuff and takes good care of this website!
And it is a huge plus that you provide us with all that information about what's going on and we can see that problems get solved and what big amount of work stands behind this.

Thanks a lot for your excellent work, C00lzero and everyone who is involved in this!
Sorry for the few minutes downtime.
unfortionately i had to so some emergency security maintenances.
Thanks for your hard work.. I never complain, (And this is not one) but simply an information post..
The few times I can't connect, the browser simply times out.. No specific error message.
I'm here in Hollywierd, CA.
Again, Thank you.
Yeah ...
Saturday we had two outages of one of our providers.
All they say is "sorry for inconvenience"

and yesterday our Domain-Provider has again outages on his DNS-Servers, so the domain akiba-online.com couldn't be resolved :/
We will change this, in a few weeks, when we have to renew the domain, we will go to another registrar

Thanks for your Report.

As soon as i get the twitter login-details from chompy, i'm able to twitter status-infos on https://twitter.com/AkibaStatus
running pretty slow today for me........lot of timeouts or dropped connections (could be on my end)
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Ah, okay, I thought it is only me which experienced that. Also on my end it is really slow. But luckily I didn't get any time-outs or error pages.
And also now it is every slow. But as long as it work... ;)
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2 of our 3 upstream-providers got a severe problem.
that's why i coudln't connect to the system and you get the bad-gateways (every time your browser want's to connect to one of the 2 offline connections).
the next problem is, that our current dns-registrar isn't able to check the systems for uptime and remove old, offline, entries and readd them later. (and chompy isn't available 24/7)

they just got up a few minutes ago, with an outage of nearly 18.5 hours.
The provider has assured that they are working on a solution. - So if they won't fix this within the next month, i'm considering changing the provider again.

So, i hope, that the systems may stay online and stable for a while

i'm sorry for all the inconvenience :/
Thanks for being there COOLzero
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is it just me or is this site having access problems? sometimes it runs fine and others.....not so good...within the same 30 minute time period.
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ah, you too, it did seem go a little slower for a bit, bit it seems fine now
is it just me or is this site having access problems? sometimes it runs fine and others.....not so good...within the same 30 minute time period.
this is due to the outage of two of our public servers.
(and the fact, that i can't change the DNS-records to remove them :) )

for an online / offline status, look here:

i'm going to talk with chompy if we want to get rid of this hoster
(the second one still gives us headache, since this is the same as our mailserver, and we can't setup a reverse-DNS-entry. But this looks loke a problem on their end.