about the "No Avatar" option...


BRASIL, Rio de Janeiro .
Dec 17, 2006
I noticied that everyone that not choose a avatar, the system automatically choose this avatar:

in my personal opinion, this is not good because in this "NO AVATAR" don't have any signal that this is a "NO AVATAR" .

seems that EVERYBODY just chose the same avatar, you understand what I am wanting to say ?

This is just a little Suggestion ;)

I don't want to create any polemics or controversy :o

I think, is necessary to add the message "no avatar selected" or just "no avatar" in this image, like in these examples:

that one's cool.

Nothing's changing just yet, but if it does it'll be based on that.
yes, i agree with fhc. it is a nuicance to see that same pic all the time. also isnt there a rule that you cant impersonate other members (or just mods.. not sure). and it is kind of like impersonating others. although unintentional, its kind of the same, haha... get it? haha
ya I dont see whats the big deal, the no-avatar 'avatar' is rather cool (as it is) if you ask me.
does it really matter what the no avatar avatar is?
its fine the way it is. i don't see the need for a debate on the issue.

dont get me angry on this one!
you wouldn't liike me when i'm angry.

i cry.........a lot.

and say hurtful things ;)
this is really not a big deal. I really not care so much about it :p

This is just a suggestion. ;)

I love to make suggestion:D

and I am now in love to shibuyabashi forum. I am really very happy in here :cool:

Then I want to make suggestion to make this forum all days more better :o

another suggestion: :eek:

I guess, we need more Smiles :rolleyes:

to sukebe :
this girl in your avatar is really so cute! who is she? she is a japanese idol ?
to fhc: i don't really know who she is, maybe chompy knows, i got it from a pic he posted somewhere a few days ago.
She's called miyu.
To access that you need to first register at the forum, then go to http://forum.scanlover.com/profile.php?do=editusergroups and join "ancient protector"

As for smilies, if there are any smilies in particular just suggest. They can be added really easily.

Thanks, chompy, she is really VERY CUTE!

about the smiles, I found it in a chinese forum.

What you think about these smiles ? :p

We can use these smiles ?

in the zip, you found the complete set of these smiles ( some smiles are recused to attach )

the total is 56 smiles :p
Oh man they're awesome! I'll install them as soon as I can. Thanks.

I'd just need to find emotes that convey these...for people to type.
Oh man they're awesome! I'll install them as soon as I can. Thanks.

I'd just need to find emotes that convey these...for people to type.

another suggestion:

you really don't need to find emotes that convey in it. You can just post some words, like words to express the emotion, like "codes" between ":" for instance:

I hope we'll be seeing those guys in the future. But there is one thing to consider: people who tend to get carried away with all the expressive images.....people like me and some others mentally inept posters.... :eek: :cool:
those smiles (emoticon) are very nice!!
Alot of them aren't really relevant/are too obtuse to name.
Oh, please, please, add these ones too.

I suggest these names too:

:Please: -- I LOVE THIS ONE! PLEASE, add it, please "need to be used with "P" and not "p" because of :p "

:ririri: -- this one is so funny

:disappointed: -- this is good one too

:tired: -- I like this one too.

:cute: -- this one is the most funny of all then

:Proud: -- very good too . "need to be used with "P" and not "p" because of :p "

:LOL: -- a Lot of Laughs with irony.

:nonono: -- no, no, no ! is funny !

:???: -- is funny. can substitute :confused:
I've uploaded them all...mostly the names sukebe came up with with a few adjustments.