8.8 Richter earthquake hits Japan: Tsunami, nuclear meltdown, many dead

I agree. News from networks in the states is similarly disjointed.

They either whine about not having things spelled out for them (I'm assuming the issue is they don't have proper translations of statements) or they flat out admit they're totally in the dark, either way, they have no trouble proceeding into wild speculation about worse case scenarios. Very little verifiable "news" about the situation is getting through.

Not to sound like a broken record, but thanks again to our members in Japan for keeping us as up to date as they can. It really does help peoples understanding of the situation. And it lets us know that you're still OK. Which is also nice. ;)

I agree. Had my TV on CNN the other day and realized that I was able to obtain way more actual information off of here thanks to our friends in Japan (mostly Aquamarine) and much sooner than from CNN (about 30mins-2hrs difference). I even fell asleep because of all the BS that CNN was talking about that didn't really have anything to do with the situation.

Thank you again to our friends in Japan for keeping us informed. Please continue to do so. I, for one, can't stand "news" here in the states. It's too diluted and isn't really news anymore...they talk about what they make money off of more than they do about what's really happening.
What does this mean for me? I'm sticking around but still begging for a hand-pump water purifier and those iodine-oxide pills.
Everyone makes their own decisions in life, but if they ever give a "stay indoors" warning for your area, I'd get the fuck out of dodge for awhile. Especially if I had kids or planned on having some.

You've had 4 days of risks downplayed and truths hidden by the PM and TEPCO... NHK happily playing along. 4 decades of incompetent plant management. I don't trust them at this point; any risk they qualify as "small" might very well be "significant." A lot of people here talking about "japanese can-do attitude," "safe reactor designs," "contained meltdown," "nothing like Chernobyl".. but everyday it gets worse and how can a layman know where it will all end?

Blah blah blah... in other words: I hope you stay safe. That goes for everyone else within striking distance of the nuclear Godzilla.
I agree with you wholeheartedly Freedom Kira. I've learned more off of this board then almost anywhere else. I was just stating what my national news was saying here. I don't believe half the crap that comes down the pipe on the news services.

And your right lowleg26. It does get disjointed from one country to another. I mean every news channel has there sources and who's to say which one is right.

So I was just stating what they were telling us here. I certainly wasn't trying to pull apart someone's info on the subject that is currently residing there.

I'll just pull my foot out of my mouth now and shut-up. Cheers.

Stay safe people.
For anyone curious, Wikipedia is being updated with relatively accurate information on the status and timeline of events of the Fukushima-I reactors:

Additional information:
Earlier today, wind patterns shifted to a westerly direction (ie: flowing from east to west). The evacuation zone has remained at 20km, however residents between 20km and 30km are now being advised to stay indoors, wash thoroughly when returning indoors, and refrain from using any appliances (AC, fans, vents) that may circulate outside air.

As reported, radiation levels peaked at 400,000μSv at 10:22 AM near reactor 3. Radiation levels are being monitored in surrounding areas and as far as Tokyo. An area in Ibaraki reported a radiation level of 0.86μSv.

We're still getting numerous aftershocks in the area, but the frequency and magnitude has fallen somewhat (about once an hour now).
The more I try to avoid these kinds of stuffs ...the more i see them WHY Kami-sama ?

Don't read it. Those are the same kind of people who, when Katrina hit southeast America (where there is a very large Christian population), simply sat in their homes and prayed without actually donating or physically helping the victims.

People like that have always existed; the only difference is that through the internet, they have a larger audience -- which conversely means normal people are more likely to stand up against them (eg: anonymous).

We have all the time in the world to deal with those few people who believe Japan "deserves" this disaster. What we dont have is time to waste when there are still victims suffering here.
A little update with a little bit more image. This afternoon the city of Tokyo had a spike in radiation activity. It was short lived, for about the time it took for wind to brush through the city, and was no more harmful than an x-ray, or getting felt up at the airport. We have had a series of tremors and slowly some places are starting to black out with the 'rolling black outs'. Most grocery stores are still short on food, we have been sharing our food with 4 neighbors.

Sadly the only way we can get those darned iodine-oxide pills are to get them directly from the government or from hospitals with a doctors prescription for some f*cked up reason.

Here's some images to show things are getting back to normal. Some downtown businesses are back up and running but with so many people living out of Tokyo and the trains still only partially running, very few are actually able to get to work and those who DO manage to, often leave early in order to catch one of the very limited trains back to their home-towns.


My stash of water


Just some TV screen-grabs




There used to be a lot of antennas and a lot more satellite dishes on these buildings, they were shaken off.


The Tokyo Sky Tree is still there with apparently no damage (although if you go to YouTube you can see a first-hand look of the Sky Tree during the quake)

Soap and Toilet paper all gone but if you need diapers and shampoo, you're totally set!


This specific drug-store is giving away umbrellas, toques, gloves and umbrellas for anyone who might want them. Notice how nobody is being a greedy fuck and taking all of them like the little shit-stains might back home?


Line-up outside of a local bakery - each person was only permitted two items and NOBODY was complaining


The guy on the left had a couple plates of what looked like fresh combu (sea-weed) while the other had some bottles of tea, a box of masks and sugar (couldn't see the rest as they simply walked past me)


Let's see what there is to eat in 7-11, shall we?


Oh yea... forgot... but there are 3 onigiri there (rice ball)


More condiments.... The sign basically translates to "Due to the earthquake, we have limited stock and do not know when we will be restocked - our apologies, 7 & i [7-11 in Japan is actually "7 & I-Holdings Co.])


At least they still have bottles of whisky on the other side of the shelf!
Sadly the only way we can get those darned iodine-oxide pills are to get them directly from the government or from hospitals with a doctors prescription for some f*cked up reason.

I don't know about Japan specifically, but I know in some other East Asian countries, tablets are prohibited because of drug trafficking concerns. For example, in Taiwan, you can similarly only acquire iodine tablets from government sources or from hospitals with proper doctors' prescriptions.

I have relatives outside Japan who are looking at ways of sending me tablets, but considering how badly infrastructure has been affected (transportation, mail, etc), there are no sure guarantees.

You may consider stocking up on konbu (the thick, dried seaweed often used in soups) -- it has high iodine content -- so long as it isn't already sold out in your area.

All of the 'food' is gone, what's left are recently re-stocked ice-cream. Bottom shelf to the left: dog & cat food. Yum.


Sunday afternoon and this street is usually PACKED with zero chance of jaywalking


"Due to much damage - our shop is closed for repairs - we are sorry for the inconvenience."


Shopping for a fishing rod


"How are you?"
"Tired and hungry, but it is ok, I drink lots of water to make me feel full"
Good lord.


My backup supply of water



Workers checking the pipes

Help arrives at Narita airport - a series of Search & Rescue workers from China. This is the FIRST TIME IN HISTORY that China has offered help to Japan in a national crisis so promptly.



More people from crisis search & rescue teams arrive from around the globe. Here, 41 S&R workers from Germany & 27 from Sweden arrive at Narita airport.
Are these all the same bits of footage that you guys are getting back home?
not here..CNN is BS..describing how the reactors work and what's going on with the explosions...now just talking about the Nuke plants here in the states.

That was almost awesome - I'm skyping with my buddy as we speak and he said "DUDE, IT'S FUCKING BIG" I said "Huh?" Then about 2 seconds later -- RUMBLE RUMBLE RUMBLE --

Good christ, this shit isn't over with yet. Wish us luck!!!!!

MAGNITUDE 6.0 - that shit scared me.
We just had a very significant aftershock. This one centered in Shizuoka (just southwest of Tokyo), M 6.0. Further aftershocks following.
Are these all the same bits of footage that you guys are getting back home?

Negative. Coverage continues to be poor over here. I wouldn't have known about China sending a search and rescue team if you hadn't posted it.

Right now, coverage is almost exclusively centered on the power plants and what MIGHT happen. The time spent discussing things other than the power plants is often marred by self congratulatory back-patting about how great we are for "helping" or by totally inappropriate questions about "what this means for us".

Believe me when I say that all non-Japanese residents on this board have learned far more from your posts and photos than they have from watching/reading the "news" in their locale.

Thank you very much for your updates and photos, aquamarine. Be careful and stay safe.
Believe me when I say that all non-Japanese residents on this board have learned far more from your posts and photos than they have from watching/reading the "news" in their locale.

Thank you very much for your updates and photos, aquamarine. Be careful and stay safe.

I copy that
we have got pretty good coverage here, I have not got everything from the news that I have here, but here also offers different angles, the reactors, seem to get same amount of time, as people looking for there loved ones, I never did find out if 1 women found her 99 yo mother, I hope she does, and I we get some good news as well, like families being re-united,

just heard that one 70 women being pulled out of the rubble alive, there is still hope for more being alive

please keep up the good work, Thank You

That was almost awesome - I'm skyping with my buddy as we speak and he said "DUDE, IT'S FUCKING BIG" I said "Huh?" Then about 2 seconds later -- RUMBLE RUMBLE RUMBLE --

Good christ, this shit isn't over with yet. Wish us luck!!!!!

MAGNITUDE 6.0 - that shit scared me.

Thanks for updates aqua and I'm glad you guys are sharing with others! There will be an end to the quakes sooner or later so stay strong! All I can do from where I am is to wish you the best of luck and hope it doesn't get any worse, and donate of course.

I'm guessing this was the quake you felt? :puzzled: