The key is go get several steps listed in this page:
Now we'll get through it.
1/ &
2/ You need a Yahoo Japan ID (any non-japanese ID will not work). Click on step 1 link and you will get to the registration page. From box to box:
1st part
-Yahoo Japan ID (and also Yahoo email adress), 4-31 characters
- Password (6-32 characters)
- Password (repeated)
- checkbox doesn't matter, leave it checked
- your Yahoo "name" (just how they will name you after being logged)
2nd part
- post code (put 000-0000 as foreigner)
- gender, choose your own gender (男性 otoko = male 女性 onna = female), no hermaphrodit allowed :XD:
-date of birth (yyyy/mm/dd), better be over 18 if you want to see the adult auctions. The first box let you choose the calendar system (christian as default, imperial, etc)
-mail address for sending confirmation link. It must NOT be a yahoo email.
-job activity, put the last option ("other") if you don't know what to put.
-other activity, put the last option ("other") if you don't know what to put.
3rd part
-personal question, choose one like the first (i think it's "what is your favorite pet ?"), not really important if you remember your password.
- answer to the question, put something easy to remember
- Yahoo Japan announcements mail, if you want to get some mails about your favourite activities (that you have chosen). Honestly I don't care about it, since I used my trash email box for registration.
Last but not least give the special number code for registration, and press the yellowish button at the bottom of the page.
If the login name is already taken, it will ask you for giving another one, so be clever with that !
The next page will summarize your main infos (yahoo login/mail, other mail for confirmation, name). You should be automatically logged in by the way.
If not, on the main page, look for the "ログイン" name and click on it. Then give your Yahoo Japan ID and pass. If you come back to the first link, you will see that steps 1 and 2 are greyed, so the procedure is goind on.
I hope that step 2 is taken away at that point, I remember the first time I did it, it was not.
Just catch the mail sent to your external email adress, and click the first link on it (starting with*...). It will tell you that you successfully verified your ID. Click on the yellow box link that will redirect you to the first link, where all steps are greyed. SUCCESS !
I think it's only for bidders (to be able to bid higher than 4999 yens). I'll leave it for other brave guys. PROFIT !
5/ hmmm, I don't know since I didn't go through step 4
Now if you come back to the
Yahoo Auctions main page, you still see your login name on the let part, and if you browse directly the "adult" section:
Any auction should be fully accessible now :hero:
A test page for that: