I've finally got a second internal hard-drive, which means I'm a lot more indiscriminate with my movie downloads now. So first I got my Yui Hatano collection back and this time I've got more than enough space to keep it even when I change my mind about her again.
But what's more, I've been giving Kurea Hasumi another chance. I had like 2 or 3 movies of her before but I never felt like seeking out more of her but damn, she can play slutty girls well. But I gotta ask: What exactly *is* she? I'm absolutely certain that she's mixed race, but what are the specifics? Can't find anything about her being mixed on her Twitter, Blog, or even Wikipedia. Going by her stage name, the way Kurea is written it could just as well be transliterated as Claire, so I'm guessing she might be french.
But from her looks she could also be part Xenomorph, so what is it?